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Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! <<<rant>>>

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  • #31
    Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

    Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
    (hi there, I look like I have constapation when casting)..
    Yeah. I cant count the amount of times I have gotten stick about that. I wish they would change it.


    • #32
      Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

      Yeah Galka Mages are a lil more difficult to play but thats what makes it so much fun...i stoped for a short time when i was lvlin whm and blm at 10 so i could rock out with dual astrals. Did 3 Petrify pair BCNMS and got both i needed. now my whm is 37 and i just started lvlin blm.

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #33
        Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

        Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
        Yeah I get the "why the hell do you want to play an Elvaan mage comment" too much. I manage my mp just fine! I'm probably going to do smn next, glad I am not playing a male character (hi there, I look like I have constapation when casting).

        Elvaan females are generally rare tbh, and most are played by women (though a friend of mine who plays an Elvaan female is male himself).
        Even a close friend of mine gets in moods where he tries to lecture me on my race choice. (Funny thing is, he's an Elvaan Red Mage...Figure that if you can.) I've had to get rather abrupt with him a few times, because my more passive comments go unheard and he just keeps nagging until I bust out bitch-mode. Then he generally shuts up and apologizes.

        And male Elvaan summon animation is.. yeah, ick. Another friend of mine was showing me some avatars back when I was a starry-eyed newbie, and the first thing I thought when I saw his summoning animation was 'lol..'. I'm sorry, S-E, but that one really doesn't do it for me. The Elvaan female one somehow reminds me of FFX, that little prayer gesture thing they did. I've always liked that because of FFT and FFX being my main drive into taking up Summoner. It's like a little bit of an homage.

        You're right about Elvaan women though, if you see one, there's a much higher chance it's actually a woman at the controls than say on a Mithra, or even on a Hume to some extent. Dunno why that is though.
        "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

        ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


        • #34
          Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

          I wish I could play a male Mithra. I don't want to be mistaken for a girl =/


          • #35
            Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

            If it's any comfort if I were to play from scratch again I'd play a Galka. I'd take their hit point bonus over their lack of MP any day of the week. You can equip gear to take your MP to a more acceptable level but the raw survivability of the Galka hit points will enable you to survive many more fights than your shorter counterparts.


            • #36
              Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

              I'll be honest the worst whm I've ever partied with was a Galka, but it was due to him wanting to melee and not having any gear that added mp to make up for weaknesses. A Galka can be a decient mage you just have to spend a little more on gear at earlier levels and get good at mp conservation faster than the taru. In my opinion the stats may be gimp, but the player gets more skilled as a result of playing behind the 8 ball making a high quality mage or a complete bust depending on your playskill.

              In short it was none of the redmages business since he wasn't in your xp party. (Even if he had been one should wait a few battles to see how good you are before passing judgement.)
              Last edited by Theyaden; 03-05-2007, 01:59 PM.


              • #37
                Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                Went from LV50-70 RDM as Galka in less than a week and a half. That is playing every night straight for 4-6 hours. So much for Galka Mage stigma. :3

                I even bypassed ppl in the guild that, when I started and was a newb, are still level 64. LOLdrkdrgftw
                Last edited by Shinhiryu_Kage; 03-05-2007, 10:32 AM.


                • #38
                  Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                  The bias is still there but people will overlook it to have a mage in the party. Behold the power of scarce mage jobs ^..^
                  Gratz on the levels btw


                  • #39
                    Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                    If you ever get a /tell like that again , just /tell them back reading "lol gimped closed mind"

                    Pretty much ends the convo and you're back to being an uber mage kicking ass , waiting for another jealous /tell.

                    They must find it difficult...
                    Those who have taken authority as the truth ,
                    Rather than truth as the authority.


                    • #40
                      Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                      Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View Post
                      Went from LV50-70 RDM as Galka in less than a week and a half. That is playing every night straight for 4-6 hours. So much for Galka Mage stigma. :3

                      I even bypassed ppl in the guild that, when I started and was a newb, are still level 64. LOLdrkdrgftw
                      People would invite a chimp if it has Refresh, sounds mean, but its totally true. Scoff the DRGs and DRKs now, but they'll get to laugh when you ask for help on your 15th testimony, so I suppose it balances out Maat has broken the spirit of countless RDMs.
                      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-05-2007, 07:47 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                        I just quit playing my Galka cause I couldn't stand looking at him >_>. Nothing to do with being at a 'disadvantage' at mage jobs(I use that term loosely, I've seen plenty of good galka mages just as I've seen plenty of good Taru melee), but frankly, my Hume's mustache-beard thing is just AWESOME. Nothing beats it ;_;.
                        Cleverness - Hades
                        DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                        • #42
                          Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          People would invite a chimp if it has Refresh, sounds mean, but its totally true. Scoff the DRGs and DRKs now, but they'll get to laugh when you ask for help on your 15th testimony, so I suppose it balances out Maat has broken the spirit of countless RDMs.
                          Your thinking is terribly ridiculous.

                          While, sure, I can agree that people in general seem to favor inviting any Refresh job they can get their hands on, regardless of race, that doens't negate the fact that that the social stigma surrounding Galka mage jobs still isn't getting overlooked. I'm not sure what your basis for comparison is to offer your statement, and I don't think I'd like to really know. Except...

                          It still makes the fact of the matter the same, regardless.

                          If your intentions to disprove a point being made about the social stigma of Galka mage job invites existing because people in general will still invite a Galka if its a RDM for Refresh anyway, then you failed and, infact, proved such point. Because, simply put, in the hypothetical idea of a party leader looking for a refresher and seeing a galka, and trying to determine if he will work, then supposedly one can surmise the person "sees the word galka, thinks about how mp will be low for it and possibly how potentially a bad player is invovled, but invites anyway because it has refresh," then the terms and conditions for Galka Mage anything being overlooked is obviously proved false and the Galka is still invited. lol This helps Galkas in general.

                          So the original point being made is, its possible to evade the social stigma of Galka Mage jobs by playing a RDM. Which, obviously if I was able to level and gain levels in quite a short amount of time, the stigma obviously gets overlooked, and to our benefit as Galka Mage players.

                          On a side note, any educated RDM will know that its more than possible if not, easy, to solo your own testimonies as a RDM, without help. If no one is educated, please let it be known, its quite easy to solo them as yourself, without the help of a [insert job here.]

                          It's sad that Maat has broken the spirit of past RDM's, but.... if you ask my opinion, isn't challenge what we all lust after? Anything less..... well.... does not make sense lol.

                          Don't quit.


                          • #43
                            Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                            Skill > Gear > Race

                            Next time, respond that they must have picked their race to compensate for their lack of skill and gil.
                            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                            Fishing 60

                            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                            • #44
                              Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                              Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage
                              If your intentions to disprove a point being made about the social stigma of Galka mage job invites existing because people in general will still invite a Galka if its a RDM for Refresh anyway, then you failed and, infact, proved such point. Because, simply put, in the hypothetical idea of a party leader looking for a refresher and seeing a galka, and trying to determine if he will work, then supposedly one can surmise the person "sees the word galka, thinks about how mp will be low for it and possibly how potentially a bad player is invovled, but invites anyway because it has refresh," then the terms and conditions for Galka Mage anything being overlooked is obviously proved false and the Galka is still invited. lol This helps Galkas in general.
                              Then why do Galka BRD/WHMs still get invited, or Mithra? By race they're the worst for the jobs, but they get invited anyway. I think you're just a little paranoid.

                              Additionally, Galka are able to make the largest HP to MP sarifice in the game, to levels that not only scare a Tarutaru, but bring Galka very close to competing with Tarutaru in all mage jobs.

                              I think you're too worried about the racial stigma held by a handful of players. Fact remains, if you're RDM, WHM, SMN or BLU as Galka, you're hardly suffering for invites, its just that if you're BLM you're boned these days no matter what race you picked.

                              Tarus have the lowest HP in the game and could be considered the worst potential for PLD, yet they make for the best Paladin race in EXP PTs, they're practically on par with any NIN for tanking in ToA zones if they play it right. Few PLDs of other races have been able to compete with Taru PLDs, but I have met Hume and Galka PLDs that still can.

                              The stigmas are easy to overcome if you prove yourself in EXP. COR is believed to be one of the slowest pullers in the game, but at merit level I'll give any BRD a run for their money because I know how to apply the tools I have at my disposal.

                              Its all about skill and knowing how to play to the strengths of your race and your job.


                              • #45
                                Re: Galkas can do mage jobs you know!!!! &lt;&lt;&lt;rant&gt;&gt;&gt;

                                umm this is how i search for a refresher

                                brd-> (name)-> (lvl)-> (who ever responds first)

                                if no brd then

                                rdm- > (name)->(lvl)->(who ever responds first)

                                personally as Omgwtfbbqkitten said if you were a chimp and u kept my mages refreshed idc your in lol. I always look to see if i know the person first then who lvl is better for my pt then if there is more then one who ever wins the retell battle lol.
                                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


