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Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

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  • #16
    Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

    Or maybe that goofy costume from FFT?



    • #17
      Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

      no no...didn't you hear red pointy hats are in this year XD

      Seriously the uniquness of the job would probabaly be with Non-elemental nukes that get around the elemantl resiance factor. There's also room in the cosmic magic archtpye for new/different buffs and deuffs.

      Wild speculation? Heck ya! we could use abit more of it!
      Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
      (have fun MMO players ^^)
      Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


      • #18
        Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
        Which is nothing, people have just assumed time travel.
        I don't think they'd pan camera shots of current zones looking as they did in the past they didn't intend for us to go back in time or at least magically enter someone's memories of the past to explore them. That or the present is merging with the past and you've got to stop that.

        Its one of those. I don't think the assumptions are entirely baseless,

        I don't know what the hell you keep beating your dead horse. Let people have fun with thier imaginations. We get that you're an unimaginative grump, you can stop now.


        • #19
          Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

          I'm saying that the gameplay would be the same. BLU, COR, and PUP are significantly different. The big things time mage could do to be different would be impossible to implement without breaking the game.


          • #20
            Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

            Odds are our amazing time magic will come from none other than Abdhaljs, that fella who seems to have mastered the Mini spell, bringing us Diorama-based Ballista, as well as perhaps mastering numerous other magic he's too boss to tell us about. I'm willing to bet that, through Abdhaljs' temporal manipulations, we do our time-hopping.


            • #21
              Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I don't think they'd pan camera shots of current zones looking as they did in the past
              Or in the future. Its been what, 20 years since the Crystal war when you start the game, yet nothing is done about the ruin in these zones? Either is as possible as the other but people have fixated on one with no more proof then the other. That is by definition, baseless.

              Hell it could be the beastmen forces are reorganizing and the various countries have to rebuild their fortifications. It could be any number of things that are not time travel.

              Now this however:
              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              That or the present is merging with the past
              Is new and at least a better idea then straight out time travel.

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              I don't know what the hell you keep beating your dead horse.
              What else am I going to do with it?
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #22
                Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                What else am I going to do with it?


                • #23
                  Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                  Originally posted by KingOfZeal View Post
                  Also, I'm going to say that your comparison there is flawed. We can all agree that there are two dev teams, as you say, and that one has produced jobs and the other hasn't. However, keep in mind that only 3 expansions have been released (4 counting the original). Of those 4, only one hasn't had any jobs: Chains of Promathia. Just because the one expansion they worked on didn't have jobs, doesn't mean that they can't (or won't) add new jobs in this one.
                  not sure why you think it's flawed, except that maybe I was making the argument by implication and being somewhat Socratic; so here: likelihood of success scenario

                  you have two teams, one has already introduced 33% of the jobs in the game, via expansion, successfully (ok, so two of the jobs were/are huge jokes.) and have experience integrating extra jobs into content and storyline -and balancing them against other jobs already in the game-

                  the other team has never introduced a new job, focusing instead on storylines and challenging battlefields.

                  the first team is still busy working on toau. the second team is largely done except for the little NM we all adoringly call 'AV'.

                  the subscriber base for you game has held steady for ~3 years and your expansion sales have slowly risen, so it's safe to bet this is not your last expansion.

                  would you, as manager of this product, tell team 2 to do something they had no expertise in whatsoever, when you could instead wait 18 months and give the project to team 1, confident that team 2 will make a product that will sustain the line until then?

                  They won't add new jobs in the next expansion, I'll eat my hat if they do.
                  Grant me wings so I may fly;
                  My restless soul is longing.
                  No Pain remains no Feeling~
                  Eternity Awaits.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                    Originally posted by Amele View Post
                    They won't add new jobs in the next expansion, I'll eat my hat if they do.
                    I'm going to quote you on that, just so you can't go a re-edit what you said.
                    BTW, what kind of hat do you have? I hope it's a big leather cowboy hat.
                    Hacked on 9/9/09
                    FFXIAH - Omniblast


                    • #25
                      Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                      May I suggest buying a Sombrero made of nachos?
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #26
                        Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                        Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
                        I'm going to quote you on that, just so you can't go a re-edit what you said.
                        BTW, what kind of hat do you have? I hope it's a big cheese cowboy hat.

                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #27
                          Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                          Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
                          I'm going to quote you on that, just so you can't go a re-edit what you said.
                          BTW, what kind of hat do you have? I hope it's a big leather cowboy hat.
                          Wisconsin, so cheese *grins*
                          Grant me wings so I may fly;
                          My restless soul is longing.
                          No Pain remains no Feeling~
                          Eternity Awaits.


                          • #28
                            Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                            how i see time mage is as a unique enfeebler and debuffer. one of there spells could be rust at which it lowers a target base damage. and then there would be a counter version of the spell that increases a weapons base damage. since really when a weapon is brand new it would be stronger then after being battle worn o.O


                            • #29
                              Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                              New spells != Unique job.

                              EDIT: Also, you basically just described Bio and erase


                              • #30
                                Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                                Originally posted by LoneGamer View Post
                                Everything that is part of the usual Time/Space Mage, apart from Demi and Comet/Meteo, is already part of White, Black, and Red Mages. Why add a new class for it?
                                Why did they add Dragoon & Samurai when there were already a number of DD classes in the original game?

