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Hiss on skillup mages

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  • Hiss on skillup mages

    This is more funny than actual annoyance, but last night at Crawler's Nest both the taru WHM and the backup RDM in my JP PT joined the fray. We were never in much danger so it was ok for them to skillup, but for me it was hell deciding which songs to play. I do the usual 4 at the start but after the initial cures the taru pulls out his wackstick, so I then do Madrigal after a while, since Ballad won't be the first to be overwritten, and he couldn't hit his own shadow at the rate he was missing normally. Since crawlers can take a while to kill sometimes I also have to refresh Ballad at some point. Let's the main tank is east, 2nd tank west, THF is west...the taru is south, the RDM is behind me...if I stand over here when the first sunlight of summer touches the ancient pillars...JUST MAYBE I won't overwrite Minuet on the melees! Anyway it was hectic given the already narrow tunnels and whatnot.

    The worst part is since I'm so busy doing buffs and Finale (Dispel was failing a lot for some reason) and threnodies I got no time to level my dagger at all. :dead:

    P.S. Once or twice both WHM and RDM ran low on MP with melees still in decent health. Times like that makes me glad to have subbed Elvaan-gimped WHM for Curaga.

  • #2
    "Times like that makes me glad to have subbed Elvaan-gimped WHM for Curaga."

    LOL I know the feeling. when I get home on monday (been on the road since 12/25) I'm headed streight out for the RSE gear an additional 78 mp will do nicely indeed ^^
    Thingol - Elvaan- Male - Sandoria Rank 9
    69 Bard/34Whm (30 War, 20 monk, 17 Rdm)

    Toe - Elvaan - Female - Sandoria Rank 7
    70 Pld/35 War (You are next Maat)


    • #3
      Meh in cases like that they get minuet and mandrigal as well, if they care, they get to place their butts back in the grooves they should be making in the dirt, and ill think about singing for the bastards again if they beg me.

      My songs are a privilidge not a right damnit!


      • #4
        Nope, they're just a part of the game like a WHM's healing or a PAL's provoke. That kind of attitude will leave you very lonely and bored.


        • #5
          I've seen that too, and I just don't let them. Parties like having a bard a lot, and there aren't 10 of us for every pt. If they want to I just stop playing songs when they're all bunched up, they can decide whats more productive.


          • #6
            If that happens, I tell the mages to go back to their spots (Luckilly, I always have a BLM with me so he helps with the crowd control :p). Normally they'll listen, but if they don't I simply stop singing until they do. Then, the mage has three choices:

            1.) Kick me (usually not possible since I tend to lead my own groups) or force me to leave. In the case I do leave, the rest of the PT gets very, very, very pissed off at the mage that forced the party's precious BRD to leave :p

            2.) Leave themselves. I've seen this done... once. The guy came back later asking if he could still join though x.x

            3.) Comply. This is what usually happens once they go through their train of thought
            Life is really...kupo.


            • #7
              Yeah, the PLD provoke is needed!! I dont see why any of them sub warrior.... they must be slow in the head!

