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Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vague developer details from JP button)

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  • #16
    Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

    Barstun would be kinda silly given how short stun durations are, really. Seldom does an NPC catch you at a good time with Stun, if they do, its usually just the system's dumb luck.

    Barcharm could be rather useful for situations where people are getting mass charmed. The sooner that wears off, the better because the TP loss from being charmed is a pain.


    • #17
      Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

      Wouldn't barcharm basically randomize the duration of the charm as everyone partial resists at a different level, causing everyone to slaughter eachother? <_<

      I forgot there wasn't already a Barcurse.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #18
        Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

        Actually, that would make Barcharm even more fun


        • #19
          Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          Barcurse and Barcharm could come in handy. Less important but still welcome would be Barstun and Barcharm.
          I wouldn't know this if I hadn't talked with you about it before, but I'm pretty sure the first time you meant "Barslow."

          And 'kitten, it is supremely insulting to compare a Scholar's physical skills to those of a Red Mage or White Mage. I mean, it's one thing to say a Red Mage's skills are comparable to a White Mages in the first place (which is more or less an accurate comparison), but to say it is like a Scholar's?

          You imply that, rather than the thematic and relatively fair trade of a Sword for cool magical toys, a Red Mage-to-Scholar transition solely entails a trade of the responsibilities and heavy burdens placed upon the spells Refresh and Haste for . . . well, the same cool magical toys. You guys don't have pitiful Enfeebling skill but still posses all of our basic Enfeebling Magic spells from /RDM (not even mentioning the fact that all of our cool toys are available for your subbing pleasure).

          All this implies that, strictly speaking, were it not for the fact that whoring out Refresh and Haste were in incredibly high demand, Scholar is strictly speaking in every way superior to Red Mage, especially considering that the other side of Red Mage, the physical side that was advertised to come with the job, is as equally significant as the pitiful physical abilities that are befit a Scholar.

          And you know what, that is exactly the reason why I had hoped that Scholar had gotten the two simple, yet incredibly demanded spells of Refresh and Haste, so it could be revealed what an incredibly skewed balance of power/ability/fun (since it was brought in to play) there is between the two jobs, as well as between Red Mage's own magical and physical abilities.

          All of this, compounded with the fact that everybody would enjoy their job being looked at more than once every six years, and you can see why now more than ever, Red Mages everywhere are collectively looking forward to an update that changes all that.

          And hint: aside from the obvious Magic Accuracy issue, we are not exactly looking at further buffing out magical side, and especially not some incredibly anti-climactic barspells.
          Originally posted by Armando
          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
          Originally posted by Armando
          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
          Originally posted by Taskmage



          Originally posted by Taskmage
          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
          Matthew 16:15


          • #20
            Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

            The point was that any of those weaponskills could present a suitable context for mage jobs to melee given the right situation.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #21
              Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

              You're drawing a lot of conclusions from something you thought I said, but actually didn't say at all.

              I was talking about weapon skills between RDM, WHM and SCH - that's it.

              Mystic Boon returns MP
              Death Blossom lowers Magic Evasion.
              Omniscience lowers Magic Attack by 8%

              I implied nothing about SCH's combat skill, its so pitiful its not worth mentioning. Only time I pull out my staff is Campaign or a low-tier NM/ZNM. I just want Spirit Taker and Omniscience and I'll be content. Gonna take a bit for Omniscience, though.

              EDIT: I would have thanked Taskmage, but apparently he's Thank-proof now o.o;
              EDiT2: He's now Thankable again... ghost in the machine?


              • #22
                Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                EDIT: I would have thanked Taskmage, but apparently he's Thank-proof now o.o;
                EDiT2: He's now Thankable again... ghost in the machine?
                He was going to wait for it to come up and then say that he had a thankless job here.

                Then he realized that joke was just plain stupid.


                • #23
                  Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                  It's not a joke though. Which is well enough since I hardly do any work here anyway. <.<; I have no idea why the thanks stopped working.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #24
                    Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                    Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                    I have no idea why the thanks stopped working. Which is well enough since I hardly do any work here anyway. <.<; It's not a joke though.
                    Works better when read in reverse order.


                    • #25
                      Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                      I agree completely SE needs to expand the magic category. Melee could stand a little more as well, another 8 points for 1 full weapon but magic definitely needs enough to cap 1 more skill.

                      If could cap out Blue, Elemental and Enfeebling I dare say I'd be set. The only other skills worth boosting are enhancing and Dark, but Dark is so bloody random I just don't see the point.

                      Some new generic merits (that aren't an expansion of the "Others" category) would be nice. As I said before, healing HP and MP would be a good start.

                      What I don't understand is why they seem to think the job specific merits are the problem; they're not. It's the magic and combat merits that are. However it would be nice if we could move our job merits around from 1 ability to another.

                      Take MNK for example; Generally I like Formless Strikes and Invigorate. FS is very helpful in Dynamis and occasionally when solo, while Invigorate keeps the pressure off in almost any situation. But what if I want to do Salvage? Now suddenly I have to erase my hard earned merits just for Penance to keep the Chariots under control, and that's what sucks ass.

                      Getting back to my original point however BBQ more or less nailed it with the Blue Magic analogy; it only helps a BLU, nothing else. While combat merits are shared by more jobs than magic, that doesn't make them any less of a pain.

                      I'm severely tempted to merit H2H because it can raise my DPS, but it will only really help me on MNK and possibly PUP if I ever get around to leveling it again. Now it's unlikely they'll ever expand it so we can fully max out everything (and really who would want to spend that much time meriting?) but they ought to bump it up a bit more.

                      Cutting merits down to 5k wouldn't be bad either. As much as I'd love 1000 LP/MP, I quite frankly can't see that happening ever but 5 would make it a lot less of a drag but still require effort.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #26
                        Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                        Well, I'm gonna work on my main merit goals and see what happens with Combat Skills and Magic in March. No real point in fussing over what we know were gonna merit anyway, just don't worry about what you think you might want to do and see what happens later.


                        • #27
                          Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                          I've got approximately infinity hundred merit points left to finish rdm and general categories before I get to whatever new stuff they add anyway.
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #28
                            Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                            I'm still torn over combat and magic merits though X.x

                            I have all my job specific merits more or less planned out. They're not so hard since they aren't shared;

                            But I'm really torn over combat and magic >_< If I can get that black belt then and only then will H2H really be a no-brainer >_>

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #29
                              Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                              I heard RDM was going to get a laser gun, also scholar was going to get access to the internetz IN GAME!. Drg was going to get a chainsaw, and Mnk's were going to get Curaga IVI. This is all speculation, but I heard it.

                              Also when you get 100% TP any job will be able to call in an airship strike....ON OTHER PARTIES! It's pretty amazing. And Feba will be a new playable race, similar to Galka's as in your not going to know if their male or female.

                              Also when you take off all your equipment, your 'toon will actually be naked.
                              And their going to stop supporting PS2.

                              I heard it. BBQ heard it, and so did Murphie. Also Mr. Mageo will be forced to wear a(n) Fungus hat 100% of the time.

                              That is all.


                              • #30
                                Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                                It would be nice for WHMs to get a Chivalry esque ability but knowing SE it won't be put in because according to SE every single WHM75 in the game has the time to get a Runic Key, time to farm a Werebuster and time to unlock a latent.

                                Does SE seriously expect this to be WHM's only native way of regaining MP? Spend sevral hundred hours climbing 100 floors with pick up groups and elitist permas who only think that RDM and SCH can heal and throw a fit if you even think about lotting on that werebuster because someone in that group needs it for thier WHM12 then spend hours in Kuftal trying to break a latent. Not counting Spirit Taker since everyone with a staff can use that and those crappy club WS's only restore about 30MP at most even with a martial wand.

                                Then there is the hope that a party will actually let a WHM pull out thier hammer/staff to use one of thsoe WS's.

                                In reality all I can really see if WHM and RDM getting an A in Club and sword respectively. basically something that sounds cool but is fundamentally useless in the big picture.
                                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                                Reiko Takahashi
                                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                                Haters Gonna Hate

