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the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

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  • the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

    yea that's what some high levels were telling me. they were all like "don't listen to others who say 'all Jobs are good and
    useful in their own way. That is BS (excuse their language). They just don't want you to know the best Jobs that can do everything and are wanted for everything, even endgame. They want you to suffer so there are less people at endgame since there's already too many 75s. the only ones worth leveling are WHM, PLD, BLM or SAM. The rest are just there to waste your time when you find out they are not the best Jobs. "

    they sounded harsh but I have a feeling they might bepartially right since I leveled DNC and people tell me it's a garbage job no one wants for endgame. and they say DRG is inferior and pointless and you get from your work compared to SAM. and SCH is only situational and other than that it's not worth leveling. and "SMN is garbage don't waste your time with it" Yea this is my combined feedback from random people I asked around in the search lists.

    so yea I been thinking, what's the point of leveling a job that can't do everything or not wanted/needed for everything in FFXI? especially if your someone who has yet to have a 75 job???

  • #2
    Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

    Everything is based of the player base apparently and the easiest, most effective way to complete something since wasting time and enjoying oneself is a bad omen.

    You also forgot RNG, BRD, and DRK (for stun) lol.

    Dragoon is apparently overshadowed by WAR, MNK, and SAM, possibly DRK but eh never came up.

    If the overall player base is like that then the outcast jobs should start their own run and show people what that job can really do.

    DRG which after playing with my 75 for so long, I noticed to be more towards the soloing side (not quite so much as BST but you know) because of Healing Breath and other useful things.

    I feel bad for DNC because they really do have it hard, their are a bunch of Dynamis LS that won't accept DNC into their LS.

    As for SMN, hmm I always feel if their are WHMs and BLMs that are there for a set thing and not to stray from wouldn't WHM/SMN and BLM/SMN offer more MP since the magic you will always be casting will be job oriented?
    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*


    • #3
      Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

      It's situational really. While it seems an ignorant statement it's not terribly far from the truth however certain classes have nichè roles depending on the event. I'm thinking ninja kiting Dynamis stones or the preference for monk in Salvage. I would say you need to add red mage to the list though. It's not that certain other jobs aren't needed, some bring buffs to the table that massively help the fight run smoothly, it's just that chances are the fight wouldn't be called off due to their absence as it would if you were missing your paladins or white mages.


      • #4
        Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

        Don't let yourself get drawn into the drama. Enjoy what you can in the game with friends. The rest isn't worth it.

        Have fun! ^_^


        • #5
          Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

          Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
          so yea I been thinking, what's the point of leveling a job that can't do everything or not wanted/needed for everything in FFXI? especially if your someone who has yet to have a 75 job??
          Because one enjoys it?

          May sounds strange, but some people believe FFXI is a game, and the players should have fun (as well as challenges).

          It really isn't a bad idea to level at least one or two other jobs to Lv.75; the flexibility is nice even if one will never be involved with endgame. No job is needed for/wanted at everything. PLD is unwanted in merit parties, while WHM is outshined by RDM in the same. SAM is worthless when the strategy calls for sleep > synched nuke, and BLM is little better off in melee zerg setup. RDM is nice just about everywhere, though.

          * * *

          p.s. I often ask my DNC friend to play as tank/healer in ZNM. Is that counted as 'endgame'?
          Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 06-20-2009, 10:48 PM.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

            ZNM is actually counted as ENDGAME I supposed or at least I consider it ENDGAME.

            I also wonder what would a full alliance + a party of all 20 jobs be like while fighting a specific mob, what subjobs would each job use, would it be all DDs /sub THF to SATA the PLD, WHM to ensure the PLD's survivability, BLM to Magic Burst off of DD's Skillchains, COR to buff DDs, BRD to buff Mages and Enfeeble the mob, BLU's to skillchain with their own abilities, blah blah blah. You get the picture, what would that be like, how would it operate, what would be the effectiveness of such a group.
            ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*


            • #7
              Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

              When it comes to endgame, yes people want the optimal setup to get the job done. Everyone wants to win so they don't want to have a spot taken up by a job that isn't optimal. This leads to some jobs not being used as often in endgame.

              Dnc as a sub is quite useful in certain situations but the only time I see Dnc main used is in Dynamis.
              Bst is on occasion used for certain bcnms, scnms, etc but it is so rare that using Bst as your main to get into endgame is an effort in futility.
              I disagree on Drg as my endgame ls's had several and used them regularly. Mnks and Sams were often more in demand but Drgs were FAR from useless.
              Drks of course were wanted for some zerging but usually not really a top job. The reason its not one of the top wanted jobs is because most people don't know how to play the damn job and screw it up for other people.
              Brds of course is a PREMIUM endgame job and highly in demand.
              Sch's were regularly used in my endgame shell as blm substitutes or support for melee parties in the ally.
              Cor is also a good endgame job and used regularly for refresh/support.
              Rng is more sought after now since many people stopped playing/leveling it after the "nerf". Rngs are highly sought after for Einherjar.
              Yes Smns get a raw deal. My ls rarely used Smns. Smn used to be a key job in Kirin fights but now with 3 minute melee burns they are no longer needed for that even.
              Blu is another job I don't often see at endgame events except for Dynamis. There are some ZNM fights where Blu is of great help but other than that, they come to events when we have the right setup already and there are just a few open spots so "come on whatever" is the attitude.
              Nin has all but disappeared in endgame just about. Its a very situational job now instead of the "OMGZORZ WE NEED NINS OR WE'LL DIE" attitude.
              Thf is always needed in endgame but there are usually one or two only needed in a shell so trying to get in with Thf as your main isn't a good idea.
              War has really slid down the hill from earlier in the game. It's mostly a fill in melee job but not an optimal one.
              Rdm as always is a high demand endgame job but it seems everyone and their brother have or are leveling it so most established endgame shells have quite a few.
              And Pup....ya just go stand in a corner and wave to all the cool kids cause its just not gonna happen.

              (Not saying that I agree with any of the statements about how the jobs are used or whether they are useful or not in endgame. Just stating how I see it after many years in the endgame community. Different servers may vary. )

              If you do get into a endgame shell with a high priority job (whm, pld, blm, sam, brd, rdm), you'll have little time to play other jobs unless you have a surplus of people with that job in the shell. More often than not you don't so you get stuck playing it for events 90% of the time....especially if you are newer to the shell. Older players that are sick of coming on that job "retire" it and stick the new members with being shoe horned into that job.
              Last edited by TheGrandMom; 06-21-2009, 08:04 AM.
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #8
                Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                Originally posted by odjnlinus View Post
                I also wonder what would a full alliance + a party of all 20 jobs be like
                Alliance is 18 people, max.

                It'd be weird and arbitrary to force each job in an alliance to be different, and likely make things awkward and prone to failure. If it's random farming for pop items, may be an interesting experiment. But, for major monsters which took weeks of farming pop items (or hundreds of thousands of gils to buy pop items), no--don't do that.

                Craft strategy around the jobs the LS can bring, instead.

                Originally posted by odjnlinus View Post
                while fighting a specific mob, what subjobs would each job use, would it be all DDs /sub THF to SATA the PLD,
                Often time, it'd be better to just have one or two people to TA PLD. Enmity does cap, so once enough enmity is transferred to the tanks, more TA's are not useful. (Well, technically, it's good for the people transferring, since they won't be 'blamed' for the damage--still, they may be better off on /NIN for AoE physical attacks, or /WAR for better damage, etc.)

                Originally posted by odjnlinus View Post
                WHM to ensure the PLD's survivability,
                Other jobs can help cure, and jobs like RDM, SCH, BLU, SMN, and COR can put up buffs to even better ensure survival. (WHM, too, of course--Shellra V and bar-element spells are great.) Also, stunners.

                Originally posted by odjnlinus View Post
                BLM to Magic Burst off of DD's Skillchains, COR to buff DDs, BRD to buff Mages and Enfeeble the mob,
                COR to buff (black) mages, always. BRD is good when no COR, though, and BRD is very much wanted in tank party. BRDs are also nice for passing around between parties; two BRDs can keep four songs up for frontline of two different parties easily.

                Originally posted by odjnlinus View Post
                BLU's to skillchain with their own abilities
                Sometimes, you don't want to melee. For events w/out enough standard range attackers (BLMs, RNGs), BLU is quite handy while the likes of MNKs can't do anything.
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #9
                  Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                  ok thanks for the info. ya as much as we want to think all jobs are fun, they are fun, but at the sametime, that very job can hold us back from experiencing everything, depending on the LS and people's goals and stuff. it helps to know this now so people are not caught off guard last minute that perhaps the path they chosen caused them to miss out on greater opportunities.

                  but thanks about DRG, ya I seen DRG used often, personally I think their style is a bit too slow for my taste and I think it's too bad their wyverns weren't visually customizable, but their different breaths make up for it. Jumps are fun, but I dunno, besides Penta Thrust and that Mystic WS, their WSs are not that epic.

                  maybe I'll like PLD more (I actually leveled PLD once to 60+ but that was a long time ago and I don't have that job in the current account, they couldn't recover the older one.), though SAM is cool but I see them everywhere.

                  MNK is....well I dunno I see MNKs but they don't seem to be on demand like SAM. but they are still great DD. and I hear they are very affordable for most of the levels. But I heard their essential stuff later on is a pain to get.


                  • #10
                    Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                    Yep alliance is capped at 18, hence the + a party part but that's beside the point, I really wasn't pointing out fighting a specific mob that can kill the non-optimal setup just a random boss SE put in the Game that would be pretty easy to fight like say, maybe a random avatar, or just a boss for a group of 20 to experiment with something like this.

                    I honestly didn't know enmity was capped so you can crossed that idea out.

                    Thanx for the reply though, I only have a 75 DRG and a bunch of 37s so I wasn't completely sure on the other jobs except from what I've seen and read on FFXIwiki.

                    I just figured if 20 people was bored one day and wanted to try something different that this would be it. Kinda like those old FF games where you would go through the game was WAR, RDM, WHM, and BLM, or any other job for that matter to have a balanced yet interesting combo.

                    Just something to toy around with, obviously it's not going to be considered for endgame unless your hunting a random ZNM in which some Tier 1 and 2s, this setup can be used bc their not overly a pain in the azz.
                    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*


                    • #11
                      Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                      That just isnt true, you see all of the jobs in every endgame activities everyday. Not even the strongest highest LS is made of only those jobs. They have PUPs there too lol! (jk)

                      Oh and I wonder what would happen if SE suddenly decided to tone SAM down a little.

                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • #12
                        Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                        Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                        Oh and I wonder what would happen if SE suddenly decided to tone SAM down a little.
                        I'd laugh while 90% of FFXI dies a little inside.
                        Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
                        Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49


                        • #13
                          Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                          tone down SAM and *cough* boost DRG *cough*
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #14
                            Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                            Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                            yea that's what some high levels were telling me. they were all like "don't listen to others who say 'all Jobs are good and
                            useful in their own way. That is BS (excuse their language). They just don't want you to know the best Jobs that can do everything and are wanted for everything, even endgame. They want you to suffer so there are less people at endgame since there's already too many 75s. the only ones worth leveling are WHM, PLD, BLM or SAM. The rest are just there to waste your time when you find out they are not the best Jobs. "

                            they sounded harsh but I have a feeling they might bepartially right since I leveled DNC and people tell me it's a garbage job no one wants for endgame. and they say DRG is inferior and pointless and you get from your work compared to SAM. and SCH is only situational and other than that it's not worth leveling. and "SMN is garbage don't waste your time with it" Yea this is my combined feedback from random people I asked around in the search lists.

                            so yea I been thinking, what's the point of leveling a job that can't do everything or not wanted/needed for everything in FFXI? especially if your someone who has yet to have a 75 job???
                            Sorry to break it to you, but whoever says this has a lot to learn about FFXI. :x

                            Each job is useful in its one sense, and it all breaks down to being situational. To say blackmage is the only magical damage job worth having is ignorant. The same goes for sams. I'd like to see a samurai outparse my ranger on dynamis lord, and I'd like to see a paladin straight tank some of the many mobs I can tank on ninja.

                            If your friend can't see outside of his own thoughts, then so be it. His loss.
                            Last edited by Mog; 06-21-2009, 07:16 AM.
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: the only needed Jobs in FFXI are WHM, PLD, BLM and SAM???

                              Originally posted by Mog View Post
                              Sorry to break it to you, but whoever says this has a lot to learn about FFXI. :x

                              Each job is useful in its one sense, and it all breaks down to being situational. To say blackmage is the only magical damage job worth having is ignorant. The same goes for sams. I'd like to see a samurai outparse my ranger on dynamis lord, and I'd like to see a paladin straight tank some of the many mobs I can tank on ninja.

                              If your friend can't see outside of his own thoughts, then so be it. His loss.
                              yeah so true, many times my LS leader would tell me "Kailea I need you on DRG" and I would faint ^.^
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

