This game is sort of an Oblivion online =D
I had a lot help yesteday from very nice individuals and they helped put my gears in motion.
So please tell me how many bullseyes I hit after I tell you what i've concluded.
1. I think that I should make an extra content ID ( since its still free during my trial ) and get every onion weapon off every class so when I feel like trying it(class) out I have that weapon. Maybe I could do the same for an adventurer(sp?) coupon as well and get a lot of 50gils.
2. I think I should put my sub as BLM ( Making it WHM/BLM ) when my friend needs healing and make it a THF when we can duo pretty well so I can get more shinies.
1. Whats the best way to smooth talk someone into your server?
I had a lot help yesteday from very nice individuals and they helped put my gears in motion.
So please tell me how many bullseyes I hit after I tell you what i've concluded.
1. I think that I should make an extra content ID ( since its still free during my trial ) and get every onion weapon off every class so when I feel like trying it(class) out I have that weapon. Maybe I could do the same for an adventurer(sp?) coupon as well and get a lot of 50gils.
2. I think I should put my sub as BLM ( Making it WHM/BLM ) when my friend needs healing and make it a THF when we can duo pretty well so I can get more shinies.
1. Whats the best way to smooth talk someone into your server?