Long story short, im going down the path of cor/nin, and i plan on making my own ammo, ninja tools and ninjutsu stuffs. I was told that i need to do smithing (is it goldsmithing or regular smithing) wood working and alchemy, can someone please help me out as far as what i need to do to get going in the right direction and if this is wise. Thanks
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Need help with COR and NIN
Re: Need help with COR and NIN
The main tools ninja uses are shihei (sp?) and are underwoodworking. They also have tools made from Cloth, Smithing, Goldsmithing, and I think Alchemy.
Bullets are mostly smithing with some goldsmithing and alchemy subs required.
Personally, if you leveled all those crafts to 60 and took 1 to 100 (you can only have 1 craft to 100) you would of spent millions more than you'll spend on tools and such in years. I have 98 woodworking, and the profit on shihe is marginal at best. And that's even with HQing a good portion of them. Untill you could break the tier levels you might be operating at a loss or breakeven at best.
Smithing if a bit more expensive to level than wood, but doesn't hold a candle compared to the Goldsmithing sub you'll need to level as well. While the economy has changed since I first started level gold, I'd say be prepared to spend close to 25 million gil just to get gold to 60. You could cut corners by mining up some ore and such, but then you're looking at leveling this very slowly. The first few levels aren't much, but once you get to silver, mythril, and gold your gil will fly out the window.
Smithing is fairly cheap until you get to darksteel if I recall correctly. But it will still eat a chunck of change. Alchemy however is cheap as hell to level. You could probably get to 60 on a million or less; possibly make money as well depending on the economy at the time.
I enjoy crafting, it's nice to beable to make things for friends and profits. But it will take years before I could say I'm actually making money. Most synths that you'll level on are sold at a loss until you can HQ them (10+ levels later). Once you get to those pricey synths and you have a critical break you'll die a little on the inside and want to cry lol. When the economy was super inflated I was making gold ingots, something like 100k a synth and it seemed like every break was a crit break.
If you're character information is correct, I'm not sure you'd have enough ways of making gil available to you yet to fully level a craft and still gear your character. I'd suggest looking more into a farming and selling the drop. In particular, drops used to synth common items. They typically cost more than whatever is crafted from them, and thus more money for you.
Wish you best of luck if you decide to craft.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
Yes you will need several Crafts to make ur own Tools and Bullets...
Ninjutsu tools:
Makibishi:Smithing (23)
Hiraishin:Goldsmithing (31)
Jusatsu:Alchemy (37)
Kaginawa:Clothcraft (29), Smithing (15)
Kawahori-Ogi:Woodworking (39)
Kodoku:Alchemy (19)
Mizu-Deppo:Woodworking (34), Smithing (7)
Sairui-Ran:Alchemy (28), Cooking (11)
Shihei:Woodworking (29)
Tsurara:Alchemy (6)
Uchitake:Woodworking (26)
Bullets (Ammo):
Bronze Bullet:Alchemy (38), Smithing (13)
Bullet:Alchemy (41), Goldsmithing (18)
Iron Bullet:Alchemy (45), Smithing (22)
Steel Bullet:Alchemy (48-49?), Smithing (30)
Good Luck!
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
Well, 100k isn't going to be enough to level your crafts to that point, but nor is it enough to fund your entire leveling career as COR and NIN. So it's really up to you. If you want to be able to make everything, you'll have to farm/craft/quest/whatever to make enough gil to first fund your crafting, then you'll be able to level. Or you can farm/craft/quest/whatever for the gil to buy things from the AH, and you'll be able to level immediately.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
You can actually level alchemy pretty easy in Pashlow while you farm. Also you can level smithing/goldsmithin at the same time if you do some research on which items to make and when. I did this and got smithing to 42 and goldsmithing to 38 using items made from one craft and using them in the other. Also there are some items you can make that will raise the level of 2 crafts at the same time.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
If you check the items you're looking to make at www.ffxiah.com you will see under the receipes on the bottom right the approximate cost to make it. Most items you'll notice a very slight profit or loss unless you HQ. Don't expect to HQ unless your quiet a few levels about the receipe cap; though you'll get a few HQ from time to time just randomly.
However, for some of those items the cost is inaccurate. If you're seriously thinking of crafting now or in the future, you need to become very involved in all the information available. You need to be able to find NPCs that sell ingredients you need. You need to know when it's better to sell in a starter town as opposed to Jeuno/Whitegate. When to NPC items versus selling on AH. Calculate what an item cost sell including AH fees.
Personally I use a very complex Excel spreedsheet I made to keep tracks of everything from HQ rates to total loss/profit. I have bookmarks to all the sites that have crafting info. I'd suggest reading up on it as much as possible to get an idea, and start watching some items on the AH. You'll find crafters are very greedy about thier niches in the market and won't reveal all thier secret money making items so that the market doesn't get flooded.
Guides are everywhere on the web for actual things to craft to get to a 100 (or whereever you want to be), but they arn't set in stone. They're just what one crafter did to get there; read them over, see what sells and whats just a complete gil sink.
Best of luck to you.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
well i wanna try this, so what i can see is a common groud from cor and nin is the need for alchy, and smithing. so heres one question, i am gonna HQ alchy so when i make bullets i can get a greater chance of getting stacks of 99 rather than 33. Now my main question is, when i HQ, how do i get my rank up?
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
HQ is just something that happens randomly but is influenced by your current alchemy skill (and appropriate subs in some instances)
0 - 10 levels above cap gives you 1-2% chance of HQ.
11 - 30 levels above cap gives you about 10% chance of HQ. Generally referred to as "HQ1 tier"
31 - 50 levels above cap gives you about 25% chance of HQ. Generally referred to as "HQ2 tier"
51+ levels above cap gives you about 50% chance of HQ. Generally referred to as "HQ3 tier"
It is also believed by many that day of the week, moon, time and direction influence your HQ rate.
So to HQ a level 25 synth about 50% of the time you'd have to have alchemy at level 76 or higher. So it's up to you if you want to invest the time and money to get to 76 (which will be fairly substantional amount of both time and money). They're other synths you could do for profit along the way, but it's a matter of finding them and there not being an alchemist already in the niche.
Thanks 0
Re: Need help with COR and NIN
I should point out before you even get started that /NIN is an incredibly weak subjob for COR from low to high levels and only becomes worthwhile at the highest levels and even then its not terribly great unless you're pulling.
The accuracy bonuses granted by dual wield pale in comparions to what a /RNG sub would offer you long term, which would grant you +22 Ranged Accuracy at 60+ before any gear was added.
I have a guide written up on the COR forum and made reference to the subjobs COR tends to favor there, but I'll make a tracing out of your career path here:
Levels 1-14 - Here you can't even use a gun yet. Take this time to skill up your sword, /WHM and /BRD subjobs would be more worthwhile to you at these levels than any others.
Levels 15-21 - You can start using a gun, but the gil spent on bronze bullets and the crappy damage those bullets give just makes it not worth the trouble, so continue with the swordplay and pretty much /WHM or /BRD for that phase. At level 20. First Accuracy Bonus Trait from /RNG would become active, Dual Wield from /NIN becomes available. Sadly, Dual wield only looks cool, its not useful until 28 and even then only mildly so. /RNG starts being felt here.
Level 22 - Start using guns now, level 22 bullets become available and offers great damage returns. Cure II becomes accessable via /WHM.
Level 24 - Utususemi: Ichi becomes available under /NIN, which is awesome for a job that generally doesn't get hit anyway. :roll:
Level 28 - Archer's Knives become available and /NIN becomes mildly worthwhile since you can Dual Wield them for two +10 Ranged Accuracy stat boosts. At this point, direct melee is going to be less worthwhile since you have a lot of ranged accuracy and bullets will grant you more TP per shot than knives will per hit.
Level 30 - Noct Armor set becomes available. Buy it, love it, most of it will last you to AF levels. /RNG really begins to shine here, /NIN had become slightly better. You're gonna start favoring more melee-ish gear at these levels and /WHM is starting to become more of a conflict with that, though it still can be helpful in certain setups and situations. Divine Seal from /WHM comes available to COR this level
Level 35 - Pick up a pair of Drone earrings. There useful here, but become even moreso as you can Quick Draw.
Level 40 - You learn Quick Draw, start stocking up on AGI gear, because AGI grants COR both ranged accuracy stats and also helps the accuracy of your quick Draws. Quick Draw serves many purposes in parties. Light Shot can sleep an enemy, Dark Shot can dispell an enemy buff, meanwhile Ice Shot can enhance the effects of a Paralyze spell after an ally has cast it on an enemy, as can Earth Shot affect the power of a Slow spell.
Quick Draw's damage is determined by the DMG of your gun and bullet combined, so make sure to upgrade your guns from here on out.
You can also quest your AF1 at level 40 - Do it because Trump Gun will give you a lot of milage - potentially all the way to 56, when Matchlock Gun Becomes available.
Level 22 - Cure III from /WHM becomes available.
Level 49 - You're gonna get to know a goblin named Mysticmaker Profblix pretty well. He drops the Moldavite Earring which gives a +5% bonus to magic damage made by Quick Draw. Not a big boost now, but helpful as you upgrade Iron and Steel bullets down the road, it gets a little better.
Level 50 - Iron Bullets can now be used, you can start questing COR AF. The quests are a whole other discussion to themselves, bug me about it when the time comes in LS and I'll walk you through it.
Level 55 - Time to start retiring the Noct Set. COR AF Body, Feet and Head will be useful to you all the way to 70+, COR hand and feet AF will be less useful, but the Jaridah hands and feet will be very useful to you. Jaridah body eill last a few levels, pretty much being trumped by Corsair's Frac at 58. Jaridah hands can be replaced by Deadeye Gloves at 61
Level 56 - You learn your bread and butter Weapon Skill here - Slug Shot. Trump Gun is now officially old and busted, get a Matchlock gun.
Level 60- Accuracy Bonus II from /RNG becomes available, as well as the RNG job ability Barrage, which allows you to fire multiple shots at one time. /NIN is now a lower tier subjob in terms of melee for you as AB II will give you +22 Ranged Accuracy before any weapon or armor bonuses are applied.
By 59 you've also learned the last of your Phantom Rolls... well, unless SE plans to put the WotG Phantom Rolls beyond that level.
Level 70 - Swords are back in style, hopefully you kept it skilled up. There's a nasty little Kraken called Charybdis in Sea Serpent Grotto that drops the Joyeuse. Its that sword I was flailing around while we got your Kazham Keys. Its awesome and every COR should have one because it lets you gaid TP fast and saves you loads of gil on bullets.
There's also a blobby little Eye mob called Hakutaku that drops something called an Optical Hat, its good for your Accuracy and Ranged Accuracy. You'll need a Hakutaku Eye Cluster to spawn the baddie and quite a few friends to kill him.
level 72 - BLMs start taking a deep interest in you if they haven't already. They want you to pull things and sleep them so they can nuke them to oblivion. /NIN starts to get a little more useful, though many CORs also favor /WHM and /BRD subs for these styles of parties. Bring lots of Light Cards, you'll need them every minute.
Also, if you've been diligent with Assaults you can obtain Pahluwhan gear at this level. The body piece is hands down the best thing for a Joyeuse COR.
Three great guns also become available - Martial Gun, Peacemaker and Coffinmaker. Get all of them, I'll explain how elsewhere.
Level 74 - Utsusemi: Ni obtained via /NIN. /NIN finally becomes really useful. You may find yourself called to pull and stage fights with Light Shot a lot at this level, similar to how BRDs would do it. As with the BLM PTs, bring lots of light cards, also bring lots of shehei for Utsusemi. You'll be thankful to have a Peacemaker for these pts.
And thats it. I'm totally copying all that for my COR guide update.
Thanks 0
Re: Need help with COR and NIN
Kitten your the best! Thanks a bunch. So would you recommend that i drop ninja for a while and start leveling my rng then cor? cause really the only i have leveld are war/thf/nin (and spent a lot of money on fame for nin T.T) im kinda confused, altho i would see the benifit of whm, i would def want a pl of whm to get that outta the way asap.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
Personally I think you're trying to move too quick through the levels. But I was guilty of the same thing as I leveled my first job.
I'd recommend taking the time to level any sub that would be useful to you at any level now. Level ranger, whm, brd, nin and even war and thf to 37. Focus on your subs that you'll need now though (rng and whm, possibly nin). While doing this you need to learn how each job plays in a party since as a Cor you'll be playing all these roles to a degree. Also you'll collect beastmen seals to use later to fund your career job.
While you may want a PL for leveling whm, you'll need to focus on what the job does; it does you no good to have the sub available if you don't know how to play it all. Some advocate against PLing; but personally I PL most everyjob I play. But I'm also taking the time learn the job. But that's either here nor there.
Things you should focus on:
1) Source of income for gear/supplies. Every job needs this, cor more so since they use non-returning ammo.
2) Subjobs: Every job has to deal with this as well, though many jobs have only 1 or 2 appropriate subs.
3) What stats/gear your job will need levels before you'll need it. You'd hate to ding into a level and find that you can't preform your role correctly without X piece of gear or Y weapon. Start researching what you'll need and have it (or the gil to get it) ahead of time.
It really just boils down to knowing where to look for information and have the patience to do what you need too. A lot of players like to rush through jobs with gimp gear, gimp subs, and really have no clue how to do thier job. Sure you'll get invites; but once you preform badly for enough parties they won't invite you any more. Best to be prepared than get a reputation and a poor player. Just my opinions.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
Thanks for that insight, althought i know what your talkin about, how each sub goes with cor, besides the fact, i left ffxi for a short while and actually had a 40 whm, 30 blm, pld, drk, sam, smn and rng. as far as knowing how to play them, im sure i got it down, what i was gonna do was this, lets say i was gonna sub whm for cor, whm -> 10 cor -> 20 whm -> 15 cor -> 30 ect, just my way of keeping my interest in everything.
PS (crap i forgot i have to get my warrior back to lvl 30 before i can start RNG quest, i deleveled and need now 2k exp T.T)Last edited by kyomagi; 10-22-2007, 12:34 PM.
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Re: Need help with COR and NIN
i finally sucked it up and just got my ninjutsu scrolls last night and realized why i died so much (even if i had sneak on, some mobs argg to low hp T.T) but im gonna work on my nin to about 18-19 and then whm (MABYE) Thats besides the point, i should prolly start alchy soon, where can i farm the ingreds i need for the first few skill points?
has level 30 leveling at kahzam non exsistant anymore? I mean i have gone to norg 3-4 times yesterday and the day before and saw nobody in the second jungle T.T
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