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A bit too much information~ BRD FAQ in the works

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  • A bit too much information~ BRD FAQ in the works

    ~^_^~ This is what happens when crunch time in a game dev studio is over and you find you have too much time on your hands. Here is some information on the naming conventions of the Bard Songs for FFXIOnline. If I have incorrectly translated them, or if the info is incorrect let me know so I can correct it.

    Song Terms for the Bard job of FFXI~ "A little too much information"

    ƒ~ƒ“ƒl?`?@Meane = (meen) [Eng.] In the 16th and 17th centuries in England, this term was used to refer to the middle voice of a composition, between the treble and tenor.

    ƒ?ƒkƒGƒbƒg?` Menuet (Also known as Minuet) = (MIN-yoo-et) [Fr.] An old dance of the Classical era in a slow, triple time. It originated in France, and was a most popular dance among European aristocracy until the end of the 18th century.

    ƒ}ƒhƒŠƒKƒ‹?` Madrigal = (MA-dri-gahl) [Eng.] A vocal music form that flourished in the Renaissance, originating in Italy. The madrigal is generally written for four to six voices that may or may not be accompanied.

    ƒs?|ƒAƒ“?` Paeon = (pē`an) [Grk.] (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity). Sometimes also written, less correctly, as Pae?fan.

    ƒŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€?` Requiem = (re-KWEE-um) [Lat.] The Mass for the Dead; it takes its name from the opening words, Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, meaning, "Rest eternal grant to them, Lord."

    ƒpƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹?` Pastorale = (pas-tor-RAHL) [It.] A composition representing rural, or country life. [Fr.] Pastoral.

    ƒXƒŒƒmƒfƒB?` Threnody = (THREH-no-dee) [Eng.] A poem, a song, or an instrumental composition that expresses lament for the dead.

    ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{?@?` Mambo = (mambo) [Lat.]A music and dance of Latin American origin, usually known as the salsa.

    ƒ‰ƒ‰ƒoƒC?` Lullaby = (LUL-luh-bye) [Eng.] A cradle song. A song sung to a child to soothe him to sleep, or a gentle, quiet song.

    ƒI‚؃Œƒcƒ^?` Operetta = (oe-per-RET-tuh) [It.] Derived from opera, operetta is a less serious form of opera made up of spoken dialog, songs and dances.

    ƒGƒ`ƒ…?|ƒh?` Etude = (AY-tood) [Fr.] A study or an exercise designed to train a musician technically as well as musically.

    ƒoƒ‰?|ƒh?` Ballade = (Bah-LAH-du) [Fr.] A French poetic style and chanson type of the Middle Ages and Renaissance usually having a text dealing with courtly love.

    ƒ}?|ƒ`?` March = (march) [Eng.] A processional or military short melody especially suited to parades, processions, or marital affairs. It is generally written in 2/4, 6/8, or 4/4 time.

    ƒI?|ƒo?|ƒh?` Aubade = (OE-bahd) [Fr.] Morning music; a morning concert in the open air played for a specific individual (such as a member of a royal family), as opposed to a serenade which is played in the evening.

    ƒtƒBƒi?|ƒŒ?` Finale = (fih-NAH-le) [It.] The last movement in a composition of several movements.

    ƒJƒ?ƒ‹?` ‡@Carol or ‡ACarole
    ‡@Carol = (KAIR-ruhl) [Eng.] English Medieval strophic song with a refrain (called a burden) repeated after each stanza. Now, erroneously, any Christmas song is called a carol.
    ‡ACarole = (kah- ROLE) [Fr.] A common social dance of the 12th and 13th centuries. There are no surviving examples identified as a carole. It was replaced by the basse dance in the mid 14th century.

    ƒGƒŒƒW?|?` Elegy = (EL-lih-jee) [Eng.] A funeral song; a mournful or plaintive composition.

    ƒKƒ{ƒbƒg?` Gavoette = (gah-VOHT-(te)) [Fr.] A dance of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries possibly derived from the Renaissance branle. The gavotte became a stylized member of the Baroque dance suite, performed after the sarabande. It was considered a pastoral dance, written in 2 or in cut time and sometimes with a drone suggesting bagpipes.

    ƒJƒvƒŠƒ`ƒI?` Capriccio = (kah-PREE-choe) [It.] A fanciful and irregular species of composition somewhat like a fantasia. Often capriccios are composed for the piano.

    ƒtƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒWƒA?` Fantasia = (fan-tah-ZEE-ah) [It.] An instrumental composition in which a composer yields to his imagination in regard to form and organization of the composition. A fantasia follows no particular pattern or form, and is generally of fairly large dimensions. In the Baroque era it often served as an introductory composition to a fugue.

    Definitions found at the following

    Hrmm.. that is a strange error for some reason, every time I type the kana for BO it translates it to "?E#123" Im not sure if this is occuring on all browsers because when I go into edit mode it is correct. >.<;; I will have to look into this. Well, enjoy as the Kanji translations will be next and I will just be appending them here to this post. ^^ Untill next time.

    ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~

  • #2
    LV1 ?d‘•‹R•º‚̃~ƒ“ƒl Juusou kihei no minnne
    LV3 –Ҏ҂̃?ƒkƒGƒbƒg Mousya no menuetto
    LV5 ?íŽm’B‚̃s?[ƒAƒ“ Senshitachi no pi-ann
    LV7 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€ Mamono no rekuiemu
    LV9 –ò‘?‚̃pƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹ Yakusou no pasutoraru
    LV10 Œõ‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Hikari no surenodeli
    LV11 Œ•“¬Žm‚̃}ƒhƒŠƒKƒ‹ Kentoushi no madorigaru
    LV12 ˆÅ‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Yami no surenodeli
    LV13 “¬—rŽm‚̃}ƒ“?E#123; Tou you shi no mannbo
    LV14 “y‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Tuchi no surenodeli
    LV15 ?íŽm’B‚̃s?[ƒAƒ“II Senshitachi no pi-ann II
    LV16 ?…‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Mizu no surenodeli
    LV16 –‚•¨‚̃‰ƒ‰ƒoƒC Mamono no rarabai
    LV17 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€II Mamono no rekuiemu II
    LV18 •—‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Kaze no surenodeli
    LV19 ?¬˜b‚̃IƒyƒŒƒbƒ^ Kobanashi no operetta
    LV20 ‰Š‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Honoo no surenodeli
    LV21 ?d‘•‹R•º‚̃~ƒ“ƒlII Juusou kihei no minnne II
    LV22 –£—¹‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Miryou no etyu-do
    LV22 •X‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Koori no surenodeli
    LV23 –Ҏ҂̃?ƒkƒGƒbƒgII Mousya no menuetto II
    LV24 ?¸?_‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Seishin no etyu-do
    LV24 —‹‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Kaminari no surenodeli
    LV25 –‚“¹Žm‚̃oƒ‰?[ƒh Madoushi no bara-do
    LV26 ’mŒb‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Chie no etyu-do
    LV27 –‚•¨’B‚̃‰ƒ‰ƒoƒC Mamonotachi no rarabai
    LV28 ‹@•q‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Kibinn no etyu-do
    LV29 –³“G‚Ì?iŒ‚ƒ}?[ƒ` Muteki no shingeki ma-chi
    LV30 Œ³‹C‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Genki no etyu-do
    LV31 Žë?l‚̃vƒŒƒŠƒ…?[ƒh Karyuudo no pureryu-do
    LV32 Ší—p‚̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Kiyou no etyu-do
    LV33 –‚–@‚̃tƒBƒi?[ƒŒ Mahou no fina-re
    LV33 ?E#123;‚̃I?[ƒo?[ƒh Niwatori no o-ba-do
    LV34 ?„—͂̃Gƒ`ƒ…?[ƒh Gouriki no etyu-do
    LV35 ?íŽm’B‚̃s?[ƒAƒ“III Senshitachi no pi-ann III
    LV36 ‘ÏŒõƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taikou karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV37 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€III Mamono no rekuiemu III
    LV38 ‘Ï?kƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taishinn karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV39 ?í?ê‚̃GƒŒƒW?[ Senjou no ereji-
    LV40 ‘Ï”gƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Tainami karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV41 ?d‘•‹R•º‚̃~ƒ“ƒlIII Juusou kihei no minnne III
    LV42 ‘Ï•—ƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taihuu karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV43 –Ҏ҂̃?ƒkƒGƒbƒgIII Mousya no menuetto
    LV44 ‘ω΃Jƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taika karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV45 ?íŽm’B‚̃s?[ƒAƒ“IV Senshitachi no pi-ann IV
    LV46 ‘ÏŠ¦ƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taikann karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV47 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€IV Mamono no rekuiemu IV
    LV48 ‘Ï“dƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taiden karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV49 ƒSƒuƒŠƒ“‚̃K?E#123;ƒbƒg Gobrin no gabotto
    LV50 ‘ψŃJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taiyami karoru daiichigakusyou
    LV51 Œ•?‹‚̃}ƒhƒŠƒKƒ‹ Kengou no madorigaru
    LV53 “¬—´Žm‚̃}ƒ“?E#123; Tou ryuu shi no Manbo
    LV54 ‰©‹à‚̃JƒvƒŠƒ`ƒI Ougon no kapurichio
    LV55 –‚“¹Žm‚̃oƒ‰?[ƒhII Madoushi no bara-do II
    LV56 Œõ–¾‚̃tƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒWƒA Koumyou no fantazia
    LV57 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€V Mamono no rekuiemu V
    LV59 ?C—…‚̃GƒŒƒW?[ Syura no ereji-
    LV60 ‰hŒõ‚ÌŠM?ùƒ}?[ƒ` Eikou no gaisenn ma-chi

    Important Kanji as no kanji means no macro. Oh and I also get that error too Osaka, i'm using IE something, probably 6 lol.
    【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


    • #3

      Sugoi Sugoi Russta~!!~

      This will make my project soo much easier. Im using a kanji dictionary so most of my translation are pretty litteral. For example my first attempts are such.

      Lvl1. ƒWƒ…ƒEƒ\ƒEƒL‚ÖƒC‚̃~ƒ“ƒl
      Lvl1. jyousoukiheinominne.

      Lvl10. ƒRƒE‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB
      Lvl 10. kounosurenodei

      Which means I've been using the ON reading of the kanji which is all wrong and should be using the KUN reading if there is a seperate one. Which of course I missed for Lvl 10 "Threnody of Light" Arigatou Russtasan~

      ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


      • #4
        Re: A bit too much information~ BRD FAQ in the works

        Originally posted by Osaka ƒ~ƒ“ƒl?`?@Meane = (meen) [Eng.] In the 16th and 17th centuries in England, this term was used to refer to the middle voice of a composition, between the treble and tenor.

        ƒ?ƒkƒGƒbƒg?` Menuet (Also known as Minuet) = (MIN-yoo-et) [Fr.] An old dance of the Classical era in a slow, triple time. It originated in France, and was a most popular dance among European aristocracy until the end of the 18th century.

        ƒs?|ƒAƒ“?` ‡@Pae'an or ‡APiano
        Pae'an = (pee`an) [Grk.] (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity).
        Piano = (pee-AH-noe) [It.] (shorted version of Pianissimo) Dynamic marking meaning quiet. A directive, to a musician, to perform a certain passage softly. (abbreviated p).

        ƒpƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹?` Pastorale = (pas-tor-RAHL) [It.] A composition representing rural, or country life. [Fr.] Pastoral.

        ƒoƒ‰?|ƒh?` Ballade = (Bah-LAH-du) [Fr.] A French poetic style and chanson type of the Middle Ages and Renaissance usually having a text dealing with courtly love.

        ƒKƒ{ƒbƒg?` Gavoette = (gah-VOHT-(te)) [Fr.]
        Just thought I should help out abit...
        The following quoted words aren't the same as they are in the EN version.


        Meane = Minne
        (Def UP Song)

        Menuet = Minuet
        (Atk UP Song)

        Pae'an = Paeon
        (HP Regen Song)

        Pastorale = Pastoral
        (Resist UP Song)

        Ballade = Ballad
        (MP Regen Song)

        Gavoette = Gavotte
        (Not too Sure ^_^

        Carole = Carol
        (Element Resist UP Song)


        LV1 ?d‘•‹R•º‚̃~ƒ“ƒl Juusou kihei no minnne = Knight's Minne I

        LV3 –Ҏ҂̃?ƒkƒGƒbƒg Mousya no menuetto = Valor Minuet I

        LV5 ?íŽm’B‚̃s?[ƒAƒ“ Senshitachi no pi-ann = Army's Paeon I

        LV7 –‚•¨‚̃ŒƒNƒCƒGƒ€ Mamono no rekuiemu = Foe Requiem I

        LV9 –ò‘?‚̃pƒXƒgƒ‰ƒ‹ Yakusou no pasutoraru = Herb Pastoral

        LV10 Œõ‚̃XƒŒƒmƒfƒB Hikari no surenodeli = Light Threnody

        LV11 Œ•“¬Žm‚̃}ƒhƒŠƒKƒ‹ Kentoushi no madorigaru = Sword Madrigal

        LV13 “¬—rŽm‚̃}ƒ“?E#123; Tou you shi no mannbo = Sheepfoe Mambo

        LV19 ?¬˜b‚̃IƒyƒŒƒbƒ^ Kobanashi no operetta = Scop's Operetta

        LV49 ƒSƒuƒŠƒ“‚̃K?E#123;ƒbƒg Gobrin no gabotto = Goblin Gavotte

        It goes on like that. Same Prefixes an Such.
        | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
        Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
        Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
        Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


        • #5

          Thanks Teffie. I never found the word Paeon in my original search but it seems that Paeon is the "more correct" spelling of the word Pae'an. If you have time could you post the NA version tittles for all the songs. So far it seems that Square-Enix has gone and, ehem... , invented simpler tittles instead of translating the meanings. The first song ?d‘•‹R•º‚̃~ƒ“ƒl took me a while before I could settle on a good translation, but then SE just puts Knight's Minne. ^^ I translated that one to "Meane of The Heavy Wearing Calvary."

          ?d Increases the meaning of the next kanji or means "heavy" if it stands alone.
          ‘• Means to be wearing something as in clothes or gear.
          ‹R•º Mounted soldier/calvary
          ‚Ì ownership of an idea~
          ƒ~ƒ“ƒl Meane. I looked through the dictionaries online and still cant find any deffinition for the word Minne? Am I missing it somewhere? Is it even a word? hehe~

          Of course who would want to see "Meane of The Heavy Wearing Calvary" in their song list? LOL~
          Im still working on the remainder of the translations and it would be interesting to compare the JP version with the NA versions. ^^

          ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


          • #6
            I could send you a Word Document that has all the EN Songs, Description, and Where to Buy them.

            I made it myself (Yes I am that sad lol)

            Beta really helpped me with the translation since I spent alot of time running from town to town finding the exact translation of the songs.

            LV33 –‚–@‚̃tƒBƒi?[ƒŒ Mahou no fina-re = Magic Finale

            LV51 Œ•?‹‚̃}ƒhƒŠƒKƒ‹ Kengou no madorigaru = Blade Madrigal

            LV53 “¬—´Žm‚̃}ƒ“?E#123; Tou ryuu shi no Manbo = Dragonfoe Mambo

            LV36 ‘ÏŒõƒJƒ?ƒ‹‘æˆêŠy?Í Taikou karoru daiichigakusyou = <Element Name> Carol (I think :/ )

            LV60 ‰hŒõ‚ÌŠM?ùƒ}?[ƒ` Eikou no gaisenn ma-chi = Victory March

            LV29 –³“G‚Ì?iŒ‚ƒ}?[ƒ` Muteki no shingeki ma-chi = Advancing March

            LV27 –‚•¨’B‚̃‰ƒ‰ƒoƒC Mamonotachi no rarabai = Hoard Lullaby
            (The Lullaby that puts all Enemies to Sleep)

            LV16 –‚•¨‚̃‰ƒ‰ƒoƒC Mamono no rarabai = Foe Lullaby
            (The Lullaby that puts 1 Enemy to Sleep)

            LV33 ?E#123;‚̃I?[ƒo?[ƒh Niwatori no o-ba-do = Fowl Awbaud
            (not sure on spelling of Awbaud)

            Im not really sure about the Minne lol. I pronounce it Min, and I guess its a made up word ^_^;

            btw.. did I mention im a BRD fanatic
            1 more Level to Go till im 30 RDM (on Midgardsormr) then I can finally be my BRD!
            | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
            Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
            Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
            Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


            • #7
              some history: Paeon is a nickname for the roman god Apollo, refering to his Healing abilities (medicinal, holy, herbal, everything)

              so that's basically why Paeon is a regeneration song
              I'm Wrong!


              • #8
                Teffei, could you please post your document that includes where to buy songs? I'm having a rough time finding the NPCs that sell songs. Many times the AH doesn't have a song and when it does it's incredibly overpriced. I'd rather not pay 2k-4k for a song that costs 500-2k at an NPC. :sweat:


                • #9
                  This is my list that i use, i compiled it just from a tonne of different websites (mainly japanese ones) and wandering around the shops in game...i don't hold any claim over this list: its freely available information so feel free to abuse it if you can make any use of it

                  i'm sure there is a bunch of errors :p (my copy at home has a bunch of prices/corrections etc all penciled in on top) maybe i'll edit this once i get all the prices together and confirm some of the high level songs (bastok hasnt been high enough for me to check the 60+ songs yet)

                  oh yeah! my terminology is <st> for single target spells and <ae> for area effect stuff

                  1 Knight's Minne Defense UP <AE> S. Sandoria (in choco stable)
                  3 Valor Minuet Attack UP <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  5 Army's Paeon HP Regen <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  7 Foe Requiem Damage over time <ST> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  9 Herb Pastoral ‘Poison’ resistance song <AE> Windhurst Wooods (Mithra Grove)
                  10 Light Threnody Debuff Light Resistance <ST> S. Sandoria (Lusiane Outside Item Shop)
                  11 Sword Madrigal Accuracy UP <AE> N. Sandoria (2nd Floor of Inn)
                  12 Dark Threnody Debuff Dark Resistance <ST> Bastok Markets (Item shop)
                  13 Sheepfoe Mambo Evasion UP <AE> Selbina (Bait Seller G-10)
                  14 Earth Threnody Debuff Earth Resistance <ST> Windhurst Waters (Catalyst Shop)
                  15 Army's Paeon II HP Regen <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  16 Water Threnody Debuff Water Resistance <ST> Upper Jeuno (P&M)
                  16 Foe Lullaby Sleep <ST> Drop (Yagudo Piper in Giddeus)
                  17 Foe Requiem II Damage over time <ST> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  18 Wind Threnody Debuff Wind Resistance <ST> Upper Jeuno (P&M)
                  19 Scop's Operetta ‘Beserk’ Resistance song <AE> Valeriano (circus troop)
                  20 Fire Threnody Debuff Fire Resistance <ST> Windhurst Waters (Catalyst Shop)
                  21 Knight's Minne II Defense UP <AE> S. Sandoria (in choco stable)
                  22 Enchanting Etude Buffs Charisma stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  22 Ice Threnody Debuff Ice Resistance <ST> Bastok Markets (Item shop)
                  23 Valor Minuet II Attack UP <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  24 Spirited Etude Buffs Mind stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  24 Ltng. Threnody Debuffs Ltng. Resistance <ST> S. Sandoria (Lusiane Outside Item Shop)
                  25 Mage's Ballad MP Regen <AE> Quest in Sandoria
                  26 Learned Etude Buffs Intelligence stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  27 Horde Lullaby Sleep <AE> Drop (Yagudo Drummer Castle Oztroja)
                  28 Quick Etude Buffs Agility Stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  29 Advancing March Attack Speed UP <AE> Valeriano (circus troop)
                  30 Vivacious Etude Buffs Vitality stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  31 Hunter's Prelude ‘accuracy up’ buff <ST> Wind Woods
                  32 Dextrous Etude Buffs Dex stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  33 Fowl Aubade ‘Sleep’ resistance song <ST> Valeriano (circus troop)
                  33 Magic Finale Removes enemy buffs <ST> Drop (Yagudo Drummer Castle Oztroja)
                  34 Sinewy Etude Buffs Strength stat <AE> Wind Woods or Pt. Jeuno (duty-free shop)
                  35 Army's Paeon III HP Regen <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  36 Light Carol Buffs Light Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  37 Foe Requiem III Damage over time <ST> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  38 Earth Carol Buff Earth Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  39 Battlefield Elegy Slows enemy target S. Sandoria (Weapon Shop)
                  40 Water Carol Buffs Water Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  41 Knight's Minne III Defense UP <AE> S. Sandoria (in choco stable)
                  42 Wind Carol Buffs Wind Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  43 Valor Minuet III Attack UP <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  44 Fire Carol Buffs Fire Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  45 Army's Paeon IV HP Regen <AE> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  46 Ice Carol Buffs Ice Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  47 Foe Requiem IV Damage over time <ST> Bastok Markets (Music Shop)
                  48 Lightning Carol Buffs Ltng. Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  49 Goblin Gavotte ‘bind’ resistance song <AE> Lower Jeuno (Goblin Shop)
                  50 Dark Carol Buffs Darkness Resistance <AE> Lower Jeuno (Bard's Pub)
                  51 Sword Madrigal Accuracy UP <AE> Drop (Yagudo Lutenist in Castle Oztroja)
                  53 Dragonfoe Mambo Evasion UP <AE> Drop (Yagudo Lutenist in Castle Oztroja)
                  54 Gold Capriccio ‘petrify’ resistance song <AE> Drop (Yagudo Chanter Castle Oztroja)
                  55 Mage’s Ballad II MP Regen <AE> Castle Zvhal Treasure Chest
                  56 Shining Fantasia Buffs Darkness Resistance <AE> Drop (Yagudo Conductor Castle Oztroja)
                  57 Foe Requiem V Damage over time <ST> Drop (Yagudo Chanter in Castle Oztroja)
                  59 Carnage Elergy Slows enemy target <ST> Drop (Yagudo Chanter in Castle Oztroja)
                  60 March of Glory Haste Party <AE> Drop (Yagudo Conductor Castle Oztroja)
                  61 Knights Minne IV Defense UP <AE> Drop (Yagudo Conductor Castle Oztroja)
                  62 Bewitching Etude Buffs Charisma stat <ST> Bastok Mkt (When Bastok 1st CQ)
                  63 Valor Minuet IV Attack UP <AE> Drop (Yagudo Conductor Castle Oztroja)
                  64 Logical Etude Buffs Mind stat <ST> Bastok Mkt (When Bastok 1st CQ)
                  66 Sage Etude Buffs Intelligence stat <ST> Bastok Mkt (When Bastok 1st CQ)
                  67 Foe Requiem VI Damage over time <ST> Drop (Yagudo Conductor Castle Oztroja)
                  68 Swift Etude Buffs Agility stat <ST> Bastok Mkt (When Bastok 1st CQ)
                  69 Puppet's Operetta ‘silence’ resistance song <AE> Valeriano (circus troop)
                  70 Vital Etude Buffs Vitality stat <ST> Bastok Mkt (When Bastok 1st CQ)


                  Wandering Minstrel~


                  • #10
                    I'm thinking of compiling a list of weapons for Bard, what do you think? This is kinda of spurred on by the fact that Garuda's Dagger is so dam good and I look foward to using it at 65. I've also done well with my Dark Sword too and theres some daggers along the road that rocked.
                    【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                    • #11
                      heres my updated version.


                      prices can change i was told, haven't seen that happen for me...

                      but anyway the prices are accurate enough to let me know when someone in the AH is trying to rip you off^^

                      please dont post my link anywhere, just copy the info if you need it!
                      Wandering Minstrel~


                      • #12
                        did a load of tidying up on that list so that it prints out nicely as 'landscape format' on A4

                        started adding instruments into it also
                        Wandering Minstrel~


                        • #13
                          &quot;Meane of the Heavy Wearing Cavalry&quot;

                          Makes plenty of sense to call it Knight's Minne. What's a knight? Cavalry! What do they wear? Heavy armor! No ahem... invention necessary. As long as a shortcut makes sense I see no problem.


                          • #14
                            I'd like to say great list, Niland. Thnx much.

                            Why did they spread out Songs so much, why couldn't one person in each city have all the songs.


                            • #15
                              I dunno if anyone cares, but I thought I'd point out my lame finding. I did a quest in Windurst where I recieved a stationary set. About a week after putting the stationary set in my moghouse, my mog writes me a song... I didn't realize until I checked my inven that it's the level 19 BRD song, "Scop's Operretta"(sp?)

                              Anyway.. that's a way to acquire this silence resisting song! Maybe I'll sell it.. I don't know if I should hold it and wait till I end up leveling my BRD for subbing(level 60+ on my RDM)

                              Corwynn's Journal

                              Red Mage for life.

                              What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?

