OK, so I'm RNG and COR at 75 now. My future job interests are BST, BLU and PUP. I consider COR my main over RNG, but enjoy them equally. As such, I want to specialize my current character, Omgwtfbbqkitten, with merits to benefit those two jobs the most. I'm looking at focusing on Marksmanship mostly, maybe with a little sword thrown in.
Additionally, I'm working out a /WHM sub for COR and a /SAM sub for RNG.
I had considered restarting BST on the current character, but I'm not a fan of the idea, any BST level is hard-fought to get. I'm not exactly a fan of picking up with my old character, Foobar, either, but seeing as he does already have 44 levels on BST, it does seem practical to go back to him for that purpose.
At worst, I'd have to finish /NIN on him. I have all the other subs I'd need. There would be no rush on /NIN since /WHM is also a great sub for BST anyway.
And both characters are about neck-and-neck on mission progress in RoZ and CoP, ToA is a bloody joke on missions, so I'm not worried about Foobar being behind there right now. Assualt.. nothing really there for BST anyway, Kitten can do Assault.
I guess that leaves me with BLU and PUP. Kitten lacks a soloable job and Foobar could take on the other. I'm leaning toward BLU for Kitten.
As for PUP... I'm just facinated with it for some reason, but unsure which character to apply it to. I realize it has its flaws, but I really like the idea behind it. Plus I like how all the ToA jobs integrate into the ToA storyline, so I want to see the other stories. I think it suits Foobar the best.
Would this be a good plan? The way I see it, if Kitten did BLU, I'd have sword merits and the magic skill merits would be left open. And I could switch my plan from four HP merits to full MP merits on her since I need /WHM for COR as an alternative sub either way. This would leave Foobar's combat skill wide open for Axe on BST and possibly hand-to-hand for PUP.
Additionally, I'm working out a /WHM sub for COR and a /SAM sub for RNG.
I had considered restarting BST on the current character, but I'm not a fan of the idea, any BST level is hard-fought to get. I'm not exactly a fan of picking up with my old character, Foobar, either, but seeing as he does already have 44 levels on BST, it does seem practical to go back to him for that purpose.
At worst, I'd have to finish /NIN on him. I have all the other subs I'd need. There would be no rush on /NIN since /WHM is also a great sub for BST anyway.
And both characters are about neck-and-neck on mission progress in RoZ and CoP, ToA is a bloody joke on missions, so I'm not worried about Foobar being behind there right now. Assualt.. nothing really there for BST anyway, Kitten can do Assault.
I guess that leaves me with BLU and PUP. Kitten lacks a soloable job and Foobar could take on the other. I'm leaning toward BLU for Kitten.
As for PUP... I'm just facinated with it for some reason, but unsure which character to apply it to. I realize it has its flaws, but I really like the idea behind it. Plus I like how all the ToA jobs integrate into the ToA storyline, so I want to see the other stories. I think it suits Foobar the best.
Would this be a good plan? The way I see it, if Kitten did BLU, I'd have sword merits and the magic skill merits would be left open. And I could switch my plan from four HP merits to full MP merits on her since I need /WHM for COR as an alternative sub either way. This would leave Foobar's combat skill wide open for Axe on BST and possibly hand-to-hand for PUP.