You can't equip an Instrument and a throwing weapon at the same time. Equiping a Tathlum (or one of the new Happy/Lucky Eggs) will remove your currently equipped instruments.
Since nobody has mentioned weapons, besides the Monster Signa what Swords / Daggers should we be striving for?
I'm pretty sure there's a level 70+ Dagger with +6 CHR on it (Joyeuse or something...) and also a Sword with chance of Double Attack (Maybe this one was called Joyeuse?)
Also, Melody Earrings +1 are NEVER on the Auction house, and the Price History only shows 2 sales for 1 million gil each. How would I get my hands on these (or on enough gil to afford these?). I'm currently using an Enhancing Earring and one regurlar Melody Earring.
Since nobody has mentioned weapons, besides the Monster Signa what Swords / Daggers should we be striving for?
I'm pretty sure there's a level 70+ Dagger with +6 CHR on it (Joyeuse or something...) and also a Sword with chance of Double Attack (Maybe this one was called Joyeuse?)
Also, Melody Earrings +1 are NEVER on the Auction house, and the Price History only shows 2 sales for 1 million gil each. How would I get my hands on these (or on enough gil to afford these?). I'm currently using an Enhancing Earring and one regurlar Melody Earring.