First off, the link if you want to read the rest of the article from JP Button:
JPButton 電撃Playstation: Developer Interview (Feb. ‘09)
Thanks to Elmer the Pointy as always for the translation.
tl:dr version: We're planning to expand FoV, Treasure Caskets to new (non-ToA/WotG) areas. New Campaign battlegrounds in update (probably northlands). Talk of possibly expanding universal merit categories, rather than add a group 3 set. Mythic Weapon talk, MMM stuff and Ohlookjobadjustments.
Special tl;dr note: They want to add stuff more badass than AV and PW, mobs that really tests the mettle of players.
OK, so on to the job adjustment talk:
SAM's Hasso/Seigan update did inspire some good future ideas. Not a bad thought to revisit the concept as it was also put toward SCH down the road, though in a different way.
So they're addressing another long-standing issue with SMN, sounds good. As usual, regarding future summons:
So, like BST before it, SMN is getting adjustments in baby steps.
/cue Malacite bitching about something anyway
Pet Growth would pose a problem since BST pets aren't a permanent deal. Its being looked at. Please add more fun to the job, though, particularly for party functions. We're fine on solo, kthx.
Possibly adjustment for spell scaling issues?
Yeah, so no answer on that, but at least the issue is known to them.
White Mage
Answer in the form of the interviewer's question?
I don't remember hearing that. Oh well.
But it made YM spaz anyway. Nothing we haven't heard before. You know, "blah blah after waiting 6 years blah yadda blah yaddity blah"
They didn't say that was for RDM, they specificially said WHM and RDM would get melee adjustments at the FanFests (apparently situational, by the comments in this interview). Heck, if they're adding barspells its possible they're also looking at thier effectiveness.
Anyway, that's all.
JPButton 電撃Playstation: Developer Interview (Feb. ‘09)
Thanks to Elmer the Pointy as always for the translation.
tl:dr version: We're planning to expand FoV, Treasure Caskets to new (non-ToA/WotG) areas. New Campaign battlegrounds in update (probably northlands). Talk of possibly expanding universal merit categories, rather than add a group 3 set. Mythic Weapon talk, MMM stuff and Ohlookjobadjustments.
Special tl;dr note: They want to add stuff more badass than AV and PW, mobs that really tests the mettle of players.
OK, so on to the job adjustment talk:
As for Job adjustments in general, we are looking to give jobs that are limited in their abilities more options and versatility. We think something like Samurai’s Hasso and Seigan, where play-style changes under the effect of one ability versus the other, would be a good route to take. That, and we are imagining ways that White Mages and other magic users can broaden their usage in a fight. This isn’t to say we want Jobs to break from their original design, but rather give them more options when faced with a variety of situations
Originally posted by Kendai
Originally posted by Matsu
Originally posted by Kendai
/cue Malacite bitching about something anyway
Originally posted by Matsu
Possibly adjustment for spell scaling issues?
Dev Team evades!
White Mage
Answer in the form of the interviewer's question?
At Vana Fest 2008 in Kourakuen, you announced new Bar-spells for White Magic
But it made YM spaz anyway. Nothing we haven't heard before. You know, "blah blah after waiting 6 years blah yadda blah yaddity blah"
They didn't say that was for RDM, they specificially said WHM and RDM would get melee adjustments at the FanFests (apparently situational, by the comments in this interview). Heck, if they're adding barspells its possible they're also looking at thier effectiveness.
Anyway, that's all.