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Feelin kinda gimp

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  • Feelin kinda gimp

    Need to update profile there on the left I am currently lv 48 and no marys horn and no monster signa. And its not like I don't try I camp each one at least once or twice a week for 3 hours at a time. Out of all that wasted time I have killed marys once and have had mary or that yoo hoo whatever stolen many many times. Sucks too cause I have pretty good gear (+24 chr) except for those two items mentioned above.

    I have been trying BCNM40 to finance those two items but I am 0-2 now, although we are getting better.

    I will be the only lv 75 bard without marys horn and monster signa *sigh*
    used to be:
    Rank 9.5
    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
    Full RSE Set <--sold
    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain

  • #2
    Meh, don't lose faith man. I am a 52 Bard, and I only have Mary's Horn. Signa doesn't matter much to me honestly, I think it is one of the most overrated pieces of equipment ever. I never get resisted in BCNM or in regular battle for that matter, so don't worry. If I get to the point where I have some extra time\cash I might get myself a Monster Signa, but not anytime soon ^^
    Aubrie - Hume - Warrior\Monk


    • #3
      We did BCNM40 several times the other night. The BRD used her paper knife and mary's horn. She had no problem keeping things under control.

      Mary's horn was at one point relatively cheap on our server, don't know how it is now, but shouldn't be too hard to farm for gil for it. Probably less frustrating than competing for spawns and praying for a drop.


      • #4
        I have an RDM friend of mine who does the BCNM with me, we have deicated the next fews days to camping mary, hopefully we get the horn which would help us so much in BCNM40.
        used to be:
        Rank 9.5
        72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
        Full RSE Set <--sold
        Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


        • #5
          Thankfully after days and days of camping, I have got the Signa.

          Still need Mary's Horn though.

          Lvl 52 nearly now...
          This chocobo has finished.


          • #6
            +24 CHR is good enough for almost any encounter you come across. I didn't get my Signa until level 52, so don't sweat it too much. A Shellbuster or your AF knife is perfectly fine well into the late 50s.

            I've just reached the upper-middle game (60+), and here's what my opinion is:

            Songs > +1 instruments > AF gear > CHR gear > MP gear, in that order.

            Save your gil for all the high-end songs that you don't camp or get from monster drops. Your AF gear, while not particularly awesome compared to other jobs, is good enough to last you till 65 or more, and it's free (money-wise that is, it costs a lot of time and effort). Fill up your non-AF slots with CHR gear, and you'll have the stat boosts you need.

            Once you have all your important and most expensive songs for your level (or even 2-3 levels ahead if you can afford it), set aside some gil for the instruments, and just put a bit away each time until you can afford one. They are WELL worth it. I carry 4 instruments - the +Paeon Harp, +Madrigal Traversiere, +CHR horn, and the +Lullaby Mary's Horn. All of them are used constantly, and I'm a much better bard to play with because of it. And besides the Mary's Horn, the total cost of the instruments should be less than 25k.

            Shakara's Profile:


            • #7
              Don't feel bad man.

              I did 3 bcnms so far. 0-2-1 -.-

              I have no Mary's Horn or Signa. I have +23 or 22 chr. I never get resisted if I do it's maybe 1 guy which I can use foe lullaby for.

              The only reason we keep dieing is sleep or our pld got flooded.

              But about the equip. Just get Shellbuster at 44. If you were a whm like me and had club you should have skill in Club. It's only 4k on my server.


              • #8
                You only need Mary Horn for BCNM. Its totally unessecary outside of it. It only gives a 3 to 5 seconds longer duration. In EXP party, you will never be using lullaby for its full duration because mage will cast Sleep, Sleepga over it for the longer duration.
                BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                San d'Oria Rank 10
                Zilart Mission 14
                CoP Chapter 4-2


                • #9
                  well mary's horn is nice, but not essential unless you really want to do bcnm alot etc.

                  i've never like the monster signa, i guess once i have every other desriable brd item i might get it but unusual stuff like the kard dagger etc is more my taste=)

                  if you figure signa gives an extra 3 or 4 chr over other brd weapons: its not really a big deal. its become more of a status symbol than something actually useful.
                  Wandering Minstrel~


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shakara
                    And besides the Mary's Horn, the total cost of the instruments should be less than 25k.
                    I read another post and they said the same thing you did so I went out and got the +1 instruments, most were cheap but the + Madagril one on Fairy was like 25k. Still not horribly expensive.
                    used to be:
                    Rank 9.5
                    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                    Full RSE Set <--sold
                    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                    • #11
                      Our BCNM experiences have not been good so far and I read quite a few posts where people are like Mary's Horn is a must have for BCNM and its a necessity after lv 40 and since I was 48 and didn't have it I was like this sucks... I plan on making BCNM40 my main gil maker since bards can't farm for crap so that is why I want to get the horn.

                      As for signa yeah its all about the status. I got the shellbuster the +4 CHR is great alternative although I switch back to dagger for the few seconds of melee I can get in to keep up my dagger skills.
                      used to be:
                      Rank 9.5
                      72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                      Full RSE Set <--sold
                      Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                      • #12
                        If you are looking for upgrade equipments just for BCNM, I would say "no need". I'm at 50 have worse gears than you (no staff nor horn) and just win BCNM40 3 times in a row (I believe I can win with pt of 2 any mages, 3 any melees). Sure Mary Horn does help give you more room for mistake and save mages mp for curing you, but it not a must. Also +20 CHR in BC didn't cause me any single resists on lullaby.

                        For BCNM, Concentrate on your DEF. Minne2 can cut down 20-30% damages on every time lullaby break. It's very important if you are low hp Taru like me. Once you can sync combat rhythm, you can keep mobs sleep forever.

                        Skill >>> Equipment I would say ^^)b


                        • #13
                          It's cool to see other people are in the same boat as me. Those two items are nice to haves but it does not make you any less of a bard if u don't thave them. I have most of the +1 instruments, 90% of the songs, and tons of +CHR and +MP gear. Most of my parties are killer exp parties so as long as that keeps happening then I am doing my job. If such a time comes when I can afford those two items I'll consider it, but for now just do the best I can with what I have.
                          used to be:
                          Rank 9.5
                          72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                          Full RSE Set <--sold
                          Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                          • #14
                            I've beaten BCNM40 28 times, and our record time was 17 minutes, with no horn and no signa...don't worry about them, they help, but are not required.
                            Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
                            Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

                            BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


                            • #15
                              What equipment do I need clothing wise for BCNM40?

                              I tried doing BRD AF1 at level 40 (had a PLD60 and a WHM40 with us, we got beat down as I didn't have the CHR to sleep the Weapons that spawned in and added)

                              Mistake 1 - didn't bring a damage dealer...
                              Mistake 2 - didn't think to draw Tros back further down the tunnel from the Weapons' spawn point (they had a very fast respawn... )
                              Mistake 3 - too low of a CHR rating (lack of equipment or too low level) for using "offensive" songs.

                              After running around Davoi for various reasons, I saw that I could not sleep any of the IT mobs there.

                              I see some folks talking about having +24 and greater CHR... I'm trying to locate other +CHR besides Shelbuster and Jester's Cape (too low level to equip either, won't do for BCNM40 anyway) and Monster Signa (don't have 300K to spend, or patience to camp the Hoo spawn for 5 weeks)

                              At lvl. 40, I have a base 40 CHR as a Taru. (this is off the top of my head now, sitting at my work comp )

                              Currently I have (+5 with Corsette, +3 with Ryl. Spr. Horn, +3 with Bird Whistle, and +1 with Opal ring) for a total of +12CHR.

                              I'm saving up for Noble's Ribbon for an additional +3 CHR (currently 30K on Pandemonium) and Monster Sig would be nice, but the -5 VIT hit as well as the insane expense has put me off of getting one.

                              Do I stand a chance of surviving BCNM40? If not, what other equipment (armour/weapons) should I get?
                              :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
                              :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
                              :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
                              :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
                              ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

                              BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs

