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Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

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  • #61
    Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

    Well, a RDM might not land an enfeeble, or a BLM might get resisted on nukes, or a BRD might not hit everyone with his songs, but I wouldn't accuse those people of being a drain on the party. It happens sometimes. Mind you, if it happened on a consistent basis, that's another story altogether. But that's not what we're talking about here.


    • #62
      Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

      Exactly, I'm not saying COR is a bad job class, I'm just saying thatthere's an uncontrollable element of luck. The BLM and RDM can increase their likelyhood of landing a spell through equipment, the BRD will be more consistent when he has more skill playing the job, but the COR has no way to control how the dice fall, which makes it's job significantly different.


      • #63
        Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

        Originally posted by Callisto View Post
        You sir, win. You are awarded one(1) internets.
        And a Cookie. Maybe even a dozen.
        Kindadarii (Bahamut)
        90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
        70.3 + 2 Woodworking
        52.2 Synergy

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        • #64
          Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          Busting a roll also means that you only have one buff on until Bust wears off, though.

          Again, I'm not saying that COR is a deadweight job, I'm saying that when a COR busts, they aren't achieving their full potential (and same when they get anything other than a lucky roll or an 11), which changes how the job is played compared to a buffing job like BRD, where there's no real chance of failure. Not doing the maximum possible lowers the amount of EXP gained, which is harmful to a PT. Of course, nobody wants COR to get perfect rolls 100% of the time, as it would break the game and make the job bland.
          Let me put it this way:

          Let's say I roll a 1,2,3,6,7 or 9 on Evoker's Roll. This would land me the 1 MP per tick buff. 5 would give me MP a tick, which 8 and 10 would give me 2. 11 would get me.

          But let's take it a step further and say I rolled the Unlucky 9: Crappy 1 MP a tick. Here are my options:

          (1) I can bust outright and wait to roll again
          (2) I can wait until just before the Recast on Double-up expires, then bust and only leave only 15 seconds of downtime before the next roll.
          (2a) I might get lucky and land a 1 or 2 to get me a better buff and the mages still benefited from the 45 seconds on the 9 and now have a better MP a tick.
          (3) Ghetto Fold - Run out of mage AoE range to bust myself, mages don't lose roll, but I risk missing out on the possibility of example 2a.
          (4) Fold (75 meritted option) - I use Fold similar to how I busted in example 2.

          Unless we're talking Double Bust status - which is at most 4 minutes where no Rolls are possible - its hard to gain downtime on COR.

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          Exactly, I'm not saying COR is a bad job class, I'm just saying thatthere's an uncontrollable element of luck. The BLM and RDM can increase their likelyhood of landing a spell through equipment, the BRD will be more consistent when he has more skill playing the job, but the COR has no way to control how the dice fall, which makes it's job significantly different.
          We can't control the numbers, but there are noticablely different odds for different rolls and you can get a feel for the patterns as you level up. Some might study the statistics of it, but I don't bank on it too much now that I've come to understand the odds through play.

          Additionally, most of the data on roll effects are out there, so all that's left to do is recognize what the best, worst and acceptable buff values are. Pet buffs are really the only ones that haven't been properly documented, but I know a 10 will take a 50 damage hit and raise it to 80 damage and that the lucky 4 will take it to 85-100
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 06-15-2007, 10:55 AM.


          • #65
            Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

            What Feba's trying to say is the luck factor makes Cor unique in that it's the only job affected by that 'stat'. Where as the mage jobs can increase their chances of their buffs/spells landing, Cor can't and must rely on the 'roll of the dice' so to speak.

            But the luck factor has always been what makes the Gambler Class unique. It's a nod to Cors previous incarnations through out FFXI history more then anything else. And what made Time Mage so unique when compared to White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage and Blue Mage through out the history is the *type* of spells they cast, not *how* they cast them. Time Mages don't need a revolutionary system of casting their spells, they just need a unique list of spells to cast.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #66
              Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

              What Feba's trying to say is the luck factor makes Cor unique in that it's the only job affected by that 'stat'. Where as the mage jobs can increase their chances of their buffs/spells landing, Cor can't and must rely on the 'roll of the dice' so to speak.
              Thank you.


              • #67
                Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                >. > late reply I know, but I didn't forget about Mix. I was just giving a simple example of what the class could do. I've got a fully detailed post in mind that I'm in the middle of working over. I want to finalize everything before I post it on here.

                That said, TIM is somewhat hosed by other jobs, most notably WHM. That is, unless SE wants to change the exclusivity of certain spells.

                Spells TIM should have (if it were implemented)

                - Refresh, Haste, Hastega, Haste II, Hastega II, Slow, Slowga, Slow II, Slowga II, Dia, Dia II, Dia III, Bio, Bio II, Bio III, Choke, Rasp, Shock, Drown, Burn, Frost, Diaga, Diaga II, Bioga, Bioga II, Comet, Meteor, Regen, Regen II, Regen III, Refresh, Teleport-(place name), Protect, Shell, Regain, etc...

                Anything that relates to time/space (durr) such as DoT spells and even protection magic. But then the job would be stepping on the toes of quite a few other jobs so I don't know. If COR couldn't already reset 2 hours (by luck) I would have made TIM's 2-hour do just that, but it's already been done.

                Instead maybe it could cut all recasts (abilities and spells) for 30-45 seconds? This would be freaking amazing for job's like SMN or BLM. A spell to hasten JA timers would rock too, but they'd have to be careful with that since we don't want people breaking two-hours.

                It's up in the air, and we'll just have to wait and see what SE does. But I'm betting we won't see new jobs until the next expansion after WotG.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #68
                  Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                  Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                  Spells TIM should have (if it were implemented)

                  - Refresh, Haste, Hastega, Haste II, Hastega II, Slow, Slowga, Slow II, Slowga II, Dia, Dia II, Dia III, Bio, Bio II, Bio III, Choke, Rasp, Shock, Drown, Burn, Frost, Diaga, Diaga II, Bioga, Bioga II, Comet, Meteor, Regen, Regen II, Regen III, Refresh, Teleport-(place name), Protect, Shell, Regain, etc...
                  Now why include those? Elemental enfeebles should rightfully stay BLM exclusive, seeing as they have nothing to do with time/space. And the Dia and Bio families are light and dark elements, not time/space/nonelemental.

                  Just because they cause damage over time, doesn't make them "Time Magic." It doesn't make sense to include them, apart from beefing up their spell list.


                  • #69
                    Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                    Not to mention all of those spells are elemental. It would be a giant change to a lot of fundamental parts of the game to change that all around.


                    • #70
                      Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                      Mainly because they're all damge over time spells. That's my only reason. Like I said, the job would potentially be stepping on the toes of other jobs.

                      Hey, in FF5 WHM couldn't get haste or regen, they were time spells. I forget about FFT...

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #71
                        Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                        Uh-huh, and this is FFXI, not FFV.


                        • #72
                          Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                          Meh, just give me Draw/Junction, GF summoning and a Gunblade.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #73
                            Re: Is time mage a posibility in Wings of the Goddess?

                            Uh-huh, and this is FFXI, not FFV.

                            So what? They're still time-related spells. Besides, there's no official word on the job from SE so this is all speculation. I say have fun and run with it, it's the best way to get ideas on the table.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

