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Necessary to have all of bards songs?

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  • Necessary to have all of bards songs?

    I was just wondering if it is necessary to buy all of the bard?fs songs. I counted as much as 66 songs, but im not sure if this is the right amount of songs there are. Seems like a lot of songs for a person to handle. What songs are the ones you must have, and the songs that are not necessary to need or buy?

  • #2
    It's best to buy the Minne, Minnuet, and Paeon songs. Madrigal at level 11 and Ballad at 25 are a must. Finale is also important. Songs like Mambo are not that important. I rarely use March and it seems like it's just a song for messing around and having fun. Carols are not important until later on in those SMN fights. Those stat boosting songs aren't that important except for the INT boosting one should you feel like buffing the BLM(s). Hunter's Prelude is nice to have for those rare occasions that you are with a RNG.

    Lullaby is a must... XD
    WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


    • #3
      Most of the songs are fairly cheap, so that helps, and a lot of the higher level songs are drops.

      However, I'm still not purchasing any of the etude's, except Learned and Spirited, and spirited isn't really necessary.

      Maxim pointed out all the songs you really NEED. Paeon, Minne, Minuet, Sword Madrigal, and Ballad are all expected of you, and you will generally keep those on your PT members at all times.

      He didn't put in Battlefield Elegy, which I don't have, but I've heard is a necessary one to pick up also. As it should be used most fights.


      • #4
        I don't knw if you should buy Minne. Its a nice spell but I haven't used it since level 10 I think. Buy Minne if you have spare money, its not a 'must' to have.
        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

        San d'Oria Rank 10
        Zilart Mission 14
        CoP Chapter 4-2


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rekiem
          I don't knw if you should buy Minne. Its a nice spell but I haven't used it since level 10 I think. Buy Minne if you have spare money, its not a 'must' to have.
          Yes, it is a must have. You NEED the extra defense for situations like the Giddeus BCNM40.
          Life is really...kupo.


          • #6
            Yea, it can be usefull for things like this I guess.. I think I haven't casted Minne for about a month, hence I don't really consider this an important spell. But yea youre right, its something worth buying. Its cheap and you never know when you might need it.
            BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

            San d'Oria Rank 10
            Zilart Mission 14
            CoP Chapter 4-2


            • #7
              Before i got ballad and etude i used minne and mambo on the mages, now i only use minne if our PT has stopped to build up my string skills.

              I like to keep up to date on my songs if i have the money, but at the moment equipment is more important to me.

              Im lv37 at the moment and have all songs i can get at the moment, ive got plans to get all the next lot of songs up to 40 (dont buy from AH unless your lazy, have lots of money or just cant get where you can buy them)

              At the moment im in the crawlers nest levelling, and i mainly use ballad, valor, paeon, requiem ect ect if your subbing whm it's more important to keep all the spells for them up to date i think, being able to throw out a quick barpoisonra, divine seal + curaga ect ect can swing a battle that is going badly imo.

              then again it'll depend on your level and what you are fighting, and how compentent your whm is.
              Cooking Level: 40

