Originally posted by Maxim
And, as far as equipment changing macro goes, I believe there needs to be a "< me>" at the end of the command line, no? It's been a long time since I've played Bard. [/B]
And, as far as equipment changing macro goes, I believe there needs to be a "< me>" at the end of the command line, no? It's been a long time since I've played Bard. [/B]
However, make sure you spell the instruments name exactly right. Capitals and all, otherwise it can be a pain and the instrument won't switch at all.
As far as subbing RDM or WHM, I'd say deffinitely go for WHM, the more I think about it.
As Maxim stated, you'd want Raise. Also, with the new level cap, I believe WHM subs will be able to use the teleport spells, so you're usefullness will be bumped up another notch.