I just think he's a idiot trying to get attention. He doesnt have a clue what he is talking about obviously either. and l33t speak is just bad. Please Die.
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The bard who did not live ...
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Originally posted by Herk
Faranim, now there is a good bard. Setheron you should check out Faranim's video of BCNM 40 at Belgas Dias. There is good incite on how to be an effective bard in BCNM 40.
I hope you aren't as foolish as they made you sound, Setheron. Out of curiousity, do you think the brd should be tanking the black mandragora, or that you need to draw your weapon at all? Do you think chr does not increase capability of landing sleep? Do you think that instruments break?
I am just curious if it is possible for somebody to be that ridiculous.
BTW thanks for this thread I had a huge laugh first thing this morningOutaru
used to be:
Rank 9.5
72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
Full RSE Set <--sold
Complete AF set. <-- what a pain
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Heh. I'm glad this f*cktard isn't on Pandemonium.
I generally don't feed these kind of threads... but this is too much!
BRD subbing WAR?
Maybe for leveling initially before going to V. Dunes, ...possibly. I know of a few folks that did that subbed WAR to speed up leveling up to level 10-12, then they switched thier sub to WHM for joining a PT.
Even if you were a Galka BRD, (not a particularly good combination) trying to tank *ANYTHING* in a PT setup when you have melees far better suited to it than you... as a Hume loaded up with great +HP equipment, you'd be still get killed rather fast.
But of course, an effective BRD won't load up only +HP items beyond what you couldn't stick +CHR into... since his job is not to tank, but to support.
Breaking Mary's Horn? That was hilarious! Setheron, I bet the guy who told you that was f*cking with your head after he saw what a "noob" you were, and then making an arse of your self trying to be "l33t"...
And all that l33t speak... it made my eyes bleed, reading through those rancid, festering sh*tpiles of l33t you posted. For that, you should die most painfully.
I would have punted you from the PT at the very first use of l33tspeak; it almost always gaurantees that the user is a twit.
If you do choose to do the world a favor and slit your wrists... remember: the razor should go "down the road", not "accross the street".Seeker_Onos
:::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
:::: Kirin Captivator ::::
:::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
:::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~
BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs
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Wow you all really believe what you read ? eh ? You all should check out the forum "I have 15 million gil what shoud i do with it". and post some replies on that. Not only are all the things tonkz said are stupid but non believeable
1) would he invite me knowing i had war subd ? i dont think so therefore i didnt have it sub
2)Marys horn breaking ? if i used an instrument till 40 i would know if they cna break or not ? easily dismissed.
3) If i did all these terrible things in the BCNM why continue to BCNM with me ?
bucnh of other crap i can easily dismiss and its sad that so many people bought a pathetics attempt of a darknight to get back at me.
***** The one I am most dissapointed at is Faranim, for he shouldve known better***** as for the rest of u bards get a clue, and if you think these things are true then it is no tme the idiot but tonkz for inviting a bard/war ( hypothetically speaking) i hope tonkz leaves me alone . and lets go of the fact i won the roll
Ps: just because i try to defend myself doesnt mean what they say is true tsk tsk tskm00t m00t i luv to l00t
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Initially posted by Setheron
If i did all these terrible things in the BCNM why continue to BCNM with me ?
Initially posted by Setheron
would he invite me knowing i had war subd ? i dont think so therefore i didnt have it sub
Initially posted by Setheron
Marys horn breaking ? if i used an instrument till 40 i would know if they cna break or not ? easily dismissed
Initially posted by Setheron
bucnh of other crap i can easily dismiss and its sad that so many people bought a pathetics attempt of a darknight to get back at me.
***** The one I am most dissapointed at is Faranim, for he shouldve known better***** as for the rest of u bards get a clue, and if you think these things are true then it is no tme the idiot but tonkz for inviting a bard/war ( hypothetically speaking) i hope tonkz leaves me alone . and lets go of the fact i won the roll
Initially posted by Setheron
Wow you all really believe what you read ? eh ? You all should check out the forum "I have 15 million gil what shoud i do with it". and post some replies on that. Not only are all the things tonkz said are stupid but non believeable
Don't try to cover up the truth. It's funny because you already admited to it, but now that you saw the other bards reaction, you're all like "omg why beleive it wtf", but at least you didn't spam in caps this time ... I see that you've learnt SOMETHING ...
Initially posted by Setheron
Ps: just because i try to defend myself doesnt mean what they say is true tsk tsk tskWEeeeeeee...
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Ok, Im tired of other bards thinking that im not 1337. For people who are slow ? look at our linkshell... theyre all the same?
Please people do not make me repeat the points in my last post.
According to Tonkz we are in the same linkshell yet he got a random invite and didnt notice that I was war subd..... hmhmhm.
(btw the roll I won on the erase was for the whm in the party) we had to roll on it cause Group leader forgot to set to quartermaster and Tonkz attempted to steal, thats why we had to roll. Dont worry everyone this flamer has been removed from my linkshell, and i have blacklisted him on my server. For all other people that blacklisted me beucase they believed what tonkz said , your the one missing out on exp with a great bard. I ask if a moderator can cancel this thread for it is tiresome trying to kep replying to Tonkz posts and inventing new ways to prove myself.. even though i do not have tooo...... /sigh w/e if somone honeslty believe what Tonks says Send Me A Personal Message and ill be glad to answer. It is people like tonkz that ruin the forums for the rest of us....... good luck to you tonkz in ur future life, maybe ull be less of an ass.m00t m00t i luv to l00t
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I can easily change my profile too Setheron, nice try anyways. Now you're accusing me for trying to steal ... lol omg and you magicly removed me from my linkshell ... GOOD JOB
You don't have to prove anything ... just admit it, correct it, then people will start accepting you as a bard again. I'm sure you will learn how to do BCMN's one day. It was probably your first time ... experience helps here a lot, denial doesn't. Ignoring all your mistakes will just make you worst. Instead of argu'ing with me and other ppl, maybe make a post about how to do BCMN's 40 efficiently, or maybe visit Faranir's post on the other forum. (I read it, and it was very well written ... before that post I had no clue what a BCMN 40 was lol)
You make it sound like I ruin forums for pleasure ... this wasn't meant to "ruin" anything, I guess the name just slipped. I hardly ever post and had no idea that many people posted. As for that, I'm sorry.
And I did get a random invite. The only person I knew from the PT was Darkwind ... aka Gbay whose currently in my LS and I'm sure he wasn't the leader. I'm happy you wish me luck in the future, because I must say the same for you. If you proove that you can be an efficient bard without subbing war, voking the mandy, and blaming the party, I'd be more then happy to try another BCMN 40 with you. As for now ... honestly, no comment.
I've had exp problems with certain players doing stupid things in the past, such as pulling at random, not understanding how exp system works, tanks who don't voke, non tanks who LIKE to voke, etc ... (around level 20-30) And i've also exped with some of the same players at lvl 40. Ofcourse, when I first joined the PT I thought, "sigh this is gonna be a fuked up party...", but I realized I was wrong. People CAN learn from their mistakes no matter how stupid their mistakes were. It's just a matter of the player. If the player chooses to learn, he'll learn and if not, you know what happens. Sorry if you thought I was an ass, but I was just stunned after that BCMN 40 ... because it was ridiculous.WEeeeeeee...
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I have trouble believing this is true.. I don't think anyone could possibly be that stupid without doing so on purpose. Even the dumbest of the dumb NA players I've seen are smarter than this guy.
Really, I don't think it's real. It defies all logic, it can't possibly be..
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I could care less of what happened in game, who's fault it was bla bla bla... my previous post was based on your conduct outside of the game. Defending yourself does not mean using derogatory phrases towards the other players and stating how leet you are. Instead of just simply stating your side of the story you decided to start an idiotic flame war. Even though you may be the best bard ever, I would never pt with you based only on your attitude. Im sorry for spamming this board, but I cannot stand people like Setheron~
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"Even the dumbest of the dumb NA players I've seen are smarter than this guy."
I guess the saying "you gotta see it, to believe it" is true ...
I don't think you've seen enough. You'd be amazed at how stupid some people are (some people don't even know their time tables in Grade 11 ...). For all we know Setheron could be 10. But you do have a valid point ... maybe he DID do it on purpose ... who knows? It actually would be funny doing it to ppl :spin: ... if they wanted to ruin their image.
Anyways, I really don't hope any of you blacklist Setheron for this because people can change. I'm sure he would learn better someday ...WEeeeeeee...
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what would you do Asao if you log into your job's forum to check out whats new only to discover some ridicilous post slandering the name of my character. I have put time and evergy developing my character and making him all he can be, when all it takes to ruin my characters good name is some idiodic thread craeted by a shameful Darkknight (Tonkz). The worst part of this whole thread is about people like you Asao
I hate people like you /blacklist add Setheron
I ask once again if a moderator can stop this thread because Ive grown tired of ignorant people like Asao and this ridiulous falso information about my bard msut stop. If you want logic to why this information is true please just look to my past post.
In summary all of the slanders made against my character are un true and unrealistic. I have also learned why NA people are regarded as stupid, because of people like Asao..........:dead:m00t m00t i luv to l00t
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