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Mages Ballad II

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  • Mages Ballad II

    I am astonished at how fast a song can raise so high. I started out my bard and at level 20 noticed mages ballad 2 going for 55k max. Last week i reached level 50 only to discover mages ballad II has risen to 200k :mad: :mad: Does anyone know any other means of getting it (nm/bcnm/coffer) If i decide to buy do u think i should wait to see if the price drops or buy it at 200k ?

    If anyone is feelin generous send the song to my mog house

    server: garuda
    char: Setheron male hume
    m00t m00t i luv to l00t

  • #2
    dude, there is a post exactly like this a few scrolls down. i dun think you needed to make an entirely new thread for it :p

    oh fyi, i got my ballad 2 for 8k a week ago or so. mwahahaha


    • #3
      It's either Zvahl Baileys or Fei'Yin coffer, I don't remember. One is life belt, the other is ballad II.

      [Edit: It's Zvahl Baileys coffer, ballad II can pop along with gil and gems]


      • #4
        Really? On my server, Ballad II went for ~8K, last I checked.

        Uh oh...I guess I'd better buy it now :sweat:
        All Nations: Rank 10
        Rise of the Zilart: Complete
        Chains of Promathia: Complete
        75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

        What to level next? (DRK!)


        • #5
          I just bought Mages Ballad II for 150k on Garuda, the price is going down


          • #6
            60-70k on midgard >.< better than 200 i guess

            fyi carnage is 130-140k and minu4 is 230k or so
            63/63 maps obtained


            • #7
              Originally posted by j0e
              60-70k on midgard >.< better than 200 i guess

              fyi carnage is 130-140k and minu4 is 230k or so
              Carnage Elegy has been 90k on Ragnarok and fairly rare for an extremely long time. However, now it is time to pick up Bard once again I looked at AH and noticed a hugh influx of them and got it for 35k. Minuet 4 is around 80-90k now, was much more expensive for a loooonnnggg time. I personally got the one I intend to use and the one I sold while hunting Novv the Whitehearted :p
              【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


              • #8
                all those expensive songs are in the past for me, but i do sympathise.

                personally i reckon if something seems reasonably priced and you can afford (and obviously know you'll need it) then you should buy^^
                Wandering Minstrel~


                • #9
                  !!! BRD songs for over 20k a piece? Kill me now...

                  I knew the new 70+ songs would be pricy, but considering each song up to level 45 has been under 10k (usually under 5k if you buy from NPC) I think I need to formulate some more productive farming methods :dead:

                  *makes a note to check the song prices on his server*
                  Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


                  • #10
                    reaper i think the sum of all bard songs 1-75 is probably something like
                    minuet 4 200k
                    carnage elegy 100k
                    ballad II 70k
                    everything else 1k-5k (200k total)

                    570k total

                    compare that to whm
                    raise II 500k
                    erase 400k

                    flare 1 million

                    refresh 100k
                    phalanx 300k
                    many other expensive spells

                    smn (for vanity - they aren't really useful)
                    dark spirit 1-2million
                    light spirit 500k

                    i don't know about ninja but among the mages i think bard has it very very easy
                    63/63 maps obtained


                    • #11
                      ballad 2 is in castle zvhal chest. If you a thf that can sub whm for sneak, just go hunt the chest yourself. Btw, it's 60k on rag, and it used to be uber cheap not very long ago.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by j0e
                        reaper i think the sum of all bard songs 1-75 is probably something like
                        minuet 4 200k
                        carnage elegy 100k
                        ballad II 70k
                        everything else 1k-5k (200k total)

                        570k total

                        compare that to whm
                        raise II 500k
                        erase 400k

                        flare 1 million

                        refresh 100k
                        phalanx 300k
                        many other expensive spells

                        smn (for vanity - they aren't really useful)
                        dark spirit 1-2million
                        light spirit 500k

                        i don't know about ninja but among the mages i think bard has it very very easy


                        Add 400k for Erase for your WHM sub too

                        Also, Refresh is down to like... 35k on Midgarsormr now.
                        Back in Action!


                        • #13
                          blm needs erase for whm sub too m(_ _)m

                          Also, the majority of my II spells are 30k each, and my I spells go from 500 to 15k. Drain, Aspir, Warp = 15k, 20k, and 8k respectively. Warp II = 20k.

                          Poison II - 22k
                          Bio II - 22k
                          AM's 30-100k
                          Flare - 800k-1000k
                          For The Horde!!
                          Current Gil total spent on gear:
                          Current Gil Value of gear:
                          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                          • #14
                            I bought Ballad 2 for 55k and I hunted Carnage Elegy back with some friends. Minuet IV dropped to 30k on Odin.

                            Bard's cost is not in the songs mainly. They are better to hunt back. The cost is mainly in the Signa and Instruments. However, a bard's cost is very much less than other jobs.
                            ~~ Rank 8 ~~

                            Genkai 5 ~ Completed
                            Tu'Lia ~ Opened


                            • #15
                              Speaking from a BRD's perspective, yes the BRDs songs don't cost all that much, but every other class can farm at least 50% better than a bard can. A WHM can solo decently with a THF sub (50% better), a BLM can solo very well with a THF sub (75% better) and a RDM can solo very well with a THF sub (75% better). A BRD ... farming with a THF sub... lesse... bad idea.
                              So, lets say we use our main as a sub for farming... sub bard? you serious? It's doable, just not as well as a WHM/RDM, not too sure about subbing BLM...

