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What are the Lvl 70+ songs like?

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  • #16

    A charmed mob under Virelai WILL NOT assist in attacking, unless you get hit. I'm hoping this is a bug brought on by the recent May 17th update, as I have not tested charming out while in a party before then.

    .. yes it just sits there untill you get hit, or your 35~ seconds are up :mad:

    Oh, and once you killed your charmed mob, you get NO exp from it. You do however still get skillups.
    ZM Complete
    Bard's Roundlet Obtained
    Rdm LV 74
    Crimson Mask Obtained


    • #17
      That sucks. =(


      • #18
        Originally posted by frogurtx

        A charmed mob under Virelai WILL NOT assist in attacking, unless you get hit. I'm hoping this is a bug brought on by the recent May 17th update, as I have not tested charming out while in a party before then.

        .. yes it just sits there untill you get hit, or your 35~ seconds are up :mad:

        Oh, and once you killed your charmed mob, you get NO exp from it. You do however still get skillups.
        It always seemed to do this to me, even before the 17th. Wouldn't do a thing unless something took a swing at me.

        Still, it isn't ALL bad. You can easily charm the highest charmable monsters there are (I think the Bark Tarantulas in Dragon Aery). They are VT, it's kind of fun. Don't think BSTs could do that without their two hour, but I don't know a lot about BSTs
        Back in Action!


        • #19
          technically bst can charm an IT but the duration of our charm would be like 10 seconds and even if it dies, we get no exp. However, item drops still happen cept no crystals since no exp.

          Bst have a very hard time charming an IT mob. It just doesn't happen very well. Lots and lots of resists. Maybe 1 out of 10-30 tries we'll succeed? No clue but it just isnt very good.

          Hrm... so basically brd charm song would be useful in a very heavy add area or something?

          Does brd charm work on normally uncharmable mobs?

          Bst can't charm undead or evil weapons or dolls (arcana based enemy)

          And I know blm can't sleep undead but brd can. Would a brd be able to charm some skeletons or weapon?
          75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


          • #20
            Originally posted by sudo

            Does brd charm work on normally uncharmable mobs?

            Would a brd be able to charm some skeletons or weapon?
            No, and No.

            You can only charm the same monster's as a BST can charm.
            If you try to do it, you get a message saying "The Virelai had no effect on the =Monster Name="

            I have not tried it out at Ballista, but I imagine it is the same as a BST's charm there as well.
            | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
            Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
            Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
            Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


            • #21
              I think the whole point of Maiden's Virelai is to convince people to do brd/bst at lv75. I don't think it'll work at that, either - though it'd definitely be interesting. (Alternate between the /bst Charm and the Virelai, if there's enough of a time lag that you'd need to do that...)
              mnk26 / rdm16 / blm7 / war5


              • #22
                Originally posted by MDenham
                I think the whole point of Maiden's Virelai is to convince people to do brd/bst at lv75. I don't think it'll work at that, either - though it'd definitely be interesting. (Alternate between the /bst Charm and the Virelai, if there's enough of a time lag that you'd need to do that...)
                But isn't your ability to charm things severly weakened when using BST as a support job?
                SAM 74


                • #23
                  Perhaps if you subbed bst you can use Pet Commands with the song charmed monsters?
                  ZM Complete
                  Bard's Roundlet Obtained
                  Rdm LV 74
                  Crimson Mask Obtained


                  • #24
                    Even if you could...35 seconds isn't that much time - especially if you want to solo anything NEAR your level. You'd shave 1/4 of the monster's HP off and then you'd have an add to sleep until you got Virelai back. More trouble than it's worth I think...
                    Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*

