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Instrument locations and food...

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  • Instrument locations and food...

    First, is there any place other than AH and Bastok Instrument Shop to buy basic instruments? I think there's like all of 2 Harps for sale on the whole Fenrir server.

    Secondly what food raises CHR? I'm told tea, but couldn't find any info on them. Recipes for them would also be nice.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Most of the instruments for sale I've found to be in either Jeuno or San'Doria. (I'm on Fenrir as well)

    Personally, I can't justify spending 10k+ for a instrument so instead I've decided to walk the arduous path that is woodcrafting So far it hasn't been *too* expensive and it's a nice reprieve for the xp grind.
    19 RDM | 10 WHM


    • #3
      The only food that i have seen that raises CHR is the "Noble Lady" fish that sells in the Fisherman's Guild's for 5000. I am sure you can catch them but i have no clue where as i am not a fisherman.


      • #4
        If I remember correctly, any Chiefkabob (Fish or Meat) will add one Charisma. Also, there's some Salad (TTS is the acronym, look under Veggies in the AH) that adds 3 Charisma, but is always out when I look for it.
        Back in Action!


        • #5
          Use Meat MithKabob or Pumkin Pie. The first add 25% more to your attack power and the second had 40 MP. Both last 30 minutes.
          BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

          San d'Oria Rank 10
          Zilart Mission 14
          CoP Chapter 4-2


          • #6
            For you're Therondy song line, you can purchase a piccolo from the traveling circus, that is located in the nation that is in first on the conquest rank. i believe it is 4k, it helps some what with the thernody song line.


            • #7
              Forget that Piccolo, buy a Piccolo +1 at the Jeuno AH. It's only 10k on my server (A regular Piccolo is 1k) and trust me, it makes a world of difference.
              Back in Action!

