What would be the main difference in playing a blm, thf, rng and ninja. I would like to know what i would be doing in each of these jobs in a party or just overall. I have a vague picture of what they would be like but im nto sure and help is appreciated.
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class difference
Re: class difference
Ninja is a tank job. Your job as a ninja in 90% of parties is to do everything you can to hold the mob's enmity on you and only you while using Utsusemi to avoid the damage it's putting out. To lesser degrees ninja is a damage dealing job and a support debuffer. In early levels you can boost your damage a lot by throwing shuriken between swings, later on tier 2 elemental ninjutsu takes that role, and after you get certain key items and skills (Blade: Jin, Haubergeon, Ochiudo's Kote, Dual Wield III+) you can do very respectable damage over time through sheer speed and force of melee attacks. For debuffing, ninja gets their own versions of the spells blind, paralyze and slow, all of which are very important for reducing the number of effective attacks the mob makes, which makes your job as a tank much easier to do. Ninja is one of the most expensive jobs in the game. You should expect to burn ten thousand gil worth of ninja tools per party as an absolute minimum.
Black mage is a damage dealing job, arguably the most effective job in the game at doing large amount of damage in a short amount of time. The tradeoff is that blm is the second most fragile job in the game, so if you do so much damage that the mob wises up and identifies you as the real threat rather than the tank, you're going to take some hurt to the face and end up taking a dirt nap. "Glass cannon" is a phrase that's sometimes used to refer to blms. Playing blm in a conventional party involves getting an intuitive grasp of how much the mob hates you vs how much they hate the tank and doing as much damage as possible without crossing the "hate line" and taking your own short turn at being the tank.
You could softof think of ranger as being a cross between blm and ninja. You're primarily a damage dealer, and rngs have a reputation for being one of the strongest DDs in the game when played properly, but instead of spending magic points you'll be spending gil on bullets and arrows. Rng is a little sturdier than blm, partially because their armor isn't as paper-thin and partially because they can effectively use ninja as a subjob, so they can leverage Utsusemi to absorb some of the damage that comes their way. Rangers are also commonly used as pullers, the members of the party responsible for finding appropriate prey, tagging it with a ranged attack and bringing it back to camp where everyone's waiting to jump it. The wide scan ability rangers get that shows the location of nearby monsters on the map makes them particularly adept at this, and they're efficient hunters and farmers for the same reason.
Thief is sortof a unique job. They deal damage like a lot of other jobs, and the sneak attack and trick attack abilities make they very good at dealing a lot of damage in one burst once a minute, but their most interesting feature is their ability to assign the hate from that attack to another party member after level 30, tricking the monster into thinking the blow came from someone else. Thieves are often used as pullers also because of their ability with ranged weapons like crossbows. The treasure hunter trait means that thieves get more drops from enemies, making them more efficient farmers and thus better moneymakers than a lot of other jobs. At higher levels, the combination of evasion bonus traits, bloody bolts, and utsusemi from /nin can make thf a strong solo job.Last edited by Taskmage; 03-30-2007, 08:56 PM.
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