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My first BCNM40 experience

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  • #16
    Yes, you hit them all with horde lull. IMHO, once you have all with horde lull you should not move, period. Once you move there's the possibility of not hitting them all next time. Also, I prefer to fight in the corridor near the melees personally, simply because you don't want sleep hitting mages. We also use a thf puller, not a pld, because he can simply pull the black one with a ranged attack at a further distance.

    Do not let the rdm cast dia. It is a DOT. You'll never be able to hit the mob again. Its a bad idea to let the mage get aggro on it anyway. If one strays, let a melee use provoke to get it back. Its somewhat of a good idea to have one melee not go after the black one until you have them all under control so he can provoke as need be.

    As far as waiting, always wait till they're awake to recast horde. You should be able to take the beating of a few, so let them hit you.

    Anyways, all this discussion is kind of moot really. The best way to learn how to do BCNM is to actually do it. Don't be surprised if you die though, its pretty likely to happen until you have it down.


    • #17
      The positioning is going to be key in this I can see it now. Earlier in this thread someone attached a diagram of how they did it, and they fought in circle and had the peon mandras at the rim of the circle, I was just curious how he got them there, 1st time I did this it was bad just trying to cover a lot of the cases and come up with contingency plans. But yeah your right we can talk all day about this but we need to get in there and do this and figure out a formula that works for us. We have dedicated all day Saturday for this, we being my LS which is finally coming together, we were struggling for a while had many jack of all trades characters but no high levels, we have finally recurited some, even got a lv 74 pally ^^ so we are up and coming, at any given instance we now have 7 lv 45+ players logged in. And all seem to be willing to help out other players none of the selfish high level crap I have been seeing from some players.

      Anyhow wish me luck all.
      used to be:
      Rank 9.5
      72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
      Full RSE Set <--sold
      Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


      • #18
        I'm interested in seeing how it goes ^^

        I'm still trying to gear up for BCNM40 as well, trying to farm like mad for Mary's Horn ^^
        :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
        :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
        :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
        :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
        ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

        BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs


        • #19
          Originally posted by Talonus
          Do not let the rdm cast dia. It is a DOT. You'll never be able to hit the mob again.
          Why would I never be able to hit the mob again?
          used to be:
          Rank 9.5
          72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
          Full RSE Set <--sold
          Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


          • #20
            I think he means that you will be unable to sleep them again because they will keeping waking up whenever dia does damage again.


            • #21
              Lost again *sigh*

              This time I will not bore u with the details.
              used to be:
              Rank 9.5
              72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
              Full RSE Set <--sold
              Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


              • #22
                Please do. It can be helpful!
                Details worth knowing:
                Lvl 75 BRD, 37 WHM. Bastok Rank 10. Windurst Rank 6
                Lvl 100 Lu Shang Fisher
                Lvl 96 Woodworking
                Lvl 64 Alchemy
                Lvl 54 Goldsmithing
                Lvl 53 Bonecrafting
                Lvl 34 Blacksmithing
                Lvl 30 Cooking


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Outaru
                  The positioning is going to be key in this I can see it now. Earlier in this thread someone attached a diagram of how they did it, and they fought in circle and had the peon mandras at the rim of the circle, I was just curious how he got them there, 1st time I did this it was bad just trying to cover a lot of the cases and come up with contingency plans
                  I got the mandras to the rim becasuse after i AOE sleep them and they wake up, Horde gives enough hate for them to all attack hang out by the rim and they will come. Wait for them ALL to get near you though.

                  Side note: The AOE sleep is nothing really. You wake up once the mandras wake up (cuz they will hit you), so then sleep them again and cast Curaga...since the mages are by you, you wake them all up at the same time. If done correctly, your tanks wont get hit by the AOE sleep since they are in the center, but if they do, one will wake up for a mandra attacking him and he can handle the meleeing for a couple sec while you Curaga the mages...if he cant, then maybe you should re-evaluate who you are bringing along to BCNM40s.

                  edit: oh yeah, one more thing...Dia, Poison, Bio and Requim are big "No-nos". Getting that mandra back to sleep will take a long time (wait til the damage over time wears off). I was messing around and decided to (unthinking) use Requim on a mandra i was sleeping (because sometimes ill cast Eulgy on them while waiting) and i forgot about the DOT....big mistake...that guy never went back to sleep.
                  **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                  +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                  If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Trell
                    Please do. It can be helpful!
                    If u insist.

                    Try #1 is well documented as the start of the thread.

                    Try #2
                    Party: PLD, BRD, RDM, WHM, SAM, BLM

                    This one was a mess, it was total impromptu style, no one was really prepared armor wise, the PLD, RDM, and SAM played musical armor since the PLD did not have any lv 40 armor. So the RDM did not have a body peice. Since we was responsible for healing me he drew some aggro and died relatively fast which meant I died so then they all died. Also notoworthy is that the IT got off flood and killed PLD.

                    Lesson Learned: Don't ever do this unplanned, have a checklist and follow it, make sure everyone knows their role. The reason it got oof flood was becuase silence wore off and the BLM did not recast it.

                    Party RNG, RNG, PLD, BRD, RDM, DRG

                    Fight: RNG's rocked it down to less than half health as soon as fight started, PLD use invinsible to take hate off of rangers, but once again it got off flood and killed PLD, PLD did not have tp when it started casting flood so he could not stun it. So he died, people were in shock or something I did not get cured and I died which of course means everyone died, damn shame too the IT was less than 5% health.

                    Lesson Learned: Save 2 hours if u plan on using them to finish it off not weaken it at the begginng of the fight.

                    try #4 lol
                    Party RNG, WHM, PLD, BRD, RDM, DRG

                    It cast flood as soon as we started PLD died AGAIN and at that point I slept them all and just exited and went to bed.

                    Lesson Learned: This game sucks

                    so I am 0-3-1

                    I think I am done with BCNM40 for now, I am level 48 think I will try BCNM50 some friends tell me its a lot easier.
                    used to be:
                    Rank 9.5
                    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                    Full RSE Set <--sold
                    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                    • #25
                      If you have to use two hours, you're doing something wrong.

                      One of the keys is not to panic. I've had ppl die in BCNM fights and not lost. We just have the WHM raise them, and send them into the fray again, even weakened. We don't even both trying to stun, too risky. If he starts to cast flood we have everyone run out to the big circle (we fight in the corridor, and make sure melee have auto-target turned off in the config) and when they get out of range, he simply stops casting. The casting time on flood is so ridiculously long, you can easily get out of range in time. After the NM is dead, it isn't over. You've still gotta get all the little white ones. And over the course of the NM battle, you will have gained a ton of hate from lullaby and it will take a few provokes (or a sneak\trick) to get one off of you.

                      In regards to BCNM50s, don't waste the seals. I don't know about your server, but on mine, the drops aren't worth nearly as much as the 40s. Wait for the 60s or try the 40s again.
                      Aubrie - Hume - Warrior\Monk


                      • #26
                        Well get it, Outaru. I think we should get a static party in the LS just to do the BCNM 40.....with people who have lvl 40 equipment.

                        Would it be unwise to have 2 Bards in the BCNM fight? Backup sleep for strays or resists cant hurt, can it?


                        • #27
                          Well get it, Outaru. I think we should get a static party in the LS just to do the BCNM 40.....with people who have lvl 40 equipment.

                          Would it be unwise to have 2 Bards in the BCNM fight? Backup sleep for strays or resists cant hurt, can it?


                          • #28
                            Ok i would really like to take war all the way and also do BCNM's but i never see War listed for setting up a party.

                            Am i going to get invites to fight them or am i just going to have to setup the pt myself?
                            Pld 38
                            War 37
                            Thf 17
                            Whm 17
                            Nin 15
                            Drg 11
                            Mnk 10
                            Blm 5
                            Sam 1

                            Blacksmithing 10
                            Warrior all the way!!! or Paladin lol


                            • #29
                              Let me see your mistake .

                              Barwatera/Shellra2/fighting on Lightning day might soften Flood dmg. Elemental Seal + Silence can hold down casting for a while. I would do Wind Threnody on Dvorovoi too (Silence is wind element) if I'm not too busy. BTW I kinda agree that you got bad luck on Flood spam =/

                              Also you got BAD setup pt on try#2 (4 mages pt kill slowwwww. BLM role is not nuker as its long fight, just cure and debuff) and try#3 (4 fighters pt lack of cure and debuff). Let get balance pt like try#4 and do again. Keep casting Silence as often as you can, Flood and Paralyga are deadly. Once black guy down, you can take a breath and flow along the fight.

                              My success fights consisted of:

                              BRD WHM BLM PLD DRK WAR
                              BRD RDM BLM PLD DRK RNG
                              BRD WHM RDM PLD DRG RNG

                              And comfirm that pt that you trust is required.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Hemisphere
                                Well get it, Outaru. I think we should get a static party in the LS just to do the BCNM 40.....with people who have lvl 40 equipment.

                                Would it be unwise to have 2 Bards in the BCNM fight? Backup sleep for strays or resists cant hurt, can it?
                                Hey noodle sorry I did not tell you the results was so pissed I just went to bed. I would love to keep trying them but we have wsted a 120 seals now... those things are hard to come by unless u start a low level character and level it up. I will talk to you in game about it.
                                used to be:
                                Rank 9.5
                                72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                                Full RSE Set <--sold
                                Complete AF set. <-- what a pain

