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Final Fantasy XI Origins project

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  • #16
    Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    Well here's the sticky part, Sev, we kinda have guides established on every forum as it is. However if you wanted to detail out job abilities existing within the role, where they began and such, that would be fine.
    The FF Compendium thing: that's kinda the idea, but what's there is rather bare-bones, a cut and paste from the instruction manual. I'd like see something a little more in-depth, to give the jobs some lore.

    Oh I am working on a guide for BG Wiki as well as here, Omni is going to help me out. I tend to put the job history in the few guides I have written, so I can copy and paste from my guide to here if you want. The drg history is very nice, if you add in the various history and back story of where the drg characters come from.

    If you haven't read the lore from ffxi, check out this:

    Elmer's work.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #17
      Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

      Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
      Oh I am working on a guide for BG Wiki as well as here, Omni is going to help me out. I tend to put the job history in the few guides I have written, so I can copy and paste from my guide to here if you want. The drg history is very nice, if you add in the various history and back story of where the drg characters come from.

      If you haven't read the lore from ffxi, check out this:

      Elmer's work.
      From the FFXI side, yeah, that's what I've been thinking, I had seen Elmer's History forum on BG before, but hadn't really looked at it.

      But taking it a step further, for example, you could include a character such as Ulmia for BRD lore or Priche for MNK since those jobs do come to light through the characters, along with the characters in AF storylines and characters in prior and subsequent FF games.


      • #18
        Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

        But do we really want people thinking mnk/whm is that uber >.>;
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #19
          Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

          Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
          But do we really want people thinking mnk/whm is that uber >.>;
          Well, she was really WHM and MNK at the same time. But that'd just the BC fight she was in.

          Ambiguious characters and their roles are was follows:

          Wakka (FFX) - attacked from a range with blitzball, which sometimes inflicted status ailments on enemies. His overdrive attack consisted of Gambler reels. I'd say he was gambler, but there are some RDM elements there.

          Yuffie (FFVII) - claims she's a Ninja, but bears more resemblance to a THF than the NINs that Edge and Shadow clearly are. She has more in common with Locke, Vaan and Rikku.

          Dagger and Eiko (FFIX) - They're portrayed as Summoners, though they also deal heavily in White Magic. Kinda enimagtic like Rydia in FFIV, who as a BLM and SMN at the same time. I say just call all three SMNs.

          Cloud Strife (FFVII) - SAM or WAR?

          Barret (FFVII) - WAR or RNG?

          Steiner (FFIX) - WAR or PLD? I'm inclined to say WAR since "Cover" was something anyone could learn in that one. He was also partially a Mystic Knight when he teamed up with Vivi.

          Relm (FFVI) - Described as "Pictomancer" but I'd really just say she was a BST in the long run. I realize Shadow was part-Trainer, too. But Relm and Rinoa Heartily seem to be more in-line with BST.

          Mog (FFVI) - this really rides on whether or not Geomancer is confirmed, otherwise, he's a Dancer. Put this one on hold

          Gogo (FFVI) - I'm actually somewhat inclined to make an argument that Gogo could be our dark horse reference for PUP. He was a Mime, mimicking the previous action of another job. Puppetmasters use thier automations to mimic other jobs directly.

          Rosa (FFIV) - she was a WHM and a RNG. I'm more inclined to say she was just WHM.

          Edgar (FFVI) - Dubbed "Engineer" but dealt mostly in ranged status effects.

          Sage characters (FuSoYa and Tellah) - They're kinda like RDMs, only really specialized in both kinds of magic and not at all in melee.

          I suppose "dual job" characters could earn a footnote for each of thier jobs when it comes down to it. Rosa could be talked about a little in a RNG guide, I suppose Maria (FFII) could as well due to lack of characterization in the series.

          Those are really the only characters I can think of with amalgamated roles.


          • #20
            Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

            Gau was a morpher. it's where that class originated, and while Vincent's limit breaks were quite similar, I still don't think it's really fair to give the FF7 (or 8 for that matter) cast members classes, since they only vaguely resembled them vs the characters who were clearly established like Cecil (DRK/PLD) and Rosa (WHM/RNG)

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              I still don't think it's really fair to give the FF7 (or 8 for that matter) cast members classes, since they only vaguely resembled them
              Actually, they still fall under the possibility of being classified, because the thing about it is, within the FF series, "jobs", "Professions", or methods of doing things, are still categorized by what a person does more than who they are. Every character in the main series had a job, or emulated enough aspects of a job, to be classifed into one. Laguna Loire used ranged attacks for every attack he ever made, and nothing but ranged attacks; by those actions, he fell under the catch-all job of Ranger, as that is the job that is the closest to what he did in function (Gunner is just a spinoff of Ranger, as is Archer; the argument could be made that both Gunner and Archer are really just Rangers that specialized in guns or bows).

              The same argument could be made for every job-ambiguous character in the series (especially for VII and VIII). Vincent Valentine had been given Morpher-like abilities, but his main (original) job was Ranger through-and-through. He even continues to use Ranger-like abilites as his main form of attack and function in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, so calling him a Morpher first is a bit misleading.

              The main problem is narrowing down a character's M.O. to the traits they exhibit in combat and theme; that's where a large point of contension can occur between observers. A significant number of characters can have two or more jobs as a main, and mix the two together to form something unique (and thus, cannot be classified), so the debate over some of them could be endless. That's why I say if we can't come to a consensus over some characters, just leave them out of the discussion alltogether. Saves time, headaches, and egos.


              • #22
                Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                How about this, then.

                Any secondary non-FFXI job the character may have we'll just discard. So Morpher or no, Gau is a BLU and Vincent is RNG. Makes it a bit easier. We'll toss Barret in since both he and Vincent could attack from the front or back row with no damage penalty (which is the way RNG used to be, but we're going to ignore that fact).

                Meanwhile Yuffie is just NIN. SE still depicits Red XIII as learning enemy skills, even in the movie, so BLU. Not much question that Cid is DRG, even if he takes a page from Setzer on one limit break (who wouldn't?).

                FFVIII's characters can be cut and dry.

                I'd say Squall was WAR. Zell MNK. Quistis BLU, Selphie is COR, Rinoa BST, Irvine and Laguna RNG, Kiros NIN and Ward is WAR (He didn't Jump, harpoon or not).
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-24-2007, 10:38 PM.


                • #23
                  Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                  As long as Khimari and that rat thing from ffix aren't drgs, we will be ok.
                  Thanks Kazuki.
                  Dragoon Equipment


                  • #24
                    Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                    Unfortunately (for you, Skoal), they are.

                    BTW, Freya owns. Hard. Any "rat" that can kick that much ass has to. It's law.

                    Khimari... ...well, he actually is a full member of both of my jobs, Dragoon and Blue Mage, much like how Prishe is a full member of both the White Mage and Monk jobs at the same time (if she ever went to TA Ivalice, she'd be the only non-Bangaa White Monk).

                    Everything else BBQ posted is more or less accurate. Everyone in the main series can be put somewhere, and it'd make sense.


                    • #25
                      Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                      That doesn't really work for Gau though... better to just exclude him, because Strago was the BLU of FF6.

                      Gau is similar only in that he uses monster attacks, and it stops there. It's not accurate at all to call him a BLU and as such should simply be left out IMO.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #26
                        Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        That doesn't really work for Gau though... better to just exclude him, because Strago was the BLU of FF6.

                        Gau is similar only in that he uses monster attacks, and it stops there. It's not accurate at all to call him a BLU and as such should simply be left out IMO.
                        Gau learns enemy skiils and spells.
                        Strago only learns enemy spells, many exclusive.
                        Strago can also learn enemy spells through Gau.

                        Its easier to just say Gau and Strago both BLU and not get into semantics since there are BLUs in the series that fall in-line with the both o them.


                        • #27
                          Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                          Strago doesn't become berserk though, and use a select set of abilities from a single monster. He also uses MP, while Gau does not. There are enough differences that I firmly believe you should not lump them together.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #28
                            Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                            The methods are different, but the end result is the same: use of enemy skills/abilities. BLU in XI is different from how it used to be in the past; are you not gonna call it Blue Mage just because you don't have to get hit with the ability to learn it and can't use every spell all the time?

                            Use of enemy abilities has been a Blue Mage staple from the beginning. If the majority of what a character does revolves around that, then regardless of method, they are a Blue Mage of some caliber.


                            • #29
                              Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                              How is it different? You learn spells from an enemy then cast them with MP. There's always been subtle variations in spell acquisition but with the exception of Quistis (who needed her limit break) every BLU in the series has always cast them with MP while retaining full control.

                              Just let it go already, Gau is not a blue. That's like saying RDM is a WHM because it can cast cure.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • #30
                                Re: Final Fantasy XI Origins project

                                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                                Just let it go already, Gau is not a blue. That's like saying RDM is a WHM because it can cast cure.
                                Tell that to everybody asking us to Main Heal.

                                . . . Please.
                                Originally posted by Armando
                                No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                                Originally posted by Armando
                                Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                                GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                                Matthew 16:15

