Hey all!! whatsup? I am bout to set off into FFXI today, I have read alot about it etc...But I really still dont know what to do. I cant dicide on what race I should be, I know Tarutaru are good at magic, but cant they be good at anything else too? I talked to a couple of my friends who used to play, then they just went up and quit on me. They say if I want to be anything but a Mage i should pic Elvaan, or Galka. (but I really dont like thos races.) But, I really want to be a tarutaru, but I am not sure if thats a good idea or not. I first wanted to be a Black Mage. Then I wanted to be a Red Mage, but now I dont know what I should be, can someone tell me if there is a good beginner job for a tarutaru basides mages please? Also, I dont know what server to join, so if you have a good server please let me know, I would also like to know of a linkshell that could help me on my way etc..Well, that is all I hope I didnt talk your ear off! bye, and I hope to see you in-game!
