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endgame equipment

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  • #16
    You can't equip an Instrument and a throwing weapon at the same time. Equiping a Tathlum (or one of the new Happy/Lucky Eggs) will remove your currently equipped instruments.

    Since nobody has mentioned weapons, besides the Monster Signa what Swords / Daggers should we be striving for?

    I'm pretty sure there's a level 70+ Dagger with +6 CHR on it (Joyeuse or something...) and also a Sword with chance of Double Attack (Maybe this one was called Joyeuse?)

    Also, Melody Earrings +1 are NEVER on the Auction house, and the Price History only shows 2 sales for 1 million gil each. How would I get my hands on these (or on enough gil to afford these?). I'm currently using an Enhancing Earring and one regurlar Melody Earring.


    • #17
      Joyeuse is a one handed sword that double attacks, its dropped by an NM is Sea Grotto.

      Kard is a dagger that is CHR+6 and its dropped by a goblin NM is Onzozo.

      Both weapons are rare/ex.

      As for the Melody +1s, I guess it really just depends on the guilders in your server. On Ragnarok, they are often in the AH for 700-800k.
      Bastok R10 / Windurst R10
      THF75 | BRD75 | NIN75 | WHM71 | RNG60
      Smaller Chairs for the Early 1900's.


      • #18
        i have astrals, minstrel coat, opo-opo crown, melody earrings, corsette +1, jester cape +1, and some +3 chr rings, so i'm doing pretty well.

        i spent a few hours trying to get the goblin who drops the kard to pop and no luck. there's only 2 goblins in the room he's supposed to be in (and a wyvern/manticore trading spawns) so it takes a while if you have to kill a certain number. i'll keep trying.
        63/63 maps obtained


        • #19
          heh, someone up there covered what i was about to say, when you equip the ammo slot and you already have an instrument equiped the instrument will be un equiped :sweat:


          • #20
            Originally posted by ajg126
            hmm i dont think this your setup was quite the best rekiem.............

            Main: Monster Signa.
            Head: Opo-Opo Crown
            Body: the lvl 72 HQ errant coat with +11 chr *maybe its 12)
            Hand: Choral Gloves
            Legs: there is a drop from NM rabbit in the boyahda tree that gives you +7 chr on new moon and +3 every other time
            Feet: Mahatma's boot
            Ring1: serket Ring (HQ chr +5 is prolly better)
            Ring2: HQ chr +5 ring
            Earring1: Melody Earring +1
            Earring2: Melody Earring +1
            Neck: Wind Torque
            Back: Jester Cape +1
            Ammo/Misc: phantom Tathlum is better than morion
            Sorry for bringing up a dead thread, but seriously, I would not give up my AF pants for +3 chr and +7 chr on new moon. +3 wind instrument skill is irreplacable. A Plus to wind instrument skill will effect EVERY song you play with wind instrument, while chr will only effect how often it will land on an enemy. Most of the songs I use don't even target the enemy! I would also rather use the minestral coat for the same reason.


            • #21
              i tried the wind torque +7 skill

              i tested it by casting minne and minuet on myself with it off and on

              song duration: unchanged
              song strength: +1 (e.g. +56 vs +57)
              song range (tested by having teammate moved closer until it landed): unchanged

              so is it really worth a few points of +skill if +7 skill doesn't seem to do a damn thing?
              63/63 maps obtained


              • #22

                Hi Joe,

                I noticed something strange with the +skill items.
                I think it make no effect if you don't level your skill post your cap (i meant it don't raise the skill, but raise the skill cap!)

                so if you maximum is 210 for wind, when you equip the wind torque it raise to 217 maximum, but you need to go raise your skill from 210 -> 217 to see some effect (gonna test the effect too at home later, but need 1 level 1st i saw that using the AF legs).

                Looks in your magic skill and is your wind skill still at same level but uncapped when you equip the torque or have you already raised your skill over the cap so when the torque is equipped your skill raised from seven and is still capped ?

                (i hope you understand what i meant :p i'm not from an english country ...)

                CYA ^^
                75 BRD, 73 BST, 63 NIN, 58 THF, 50 BLM, 38 WHM, 37 WAR


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Faranim
                  You can't equip an Instrument and a throwing weapon at the same time. Equiping a Tathlum (or one of the new Happy/Lucky Eggs) will remove your currently equipped instruments.
         bad. I got that one wrong. :sweat:
                  Fairy Server, part of SuiGeneris. Bard 70/Sam 56/Rdm 41/Drg 40/Whm 37/War 36/
                  Rank 10


                  • #24
                    looking at the quest for the opo opo crown has me dismayed...

                    I need to get a whole bunch of Rare Ex things from very high lv mobs it seems. Tyhoon wyrven???

                    How hard was it for you guys to get the crown? I really want it cause I saw a taru wearing one with the errant body piece and I swear he looked like a little taru king! it was sooooo kwai ^_^

                    Is the only way to get the traded items to join a HNM LS? lol don't know if I'll ever get it >_< And how are the drop rates for those items anyway?
                    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                    • #25
                      Re: ^^

                      Originally posted by Choup
                      Hi Joe,

                      so if you maximum is 210 for wind, when you equip the wind torque it raise to 217 maximum, but you need to go raise your skill from 210 -> 217 to see some effect (gonna test the effect too at home later, but need 1 level 1st i saw that using the AF legs).
                      hi choup your english was fine :D

                      the +skill adjusts both your skill AND your cap

                      e.g. if skill is 200 and cap is 205, when you put on +7 skill, your skill becomes 207 but cap is 212. if skill was capped at 205, it's still capped but now at 212. that's what it shows in the game at least

                      sudo, the only thing i needed a lot of help with was the wyvern, 12x75 or 18x65-70.

                      everything else you can either buy or easily kill with a 6x65 pt. the ancient salt was the hardest as it's a rare drop (1-2 hours per drop)
                      63/63 maps obtained


                      • #26
                        Maybe because your minne and minuet is already capped. At my lvl, my spells aren't capped yet. A simple lvl gain will yield +5 to every skill, and I actually notice at least a +2 atk difference in minuet 3 everytime I max out skill.


                        • #27
                          I wonder, is Singing/Flute skill on equipment is worth more than charisma? For example, taking the Wind Torque over a Star Pendant...
                          [b]Sketch ?i


                          • #28
                            best equiptment i can think of(hard items to get)

                            Body: Vermllion Cloak
                            Pants: Cursed Pants +4CHR
                            shoes: Cursed Pumps+2chr
                            gloves: AF gloves+4CHR
                            neck: star necklace+3chr
                            earrings: Death earrings or Melodys+10MP or 1CHR
                            Sword: cermet(it's cheap and ok)
                            shield: Genbu's shield(if u dont have this then just use Signa)
                            All flutes +1
                            steppe rope
                            Bluecape or jesters+1
                            The other day i noticed that u dont need any CHR to land songs.. i'd have like CHr+62 with my CHr gear so i'd jsut cut that in half so the song will stick for awhile and go with the other half with MP to help cure.


                            • #29
                              I wonder, is Singing/Flute skill on equipment is worth more than charisma? For example, taking the Wind Torque over a Star Pendant...
                              CHR's sole effect is in landing debuffs. Singing/wind (or singing/string if it's one of the rare things you play on string) will affect the song's potency, buff or debuff.

                              I don't know whether skill will also contribute to rate of landing debuffs, though I suspect it does. And assuming it does, there's the question of whether skill or CHR has a greater effect, and then the matter of whether a small boost in one is worth giving up a large boost in the other or vice versa ...

                              Regardless, it's an easy answer for buffs - use the appropriate +skill equipment (+singing, and +wind or +string appropriately). The CHR vs. skill question will only arise when you're debuffing. My opinion is that you're better off with CHR in that case (unless +skill helps land the buff better than the +CHR alternative).

                              BRDs do tons of equipment switching anyway, if you have the inventory room you might as well have an equipment set for buffs and an equipment set for debuffs. And throw in an equipment set for MP, and a nice little pile of instruments, and ... :/

                              Ok, so maybe you won't have the inventory room. ;;
                              Averter of the Apocalypse~
                              Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                              Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                              Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.

