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Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vague developer details from JP button)

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  • Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vague developer details from JP button)

    First off, the link if you want to read the rest of the article from JP Button:

    JPButton 電撃Playstation: Developer Interview (Feb. ‘09)

    Thanks to Elmer the Pointy as always for the translation.

    tl:dr version:
    We're planning to expand FoV, Treasure Caskets to new (non-ToA/WotG) areas. New Campaign battlegrounds in update (probably northlands). Talk of possibly expanding universal merit categories, rather than add a group 3 set. Mythic Weapon talk, MMM stuff and Ohlookjobadjustments.

    Special tl;dr note: They want to add stuff more badass than AV and PW, mobs that really tests the mettle of players.

    OK, so on to the job adjustment talk:


    As for Job adjustments in general, we are looking to give jobs that are limited in their abilities more options and versatility. We think something like Samurai’s Hasso and Seigan, where play-style changes under the effect of one ability versus the other, would be a good route to take. That, and we are imagining ways that White Mages and other magic users can broaden their usage in a fight. This isn’t to say we want Jobs to break from their original design, but rather give them more options when faced with a variety of situations
    SAM's Hasso/Seigan update did inspire some good future ideas. Not a bad thought to revisit the concept as it was also put toward SCH down the road, though in a different way.


    Originally posted by Kendai
    Currently, the adjustment closest to being implemented, one that has been widely asked for, is concerning the radius of Blood Pacts - what determines if a pact fails to activate... We think it’s possible to make it so that both MP consumption and the recast penalty don’t happen in the case of a failure.
    Originally posted by Matsu
    Yes, that’s right. Now, if the Blood Pact is unable to activate upon being selected by the player, it’s easy enough to make it so it doesn’t consume MP. However, there are cases where the player selects the Blood Pact, but the enemy moves out of range and the pact ends in failure. We’re testing ways in which the lost MP can somehow be returned to the player in these cases
    So they're addressing another long-standing issue with SMN, sounds good. As usual, regarding future summons:

    Originally posted by Kendai
    [/B]As for new Avatars, if you ask us in a little bit, we may be able to tell you something.
    So, like BST before it, SMN is getting adjustments in baby steps.

    /cue Malacite bitching about something anyway


    Originally posted by Matsu
    we’re looking at exactly what we can do. As for the pet growth element, there’s many Call Beast pets to work with, so I’ll have to get back to you about that. Currently, the guy in charge of monsters is drawing up the plans, and there’s nothing concrete I can say at this time, but the adjustments are intended to add more fun to the Job. We’re busy thinking of any way we can make the Job more interesting for all Beastmasters.
    Pet Growth would pose a problem since BST pets aren't a permanent deal. Its being looked at. Please add more fun to the job, though, particularly for party functions. We're fine on solo, kthx.


    Possibly adjustment for spell scaling issues?

    Dev Team evades!
    Yeah, so no answer on that, but at least the issue is known to them.

    White Mage

    Answer in the form of the interviewer's question?

    At Vana Fest 2008 in Kourakuen, you announced new Bar-spells for White Magic
    I don't remember hearing that. Oh well.

    But it made YM spaz anyway. Nothing we haven't heard before. You know, "blah blah after waiting 6 years blah yadda blah yaddity blah"

    They didn't say that was for RDM, they specificially said WHM and RDM would get melee adjustments at the FanFests (apparently situational, by the comments in this interview). Heck, if they're adding barspells its possible they're also looking at thier effectiveness.

    Anyway, that's all.

  • #2
    Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    they specificially said WHM and RDM would get melee adjustments at the FanFests
    You see, at the FanFest 2008 itself, the Dev Team themselves never ever ever specifically used the word "melee" when they announced they would be "adjusting" White Mage and Red Mage, who happen to be the only native jobs with barspells.

    If all we have in store in that case are freaking barspells (not that barspells aren't practical . . . ), I'ma strangle somebody.

    Give me a moment while I get what was said at FanFest verbatim . . .
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #3
      Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

      You see, at the FanFest 2008 itself, the Dev Team themselves never ever ever specifically used the word "melee" when they announced they would be "adjusting" White Mage and Red Mage, who happen to be the only native jobs with barspells.
      Bard gets them, too.

      The word was actually "frontline" at FanFest I believe.

      You guys (i.e. half of the RDMs out there) decided that meant "OMGwe'regonnagettomeleeallthetime."

      What did the rest of us say?

      Originally posted by Rest of Us
      Don't get your hopes up.


      • #4
        Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

        In the next adjustment:

        WHM will get a new line of very potent barspells that are only active while the WHM is in the front lines meleeing the mob.



        • #5
          Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
          I'ma strangle somebody.
          Please do. They don't allow internet access in prison.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

            Hmmmm pupdate please.


            • #7
              Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

              Since they don't have a problem with "copying" SAM's Hasso/Seigan design on other jobs they might as well implement something akin to maneuvers for BST if they're still anal about letting you choose Sic moves freely.

              Maybe work in some stat boosts for pet foods so BSTs can buff jug pets. Or they could just make pet rolls hit the pets instead of their masters, that would be nice.

              EDIT: Or perhaps even simpler to implement - just change pet rolls stop taking up buff slots so the player can receive his own buffs and his pet's at the same time.
              Last edited by Armando; 02-01-2009, 10:16 AM.


              • #8
                Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                Originally posted by Armando
                EDIT: Or perhaps even simpler to implement - just change pet rolls stop taking up buff slots so the player can receive his own buffs and his pet's at the same time.
                Even then, it still would be a waste of time to buff the pet over the party member, not to mention it would throw off the buff cycles a bit for CORs. Phantom Rolls wear in five minutes. Six in my case with 3/5 Winning Streak merits, but still.

                Granted. most CORs these days are fuckwits that only buff from the frontline and cheap both the front and backline out of an additional buff while full-timing Luzaf's ring because they think its created so they never have to move to the back line. Two buff cycle = Fail. At least we know some of our CORs here still strive for a four buff rotation.

                2 melee/2 mage/2 pet buffs would mean SE would need to reduce Phantom Roll timers for that work. Given the duration Phantom Rolls presently have and being overwhelmingly superior to BRD buffs in duration, I just don't see that happening.

                Plus then people would try to rotate CORs in endgame events. It doesn't work now and I prefer they keep it that way because I hate being tossed around. If I wanted to be passed around like a cheap slut, I'd still be a BRD.

                Quick addition: I think the pet buffs were really meant for low-man functions, like duos and trios with BSTs, or PUPs. There you can make the sacrifice of not giving a melee buff since you'd have the advantage by lowering the level difference, but would still want the pet to tank at times anyway. I haven't done many duos or trios with BSTs, but pet roll + COR roll seems to be the preferred approach. BSTs want pets to tank, so upping pet performance helps to that end.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-01-2009, 10:40 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                  So does this mean we're finally getting the Northlands and the Medals ranks for WotG? Those body pieces and the increased EXP/Minute cap better be good given the 9 month wait

                  Also, in their last interview they said their focus this year was making all 20 jobs fun to play, but at the end of this one they did not reiterate that;

                  In any event this was all very good info ^_^ Maybe WHM will finally get barlightra and bardarkra? It's annoying as hell that BRD is the only job that can provide resistance against those elements. Baramnesia would be nice as well.

                  The merit notion was also fairly note worthy; they're finally admitting the problems of the merit system for people with multiple 75's. While I'm somewhat sad they're not going to do a Group 3 (at least not yet) they are planning on something for people with multiple jobs... so yay! ^^ Though quite frankly I can't imagine what. Maybe adjusting hhp and hmp at long last?

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Bard gets them, too.
                    No they don't, they get Carol. March is not Haste, remember?

                    Besides, the Dev Interview specifically mentioned White Magic, so . . . yeah . . .

                    The word was actually "frontline" at FanFest I believe.
                    Originally posted by Exact Dev Panel Question
                    Last year at Fan Festival Red Mage was announced to have changes to make it a front line job. Is this still going to happen?
                    Originally posted by Exact Translated Answer
                    So, yeah, there's, uh, there's a lot of job adjustments that are being considered for the, not this upcoming patch but the next one which will be, probably I guess planned slated for some time in March, and what he's working with right now/kicking around specifically are Red Mage and White Mage adjustments.
                    Originally posted by Yellow Mage after going through the audio about 10 times
                    Dangit would this translator guy be more concise so I can get this whole verbatim thing down!
                    So, yeah, while "frontline" was, indeed, wistfully thrown around in the question, the answer, and this is key, only had the word "adjustments," and nothing more. That could mean anything, including barspells.

                    You guys (i.e. half of the RDMs out there) thought that meant "OMGwe'regonnagettomelee."
                    Originally posted by Armando
                    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                    Originally posted by Armando
                    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                    Matthew 16:15


                    • #11
                      Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                      Originally posted by Yellow Mage
                      No they don't, they get Carol. March is not Haste, remember?
                      Ugh, semantics again.

                      March is a form of Haste. Is a form of, meaning, for all intents and purposes, its meant to function like Haste. You're just making the annoying distinction that because it has a different status icon, its something totally different.

                      Except is not, it is a Haste. It wouldn't stack with Haste were it given the same status icon, not to mention the percentages and duration vary based on instrument the BRD uses. BRD plays by different rules than RDM and WHM.

                      With the exception of a status icon they play by the same rules and perform a similar fucntion, just at different rates.

                      Carols are BRD's elemental Barspells, and then they get a whole series of other bar-songs with weird names. They stack with the effects of existing barspells.

                      Different Icon, yet same intended function so they'll stack.

                      Originally posted by Malacite
                      The merit notion was also fairly note worthy; they're finally admitting the problems of the merit system for people with multiple 75's. While I'm somewhat sad they're not going to do a Group 3 (at least not yet) they are planning on something for people with multiple jobs... so yay! ^^ Though quite frankly I can't imagine what. Maybe adjusting hhp and hmp at long last?
                      I see it as more of a natural expansion of merits, not a problem. But really, they need to pay more attention to expanding magic merit categories than melee ones. Combat skill merits can cross over to more than one job, but there are magic skills that are harder to justify putting merits into since things like Summoning Magic, Divine Magic, Dark Mage and Blue Magic skill don't really have a major application in other jobs.

                      If I merit dagger, that's good for THF, RDM, BRD, DNC, RNG and COR on various levels. If I merit Axe, that works for BST, DRK, WAR and RNG.

                      If I merit Blue Magic... well, just good for BLU. If we're gonna put that out there as a merit option, at least expand the category to justify meriting it for BLU rather than having to pull back and trying to cross over merits with another mage instead.

                      Combat Skills are actually fine as the are. Perhaps give them 4-8 more points to work with - I actually would like to keep my COR's sword merits and boost Archery for RNG, really. but this time make magic skill merits comparable to combat skill so those that want to level SMN or BLU don't really have to hold back. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that anal about my skill merits and it does keep some people from playing jobs they'd like to level.

                      If I could get a little more freedom in magic skills, I'd level Foobar as BLU and not even give RDM a second thought. More combat skill merits could mean good things for my DNC and THF, I'd like to play those as effectively as I do my COR and RNG.

                      Oh well, wait and see. I just hope SE is considering magic skill and not just catering to the majority of drooling melee players.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-01-2009, 12:51 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                        I feel like banning the lot of you.

                        Yes yes, and then I'll say it was all a mistake.

                        But hopefully you guys will be all like "waaaaah sniff sniff" and won't come back.
                        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                        • #13
                          Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                          They seemed to think of Mystic Boon being whm's melee update. Maybe Death Blossom was ours. Of course I'd still like to see Enspell IIs.

                          Baramnesia seems obligatory. Barlight and Bardarkness would be a surprise but could have a significant impact on certain battles. Beyond that is there anything else to bar that would be worth mentioning?
                          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                          • #14
                            Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                            Mystic Boon and Death Blossom are certainly nice for certain situations, heck, even Omniscience has a nice effect and its a SCH WS. Still, you're not often going to find a place outside of campaign or low man groups/events for them.

                            I'm still hoping that SE will give RDM something, mainly just so they'll just shut up. If its just some dinky spells, there will be a shitstorm over it I'm sure. Of course, these RDMs brought it on themselves with the expectations they've been keeping. Nothing that comes will likely be good enough.

                            SE says they want to make all the jobs more fun to play and they seem to be steering the trend of T/VT EXP at all levels of the game.

                            The problem isn't exactly that all these jobs aren't fun at EXP levels, most of them are. The problem is these jobs can cease to be fun at endgame levels - support, tank and mage classes especially due to the high demands placed on them. BRD certainly lost its fun for me when it became a tool for merits and an endgame item. SE created a job so good, no one treats the player in it like a person and that makes nobody want to play it.

                            RDM has its perks, but I can never be happy if I'm always facing mobs that resist my specialization, there's not much thrill to it.. RoZ and CoP zones don't have anti-mage mobs, ToA is loaded with them and WotG is treated like CoP zones - zones that are for mission backdrops and endgame content, not EXP.

                            Fields of Valor and Treasure Caskets given some incentive to move off the beaten path, hopefully they'll expand it so that's even more incentive for doing so. Imagine a Field Manual out in Ule Range or Attowah Chasm and caskets with lucrative rewards out there.

                            Of course, I do kinda like some of these places being zones where BSTs can EXP undisturbed. I don't think any amount of caskets of field manuals could get somone out in Ifrit's Cauldron.


                            • #15
                              Re: Forthcoming Job Adjustments (i.e. vauge developer details from JP button)

                              Beyond that is there anything else to bar that would be worth mentioning?
                              Barcurse and Barcharm could come in handy. Less important but still welcome would be Barstun and Barcharm.

