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Road to bard

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  • #16
    You could do it like me, in a most roundabout and inefficient way...

    WAR to 18, MNK to 15, WAR to 30, WHM to 15, BRD to 30...

    Of course I wanted to be PLD back then. On the other hand I can farm a lot better even with 30 WAR.


    • #17
      Thanks for all this input. Ive made my decision, im going bard ^_^. Im a level 6 Taru white mage right now, gonna levek it to 18, then do sub job quest, level black mage to 10-15, then go back to whm and level to 30. Then, bam, bard ^^. Heh, and this really nice guy gave me 5,000 gil as starting money. /me so happy.

      Pallys sound a lot like warriors with white magic.. Sounds boaring, only real meele charecter that caught my eye was Dragoon, but I heard they have some party trouble after 40 or so. Ninjas sounded ok, but there just another meele char. I wanna be wanted, so it was either PLD or Bard. Going Bard ^^.

      Thanks Guys


      • #18
        Bard is really fun the higher and higher you get, but talk about hard! Here's the things you do:

        - Run to the mages and keep 2 songs up at all times, usually the same ones (thank goodness)

        - Run up to the melees and keep 2 songs up at all times, often can cycle these for different monsters

        - Play the songs in a correct order... you're got to be constantly thinking of what old song will be overwritten by the new song you play

        - Throw out specialty songs... Prelude for a Ranger if there's one in the party.. perhaps special etudes on particular mages if you have the time

        - Constantly switch instruments via macros in order to get those all too important +1 or +2 bonuses to a song :O

        - Add in your direct over-time damage to the monster with Requiem

        - Keep track of the logs to know when to sing particular Threnody songs on the Monster for huge damage addition

        - Pay attention to the monster's moves to know when to Finale that darn buff! Sorry snipper, no melee negating defense bonus for you!

        - Pay attention to surroundings to know when to sleep (or avoid) additional monsters that attack.

        - Then you can sub Whm, and with that comes the status ailment curing and the occasional heal (i.e. Curaga after battle.. anything else will make your head explode )

        So many things to do, and not nearly enough time to do them in! You as a Bard are a bucket o' neverending potential, but one thing's for sure: you are going to be busting your ___ more than any other job out there There is always something to do


        • #19
          good, cause i hate being bored. btw, how exspensive is a bard? As far as there songs and instruments. I saw that bards can wear almost any armor, but they dont really need to be the most defensive (theyll never attack) job. So i can just wear some cheap armor for the first 10-20 levels, right?

          thanks in advance


          • #20
            good, cause i hate being bored. btw, how exspensive is a bard? As far as there songs and instruments. I saw that bards can wear almost any armor, but they dont really need to be the most defensive (theyll never attack) job. So i can just wear some cheap armor for the first 10-20 levels, right?

            thanks in advance


            • #21
              Originally posted by Taurius
              The effectiveness of a Song is based the instrument you use, and your Charisma lvl. The higher the CHR, the more effective the songs.
              Bzzt. This is wrong on a few areas... from what I've been able to tell, my Charisma level does nothing to help my group-buff songs--Paeon doesn't heal more with or without Charisma equipment, Minuet doesn't add more or less attack, etc. What Charisma really does is determine the effecitveness and/or resist rate on your NPC-Targetted spells--In this case, the Threnody, Requiem, Elegy, and Lullaby lines. Yes, that's it, that's all Charisma does. But that's all it has to do, because some of these (I.E. Lullaby) is one of your main strengths.

              Once you get some big-numbered Charisma increasing items (Monster Signa, Jester's Cape +1, etc) start stocking up on +MP items instead. Though when you do BCNMs, definately bring all of your +Charisma gear.
              Back in Action!


              • #22

                I did ... tarutaru btw

                RDM to 18..
                BLM/RDM .. to 18
                RDM/BLM to 30
                working on
                BARD/RDM to 50
                yet to come...
                RDM/BLM to 40
                BARD/RDM to 75

                I really think RDM is a VERY good sub for a bard, fastcast does effect songs, and really helps you do more in a given fight song wise. Plus , I am thinking that Fastcast plus a Minstrel ring ( I'm tary and my MP is good ebough for now) will make things even faster, though yet to test it out.

                The only thing being a RDM sub that blows is no -a and -ra spells (ie Protectra, Poisona, etc...) but you most likely will have a WHM for that, loss of Curaga, and Divine Seal... but as a TARU i really don't have to worry about low mana with a mage sub.

                I think some subs that normally don't work, might work depending on your race.... IE Taru DRK/BLM is one of the only melee subbing caster that would work but only for tarutaru.

                Just my 2 cents


                • #23
                  the -casting time given from the minstrels ring takes effect only when you are in yellow health. Most of these rings are near useless.


                  • #24
                    you got to look at the big picture

                    Yes most of the time the latent effect rings are useless...

                    But you can easy make a macro for equiping an item then playing a song...

                    Imagine you getting beat on pretty bad for some reason... you hit your macro... wham ring goes on .. then you song for sleep goes on in half the time ( i am talking with a rdm sub) ... whamo you saved your ass... now if you didn't sub rdm and didn't have the ring and tried the same thing you might get intterupted a few times before you could get it under control.

                    I am not saying use it all the time.. but rather when the situation demands FAST songs.


                    • #25
                      Not interrupted

                      The only problem with your theory on the fastcast + minstrel ring for sleeping a mob is this. SONGS AREN'T INTERRUPTED BY HITS.

