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BST and BLU and the new Mobs: put your info here

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  • BST and BLU and the new Mobs: put your info here

    My taru BST isn't really ready for the ToA areas yet, but i'm immensely curious about the new monsters added in the update. So if you're a BST and can survive in these particular areas, I'd very much appreciate seeing what these mobs are, what they look like, what their attacks do and, most importantly, if they're charm-able.

    Since this is also of interest to BLUs for spells, I figured this forum is the right place for it.

    So far I've scanned Wajaom and Thickets, nothing new. Some of the mobs were placed in Thickets in the update notes, so they must be in the camp off of Nyzul Isle.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-07-2007, 05:29 PM.