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AF Coffer in Oztroja

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  • AF Coffer in Oztroja


    How can we go to the coffer area in Oztroja ? at 2nd map/floar, shoud i go through the door that open when you find the good combination with the 4 handles ?

    Thank you ^^

    75 BRD, 73 BST, 63 NIN, 58 THF, 50 BLM, 38 WHM, 37 WAR

  • #2
    Yes, pass that 4-lever door (I never figured out how to know the proper combination, I just fiddle for 2-3 minutes until it opens) and head on up until you see a pond with leeches inside it. A coffer can spawn there sometimes, and in that room, and up on the floor above it. You can get a link for a coffer map here. Remember that the leeches are agro, and agro to sneak. The Yagudos are strictly invisibility.

    Oztroja is tough, because Japanese thieves just love to camp coffers there with their 'look at me I'm special and can open without keys' tool things and get Astral Rings. Good luck :x
    Back in Action!


    • #3
      Yes, go past the 4 combination door.
      Advance warning:
      This key was by far worse than Genkai 1 paper or any other key i have tried.
      I spent 4 days with level 70+ friends killing Yags for this key. A total of AT LEAST 13 hours time. Saw 4 keys during that time (lost lots first 3)
      With level 70+s it was quick kills and basically owned the upper floor. We had to have killed about 300-400 Yags up there. It was insane. One of the people was a 71DRK that said he got his key for when he did his AF there in 4 kills (got lucky i not so lucky)
      But i got my BRD testimony, Goddess Hymnus, Shining Fantasia, Warding Round, and Valor Minuet IV while we were trying for the key. So it was also nice that i dont have to worry about those later.
      I got super lucky finding my coffer there since Invisible THFs were running all over the place trying to pop for Astral rings.
      (which by the way almost isnt worth the time anymore with Astral price drops when you can spend less time farming items for more money)
      **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
      +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

      If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.

