Alright, so I am leaving for college in a few months, and me and my brother are going to get FFXI to stay in touch, but we were wondering what was a good combination of jobs for both of us to pick. He prefers warrior types, and I'll play about anything. Any suggestions on what jobs we could start with taht woudl mesh together, and what starting cities and race? Any help would be appreciated.
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Starting jobs?
Re: Starting jobs?
Your starting job doesn't make all that much difference, since you can opt to change jobs just by visiting your Mog House.
Your main concerns should be choosing a race you can stand to look at for hours on end.
There IS a - small and relatively temporary - perk to choosing specific cities when you're starting as a given race:
Tarutaru and Mithra who start in Windurst receive a free Windurstian Ring.
Galka and Humes who start in Bastok receive a free Bastokan Ring.
Elvaan who start in San d'Oria receive a free San d'Orian Ring.
These rings are level 1 equippable gear and offer a small boost to your stats. It's not enough to really make or break a decision, but it's worth mentioning within the context of "Why did he get a perk and I didn't?"
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Re: Starting jobs?
There are a ton of threads about this specific question out there. I would recommend the following links for some useful information.
Frequently Asked Questions - Final Fantasy XI :: Dreams in Vana'diel :: Community
This doesn't have info that's as much up to date but it should give you a good idea on where to start at least.
lot's of info here as well.
I would recommend using the search features of the site and checking the stickies in the sub forums as well. They will often answer your questions before you even need to ask them.
Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039
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Re: Starting jobs?
well if he enjoys warrior types, warrior is a good decision of the hop, its used as a support job for many many other heavey melee jobs through out the game.
As for your choice, Id go with Red Mage or White Mage, especially if you plan on leveling together, throught the levels good healing (WHM) and support (RDM) are hard to come by and often delay parties from starting.
If you go with Warrior and Red Mage you will be able to start a party as Red Mage after level 14 can heal pretty effectively, also once you reach 75, RDM and WAR are often at the top of the list for merit point parties so you can start and join those types of parties together.
If you go he goes WAR, and you go WHM or RDM you can level all the way to 75 together and help each other out greatly in completion of missions/quests and what not.
sig courtesy tgm
retired -08
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Re: Starting jobs?
If you and your bro ever want to just duo for exp, he can play DRG and you can play a support class like RDM, SCH or DRG yourself. On my RDM awhile back I duo'd Lesser Colibri with a DRG in my LS and it was actually really easy and the exp wasn't all that bad, we only died near the end cause I was typing in LS chat rather than backup healing <_<.
Cities don't honestly matter much. I picked Bastok when I started cause from maps I thought it had the easiest layout, which it does imo. Just make sure you both pick the same one so you can do missions together.Cleverness - Hades
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Re: Starting jobs?
Icemage touches on something very important that deserves reiteration.
Do not choose your race based on your starting point, or your starting gear. Choose your race based on which you think you'll enjoy spending many *many* hours staring at.
This was an especially hard lesson for me, because I started off as Galka. Even got to Rank 5 and into the mid thirties on my mnk. Not a huge thing, but about a month's worth of work in all for a new player. Unfortunately, I got so stinkin' tired of his animations and appearance, I simply couldn't take it anymore, and made my current character - a little Hume Male.
Besides starting gear and cities and such... any of the other needs your character may have can be made up at any one point going down the road in the game. Personally, I suggest starting off in Sandy or Bastok (to get easy access to the dunes and the dunes OP warp...) and then transferring to whichever city seems prettiest to you. Personally, I love Bastok... but I guess Windy is where it's at. For my server at least.:: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::
SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT
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Re: Starting jobs?
Originally posted by Tomato_Kai View PostIcemage touches on something very important that deserves reiteration.
Do not choose your race based on your starting point, or your starting gear. Choose your race based on which you think you'll enjoy spending many *many* hours staring at.
This was an especially hard lesson for me, because I started off as Galka. Even got to Rank 5 and into the mid thirties on my mnk. Not a huge thing, but about a month's worth of work in all for a new player. Unfortunately, I got so stinkin' tired of his animations and appearance, I simply couldn't take it anymore, and made my current character - a little Hume Male.
Besides starting gear and cities and such... any of the other needs your character may have can be made up at any one point going down the road in the game. Personally, I suggest starting off in Sandy or Bastok (to get easy access to the dunes and the dunes OP warp...) and then transferring to whichever city seems prettiest to you. Personally, I love Bastok... but I guess Windy is where it's at. For my server at least.
And had to redo all my completed missions >_>.
Just choose what you like, don't worry about race specifics unless you're trying to be a Galka mage, and even then it's avoidable if you have common sense.Cleverness - Hades
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Re: Starting jobs?
Well, if he's going to be a WAR then you'd be pretty well off picking either RDM or WHM since both jobs can heal, but RDM can fight better than a WHM can.
The only difference in what job you pick to start as is what your little starting bonus is;
Warrior: Onion Sword
Monk: White Belt (STR +1)
Thief: Onion Knife
Red Mage: Onion Dagger (I could have these two mixed up though) and Dia
White Mage: Onion Club and Scroll of Cure
Black Mage: Onion Staff and Scroll of Stone
Those spells are all dirt cheap though, so what you could do is pick WAR (to get the sword) then switch jobs to RDM and buy the scrolls from the magic shop.
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Re: Starting jobs?
Just starting out you have 6 jobs you can play: Warrior, Theif, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage and Red Mage. Once you get one of these to lvl 30 you can unlock lots of other jobs and there are currently over 20+ jobs and growing. All jobs start on lvl 1 but the game keeps track of the level attained for each job.(and you can always swap back ^^)
There are alot of Warrior-type mele jobs including Samuari, Dragoon, Warrior(yes we have'em), Palidin and Dark Knight just to name a few....
The game is team-based so most solo play is out...except for a really smart beastmaster!(a job that must be unlocked)
If you have any more FFXI questions feel free to ask me(via PM)...remeber what the guy said you can swap jobs whenever you feel like it ^^Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
(have fun MMO players ^^)
Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl
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Re: Starting jobs?
yeah my brother had the smae problem, he couldn't stand looking at the galka for too long, and he thought elves ran funny. I thought he was just being fussy,the appearance didn't really bother me too bad.I wanna play!!!
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Re: Starting jobs?
Taru Taru ftw they are the eassiest to look at cuz if you get boerd of them you can hide in a shrub, or in someones legs.
Also Id like to point out that BLM can also solo pretty good from 20-75, you'll die alot, and by alot i mean an abnormal amount.
Personally for you guys Id suggest going WAR and RDM the benefit to this
War- will be used as your early subjob for theif and monk if your so inclined to level them. It can use a plethera of equipment and gains skills in many different weapons. Will also be used as a subjob for most melee oriented advanced jobs, samurai, dark knight, dragoon, or for tank jobs Paladin and Ninja. WAR is also a great job on its own and easily one of the most powerful an versatile of the melee jobs.
RDM- is a very versatile job from the get go as well, it can be used to level skills in all the schools of magic (except blue magic, and summoning magic) or weapons (more so sword and dagger). It is a great subjob for BLM,WHM early on, and works well as a sub job for some advanced jobs, SCH, BST(solo), DRG(solo), PLD(solo and certain endgame events), NIN(solo and certain endgame events). Also RDM is a very versatile job at endgame, and arguably one of the best soloers at the late stages of the game. Its not overly powerfull but relys on endurance, and survivability. It is an immensley fun job to play (though can drive you nuts at times). In some cases you will be the key to many victories for you party, alliance.
In short I would recomend warrior and red mage until 37 until you decide if you want to try an advanced job or another starter job so if you fall in love you can keep going without needing to level another subjob for a long time.
sig courtesy tgm
retired -08
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Re: Starting jobs?
Originally posted by pacoblah View Postyeah my brother had the smae problem, he couldn't stand looking at the galka for too long, and he thought elves ran funny. I thought he was just being fussy,the appearance didn't really bother me too bad.
That's no lie.
Also: Shadowneko, how are you just so pleasantly helpful?:: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::
SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT
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