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Bard Genkai 5 Help

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  • #16
    Well I beat Maat yesterday XD
    Was alot easier than I thought too...

    I used my same strategy that I posted on the first page, except this time I didn't accidentally lose all my TP from switching to Signa XD

    Maat: take this you whippersnapper!
    Maat uses Spinning Attack
    Teffie takes 104 points of damage

    Thats the only WS he did the entire fight XD I didn't even get lower than half my HP too.
    | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
    Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
    Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
    Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


    • #17
      \( ; /

      You can guess....

      181 dagger now, fighting lizards in den of rancor won't up my dagger skill, even though they are IT.. guess 181 is way too low for skill ups even after 300% tp gain on them (not even .1).

      Castle Ozotra isn't giving skill ups anymore, where do you suggest I can take a skill up PT that will get it 200+ while keeping their interests for profits?

      I think my failures lie in my inability to hit him, even with life belt. I miss 3/4 of the time. Definately need 210+ dagger before my next meeting.


      • #18
        Hello all. I'm a level 70 brd who finally beat Maat today so I just wanted to post my experience here. The equipment I went in with was:

        AF Hat
        AF Gloves
        Carapace Breastplate
        Beak Trousers
        Beak Mantle +1
        AF Shoes
        Phalanx ring, DEX+2 ring
        AGI+2 earring, Minstrel Earring
        Opo opo necklace
        Cermet Sword
        Siren Flute, Horn+1

        My combat skills are as follow:
        Sword: 178
        Parrying: 70
        Evasion: 189

        Steam Crab
        Selbina Milk
        Icarus Wing

        The strat I used was the double paeon one. Here are the steps that I did:

        1. Used 1 icarus wing, then followed up with 4 sleeping potions to get TP to around 190%.
        2. I ate the steamed crab and used soul voice. I then played Paoen 3 followed by paeon 4.
        3. Went to Maat, played Requiem and then Elegy

        After that, I just whacked at him with my sword until it was at 300% and used Spirit within for around 300 damage (playing Finale if he does buffs like Minuet or Minne). After that, he did dragon kick on me for about 300-400 damage. I then drank a few hi potions to get HP back up, and just whacked at him some more, then did 1 last finale and he gave up. Battle clear time was 7min and 28secs.

        I only used a total of 7 hi-potions for this fight. I hope this helps anyone who is about to fight Maat soon

        Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm a taru bard


        • #19
          which dagger is best for this?

          i'm going to try with a stun knife i think...
          Wandering Minstrel~


          • #20
            Absolute best(from pure damage output stance) but one you're not likely to get is Daylight dagger.

            After that i'd choose Stun knife. Garuda's dagger might be interesting if you can keep him silenced so he can't elegy/requiem you. Despite all this, I completed it with a measly demon knife.


            • #21
              i won by using stun knife


              • #22
                I was using a Darksteel Baselard ._.

                I was scared to use my Garuda's Dagger or my Hornetneedle, because Garuda's Dagger might Silence him... Silence = More Attacking Time for him. I'd rather he sing an 8 second buff song than punch me twice. I also didnt want to use Hornet Needle, because I for sure would have given him too much TP, and get a WS in my face for that.
                | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
                Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
                Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
                Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


                • #23
                  I used a Beetle Knife

                  Quality of dagger isn't that bad, I think your dagger skill is much more paramount. I had about 165 at the time, so I had to depend on Requiem (And a boat load of Hi-Potions) to win. Poor Tarutarus have it bad ; ;
                  Back in Action!


                  • #24
                    I think your dagger skill is much more paramount.
                    This is probably the most important. I keep my dagger skills maxed so I kicked Maat's butt around as a taru. For what it's worth, I never missed Maat. 9 Hipos used(unless that's a boat load).


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Malachite

                      This is probably the most important. I keep my dagger skills maxed so I kicked Maat's butt around as a taru. For what it's worth, I never missed Maat. 9 Hipos used(unless that's a boat load).
                      Nope, my boat load was 24 Hi-Potions and a Vile Elixir +1
                      Back in Action!


                      • #26
                        Just to update, I won genkai 5. 72 now having dreams about marzuka, anyway.

                        Won just 15 seconds over record and only used 5 highpotions (which I probibly in the end didn't even need).

                        213 dagger skill, garuda dagger (don't think it ever did silence, go with stun). Full carapace, 2 phalnax (sold after battle), borrowed life belt.

                        Did selbina milk (finale buffer, each time he finale'd, it hit the milk, lucky~), soulvoice, double paeon, eulegy, requiem, finale, and finaled when I needed. Didn't do anything fancy with sleeping potions opo-opo icarus wings or anything.

                        If I can cite the most important factors to my success over my crappy failures before:
                        200+ dagger skill, you need to hit him.
                        Full carapace. Carapace gives more defbonus the less HP you have, you just can't go without it.
                        The Lv70JSE earring: latent effect -30% physical. Soon as it kicked in it was noticeable, I think it took off damage before my armor was calculated, MUCH easier time with it.
                        Had to wait about 4 days for one to be in stock though. If' youre 65 or so now, start watching for it to be in stock and grab it while you can, it's a BC30 (lv70) and only sells for a few k at most.

                        I went in prepared to go into double overtime. Between my last failures I did the last 2 gobbie bags, cut down my inventory that I could and got about 30 high-potions. After I only used 5 I got a little mad about having to sell back all these potions, but winning was a nice bonus~


                        • #27
                          How much gil do you think it cost to survive genkai 5?


                          • #28
                            Do you recommend using Dagger or Sword?

                            I don't think Staff and Club apply =P
                            World: Ragnarok

                            Name: Lol

                            WHM - 34
                            BLM - 17
                            BRD - 25

                            Always wants to chat for fun. =)


                            • #29
                              i guess if you have Spirits Within, sword is probably better.

                              but i have 205 or so dagger and i can't be bothered leveling sword^^
                              Wandering Minstrel~


                              • #30
                                ok well it went pretty smooth, so i'll just add to the info ppl left:

                                w/out sub i had around 960hp as a hume

                                Armour: af gloves, pants and shoes. darksteel harness and a carapace helm.

                                Items: stun knife (stunned him 3 times, one interrupted his march) opo necky, 2x phalanx, lifebelt, beak mantle, +3 Agi earring and minstrel earring.

                                Used 1 x-potion and 9 hi-potions (tho i was probably being a bit over careful could have done it with 7/8 hi potions since i won with around 400hp left)

                                i used 4 sleeping potions for 100%tp then i soul voiced and 2x minne. with the crab i had around 450def (forgot to check it) i used 3 milk potions as my finale buffer.

                                go in and elegy, requiem =)

                                and he didnt hit that hard, like 40ish..he did ALOT of songs tho, he requiem me, elergy me, finale me (milk is a good tip, he just finaled my milk regen effect away) on himself he used minuet, march and minne mainly, i finale as much as possible....

                                he dragon kicked me twice, but i never dropped below 300hp, after my minnes wore off i switched to 2x paeons which seems to work just as well tbh..

                                i didnt ws right away i built up to 300% and then cyclone, which hit for the usual 280ish, then i ate a wing but before i could cyclone again he gave up lol ; ; so 7k wasted there... if i'd WS at 200% then done the cyclone > cyclone renkei i imagine it would have finished him earlier.

                                if anyone is worried about this, don't=) if worse case scenario and you have sucky dagger or something, i imagine you could just take a ton of potions and win...

                                /edit i should add i used horn +1 hamelin flute and the ebony harp for this..
                                Wandering Minstrel~

