A charmed mob under Virelai WILL NOT assist in attacking, unless you get hit. I'm hoping this is a bug brought on by the recent May 17th update, as I have not tested charming out while in a party before then.
.. yes it just sits there untill you get hit, or your 35~ seconds are up :mad:
Oh, and once you killed your charmed mob, you get NO exp from it. You do however still get skillups.
A charmed mob under Virelai WILL NOT assist in attacking, unless you get hit. I'm hoping this is a bug brought on by the recent May 17th update, as I have not tested charming out while in a party before then.
.. yes it just sits there untill you get hit, or your 35~ seconds are up :mad:
Oh, and once you killed your charmed mob, you get NO exp from it. You do however still get skillups.