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a "DIFFERENT" question about sub jobs

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  • a "DIFFERENT" question about sub jobs

    (If this has already been answered im sorry, i did look for it heheh)

    Anyway the question is when u start lvl'in a sub job and you are once agian at lvl 1, do you get 1/3 of the stats ( not skills or abilitys, i mean like str and vit and dex, ect.) of your 1rst jobs highest lvl or 1/3 of the stats of your 1rst job at half of your current job. im guessing that its at 1/2 half the lvl or people wouldnt stop lvl their subjob at 30, but id just like to make sure, thanks!

  • #2
    actually, no.
    Your status is mainly your main job. with some little plus from your current sub job.
    all other jobs that you're not using will not affect your current status at all.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      heheh, i was talking about that "little from the sub job", would u get more stat boost from that sub job if it were lvl 60 than if it was lvl 30?


      • #4
        War lvl31/mnk lvl10

        31 544 0 36 33 30 31 23 25 27

        War lvl31/mnk lvl30

        31 599 0 37 34 32 31 24 25 28

        Yep, a little difference.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gaignun

          War lvl31/mnk lvl10

          31 544 0 36 33 30 31 23 25 27

          War lvl31/mnk lvl30

          31 599 0 37 34 32 31 24 25 28

          Yep, a little difference.
          This is a little misleading. I just want to clarify that the stat boosts still follow the rules of the 50% sub job level. So although he listed WAR lvl31/ MNK lvl 30, the stats would be exactly the same as WAR 31/ MNK lvl 15. Because the sub job can't be 50%more than the main job.

          SO although his post made it look like a miniscule difference between a lvl 10 sub job and a lvl 30 sub job. In reality, he was only comparing a lvl 10 sub job to a lvl 15 sub job. Only five levels difference.

          Here's a better example (from the stat calculator):

          Hume Lvl 60 WAR/Lvl 30 MNK
          HP 1252 MP 0 STR 69 DEX 62 VIT 59 AGI 58 INT 46 MND 49 CHA 52

          Hume Lvl 60 WAR/Lvl 10 MNK
          HP 1122 MP 0 STR 65 DEX 58 VIT 54 AGI 56 INT 44 MND 46 CHA 49

          But as you can see, even with 20 levels difference in sub jobs, there's not a huge difference. But every bit helps, I'll take an extra 100 HP, 4 STR and 5 VIT any day!


          • #6
            he was only comparing a lvl 10 sub job to a lvl 15 sub job. Only five levels difference.
            You mean lvl 5 to a lvl 15.

            I guess I didn't realise it worked like that with the calculator as well. :sweat: I thought it was already divided, that's why I used lvl 10 and 30 instead of 30 and 60 like the thread maker said.


            • #7
              :sweat: Stats dont go up a set amount each level.. its all random. Two level 10 hume warriors w/ no subjob can have slightly varying HP + stats..

              Im guessing that calculator is just estimating on average
              I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

              Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
              (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
              Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
              Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


              • #8
                You mean lvl 5 to a lvl 15.
                No... I meant lvl 10 to a lvl 15 (like I originally posted).

                The sub job is not 50% of what it would be as a main job. The 50% is the level cap of the sub job. The sub job can't be more than 50% of the main job. Sooo... if you have a lvl 10 MNK and a lvl 31 WAR, and become a WAR/MNK, you would be a 31 WAR/ 10 MNK (since 10 is not more than 50% of 31).

                But if you have a 31 WAR and and a 30 MNK, and become a WAR/MNK, than you would be a 31 WAR/15 MNK (if it was 16 or higher it would be above 50% of main job).

                Hence, what I originally stated about comparing a lvl 10 to a lvl 15 sub job

                Stats dont go up a set amount each level.. its all random. Two level 10 hume warriors w/ no subjob can have slightly varying HP + stats..

                Im guessing that calculator is just estimating on average
                Extreme, are you sure about that? I swear I've seen several importers say the opposite... I'm sure I've seen other importers say that the Stat Calculator is absolutely correct and that stats are exactly the same depending on race, job and sub job.

                If you saw two lvl 10 hume warriors without a sub job with different stats, are you sure they didn't have different stat boosting weapons or equipment and that's why their stats are different? I don't like to question importers, hopefully you won't take any offense, but it's just that I'm certain I've seen other importers say the opposite of you. And I've never seen anyone else say that about the stat calculator either...

                You are the first person I've ever seen say that. But who knows, maybe they were wrong and you are right

                Well, I'd appreciate it if you could just let me know that you are sure that what you said is correct and that you did not forget about stat boosting weapons/equipment. Thanks.


                • #9
                  Well.. MAYBE i'm wrong about it applying to HP... but im 99% positive that the stats are boosted randomly
                  I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

                  Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
                  (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
                  Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
                  Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


                  • #10
                    Yes they are randomly highered upon level. Sometimes when i lvl for a example, my dex will go up, then i wuld have to wait another 1 or 2 lvls later for it to go up..... I think it pertains to all stats
                    Celeras Rank 6 Fairy San Doria
                    Blue Mage 58 Ninja 28 Thief 39 Dark Knight 50 Ranger 43 Warrior 30
                    Linkshell leader: Jade


                    • #11

                      Thanks for the info, guys. I appreciate it.

                      Hmmm, so based on what you've seen in the game do you even think the Stat Calculator is reliable than? :confused:


                      • #12
                        I see what you mean now.. I thought you were saying when you have a lvl30 warrior you get a lvl15 warrior if you put it as a subjob. I didn't know about what you just said.. that means I can't have a lvl1 warrior/ lvl9 monk when I get lvl18 with the monk to get the subjob quest... it will just be lvl2 when I get to lvl4 with my warrior?

                        Anyway I'm getting offtopic here.


                        • #13
                          I guess its kind of reliable, dont expect the #'s to be exact though
                          I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

                          Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
                          (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
                          Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
                          Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


                          • #14
                            that means I can't have a lvl1 warrior/ lvl9 monk when I get lvl18 with the monk to get the subjob quest... it will just be lvl2 when I get to lvl4 with my warrior?
                            That's correct

