Yes, you hit them all with horde lull. IMHO, once you have all with horde lull you should not move, period. Once you move there's the possibility of not hitting them all next time. Also, I prefer to fight in the corridor near the melees personally, simply because you don't want sleep hitting mages. We also use a thf puller, not a pld, because he can simply pull the black one with a ranged attack at a further distance.
Do not let the rdm cast dia. It is a DOT. You'll never be able to hit the mob again. Its a bad idea to let the mage get aggro on it anyway. If one strays, let a melee use provoke to get it back. Its somewhat of a good idea to have one melee not go after the black one until you have them all under control so he can provoke as need be.
As far as waiting, always wait till they're awake to recast horde. You should be able to take the beating of a few, so let them hit you.
Anyways, all this discussion is kind of moot really. The best way to learn how to do BCNM is to actually do it. Don't be surprised if you die though, its pretty likely to happen until you have it down.
Do not let the rdm cast dia. It is a DOT. You'll never be able to hit the mob again. Its a bad idea to let the mage get aggro on it anyway. If one strays, let a melee use provoke to get it back. Its somewhat of a good idea to have one melee not go after the black one until you have them all under control so he can provoke as need be.
As far as waiting, always wait till they're awake to recast horde. You should be able to take the beating of a few, so let them hit you.
Anyways, all this discussion is kind of moot really. The best way to learn how to do BCNM is to actually do it. Don't be surprised if you die though, its pretty likely to happen until you have it down.