Before I say anything, I've searched this. I typed "Race" in the Search function (once word gets a lot of pages which is good). I thoroughly looked at the topic names and looked in the ones I thought may have been like this topic. I've mainly seen topics that talk about races in the game itself and not others. So, I'd like to do one to see which race (or species...not counting regular monsters) would you play if it were here? We all know FFXI will not add any new races. Like the topic says, it's just a thought. Here are the races/species:
Bangaa from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Burmecian from Final Fantasy IX.
Guado from Final Fantasy X/X-2
Hypello from Final Fantasy X/X-2.
Lilties from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
Moogles from Multiple Games that you should know of. (a more detailed feature).
Moombas from Final Fantasy VIII.
Nu Mou from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Qu from Final Fantasy IX.
Ronso from Final Fantasy X/X-2.
Seeq from Final Fantasy XII.
Viera from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Yukes from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
EDITED: My computer accidentily entered the topic in before I finished it so I couldn't add the pictures in time. Although, when I did enter some in spoilers, it didn't come up. Also, I didn't post the ones that look like humans. Another FYI, some of the races may have similar stats to the races in FFXI, but it's just a thought on appearance of your choosing (or choose it for w/e reason you'd like).
The links are the pictures. Source:
Another Edit: Don't be too logical, mathematical, or w/e you want to call it. It's a thought question. I've already mentioned few of these have similar stats to the races of the game. Just asking which other race would you play as (or one of them that you'd like in the game). Also, obviously these would be altered to look more character-playable-like.
Bangaa from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Burmecian from Final Fantasy IX.
Guado from Final Fantasy X/X-2
Hypello from Final Fantasy X/X-2.
Lilties from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
Moogles from Multiple Games that you should know of. (a more detailed feature).
Moombas from Final Fantasy VIII.
Nu Mou from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Qu from Final Fantasy IX.
Ronso from Final Fantasy X/X-2.
Seeq from Final Fantasy XII.
Viera from Final Fantasy Advance and Final Fantasy XII.
Yukes from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
EDITED: My computer accidentily entered the topic in before I finished it so I couldn't add the pictures in time. Although, when I did enter some in spoilers, it didn't come up. Also, I didn't post the ones that look like humans. Another FYI, some of the races may have similar stats to the races in FFXI, but it's just a thought on appearance of your choosing (or choose it for w/e reason you'd like).
The links are the pictures. Source:
Another Edit: Don't be too logical, mathematical, or w/e you want to call it. It's a thought question. I've already mentioned few of these have similar stats to the races of the game. Just asking which other race would you play as (or one of them that you'd like in the game). Also, obviously these would be altered to look more character-playable-like.