I'm looking for a combinatino to use with my whm. I'm leveling up whm and looking for good/interesting job combinations. I have all expansion packs so all jobs are available to me. Any help would be appreciated.
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White mage combo
Re: White mage combo
Originally posted by pacoblah View PostI'm looking for a combinatino to use with my whm. I'm leveling up whm and looking for good/interesting job combinations. I have all expansion packs so all jobs are available to me. Any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, subjobs that are actually practical tend to be only a small subset of the possibilities, and of those, an even smaller subset are accepted by the playerbase at large. Additionally, some that may make sense in a solo situation don't make as much sense in a party situation. -- Pteryx
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Re: White mage combo
WHM enjoys "comboing"* with such jobs as BLM, RDM, and the now ever-popular SCH. In the last stages of WHM, some other people enjoy NIN to.
*combo refers to Main/Sub
PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
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Re: White mage combo
i've been looking online and stuff and i cant quite understand scholar. it seems liek its just another rdm, what is so good and unique about it cause i was thinking about taking that on as my main.I wanna play!!!
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Re: White mage combo
Originally posted by pacoblah View Posti've been looking online and stuff and i cant quite understand scholar. it seems liek its just another rdm, what is so good and unique about it cause i was thinking about taking that on as my main.
RDM gets cures faster, SCH gets nukes faster (eventually including tier IV and powerful DoT effects unique to it, plus weather spells which help buff nukes).
RDM can do everything it's capable of at once with no penalty, while SCH has to swap between different modes to use its abilities well; OTOH, those modes also grant access to abilities that let them beneficially modify their spells.
RDM focuses on powerful MP-recovery abilities to keep going, while SCH focuses more on keeping MP expenditure low to begin with.
RDM can actually poke things to some minor effect, while SCH can barely swing a staff. -- Pteryx
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Re: White mage combo
Originally posted by pacoblah View Posti've been looking online and stuff and i cant quite understand scholar. it seems liek its just another rdm, what is so good and unique about it cause i was thinking about taking that on as my main.
Red Mage = 50% White Mage, 50% Black Mage, 50% Warrior
Schlor = 80% White Mage, 20% Black Mage OR 80% Black Mage, 20% White Mage
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Re: White mage combo
Originally posted by Silent Howler View PostTo put it the simplist way possible:
Red Mage = 50% White Mage, 50% Black Mage, 50% Warrior
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Re: White mage combo
Red Mage is 100% Red Mage.
Which means: Be flexible.
In meripo a few nights ago, my RDM was the main healer. On Limbus hunt tonight, it was refreshing Black Mages and attempting to keep them alive. (Also MB'ed when I had MP.) Hour and half later while hunting Ix'Aern, it became a crowd controler.
To be Red Mage, is to be whatever is needed. Unfortunately, that means I'm 64/70 in inventory when I go on endgame activities; I can't believe I actually have a Haste set for heavy Refresh/Haste casting duties. >_< (Also, had to prepare 5 support jobs; /WHM, /BLM, /DRK, /NIN, /SCH.)
* * *
White Mage's duty is much more predictable (or static, at least). Support job wise, just need /BLM and /SCH primarily; /RDM is nice but optional, and /SMN is probably on its way out.Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 05-21-2008, 01:01 AM.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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Re: White mage combo
/SMN is still nice to have. Being able to toss out a sacrifice before you run like hell can be very useful for some things. But then, pretty much any subjob can be useful in some situation.
Anyway, if you don't know what to use for a subjob, you should probably be leveling up those other jobs anyway-- see what other people use, what they talk about in parties, and so on.
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Re: White mage combo
Originally posted by Pteryx View PostYou realize that 1) that adds up to 150%, and 2) RDM's melee aspect is way behind their mage aspect, right? I'd estimate we're closer to 55% WHM, 35% BLM, 10% Warrior. -- Pteryx
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