Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts
Well maybe if that was involved with a series of Dances, such as the threnody series, and not be the main deal for all the dances. Then you could also give them other, directly controlled Dances to fill in for where the elemental Dance's randomness kicks in. Like say the Fire Dance could do a number of effects randomly providing one at first but slowly growing stronger over time. Like it could have either a DoT, Str down or paralyze like effect and when used at lower lvls would only have one effect proc, but at higher lvls or zones with strong fire unfluence, would have two, three or even more effects of that one dance go off. It would certainly be unique in it's implimentation and effect while still reflecting the Dancers elemental origins.
No offense, but a lot of that seems rather familiar O.-
Well maybe if that was involved with a series of Dances, such as the threnody series, and not be the main deal for all the dances. Then you could also give them other, directly controlled Dances to fill in for where the elemental Dance's randomness kicks in. Like say the Fire Dance could do a number of effects randomly providing one at first but slowly growing stronger over time. Like it could have either a DoT, Str down or paralyze like effect and when used at lower lvls would only have one effect proc, but at higher lvls or zones with strong fire unfluence, would have two, three or even more effects of that one dance go off. It would certainly be unique in it's implimentation and effect while still reflecting the Dancers elemental origins.
Originally posted by Jugil
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Here's my idea 
Geomancer (GEO)
A hybrid class that harnesses the power of the terrain to enhance, enfeeble foes, and devastate enemies through manipulation of the terrain. Abilities influenced by a particular element are strengthened on the day of the week associated with that particular element. Additionally, weather effects that correspond to the element of an ability affect the strength of that ability.
Traditionally, geomancers were offensive spell casters, focusing on magic DD and enfeebling. Contrary to most mage jobs their spells are governed by the terrain in which they fight in. With respect to FFXI, this would hinder the GEO since only a limited number of spells would be available at a given time. This type of dependence would exile the GEO class from the start and lead to a lolGEO mentality. Another related issue is that in many areas, the mobs you find are strong to the element of the terrain (e.g. leveling on Anticans in Quicksand: Ants are strong to earth, which would predominantly be the element of QC’s terrain).
Due to these limitations, I propose that the GEO have access to all spells in the GEO arsenal. However, spells of a given element are cumulatively enhanced based upon the day’s element and weather effects. Much like BLU, spells are learned instead of purchased; however, unlike BLU, the GEO learns his spells from the terrain/weather.
The procedure by which spells are learned, has some similarities to gaining the effects for Carbuncle’s Ruby. This procedure entails having a bell (GEO only) equipped in the ranged slot, and having a crystal of the desired element you wish to acquire in your inventory. Then, the GEO must travel to a zone where the weather effect associated with the desired element is present, much like the Carby Ruby. The crystal will become “energized†when exposed to the weather effect, and can now be used to obtain a spell. It is important to note that the effect can be gathered at any level, but the energized crystal cannot be used until the GEO is the appropriate level. It is also useful to note that these energized crystals are Exclusive, but not Rare. Therefore, it is possible to collect stacks of energized crystals at one time.
Suppose I’m a level 10 GEO from San d’Oria, but want to go ahead and gather energized water crystals. I can equip my bell and head out to La Thiene, ensuring I have water crystals in my inventory. Now I zone in to La Thiene and wait for rain (water weather), then quickly zone back out and in to obtain an energized water crystal. I, however, have to wait until level 18 before I can use the crystal to learn Torrent.
This class is intended to primarily be a tank with its Defense Bonus traits, enmity generating spells, and damage mitigation spells. In the early levels, the GEO only has virtually no spells, but has a decent rating in Great Axe (B-). Thus, the GEO can use his physical damage to muscle his way through levels 5-10. At level 10, the GEO gains the spell Enrage, which is basically Provoke, but uses MP to cast. Through his teens, the GEO can use Enrage, a Great Axe (much like a WAR), and the various elemental spells (similar to NIN tanks) they learn to maintain hate.
With level 20 comes the first in the line of the GEO’s damage mitigation spells: Earthen Mail. This sort of gives the GEO the effect of Stoneskin, thus negating physical damage for a set amount. Additionally, throughout the 20’s, GEO obtains a Blink/Utsusemi ability (Zephyr Cloak) and another zero damage buff that negates magical damage (Bubble Field). At level 24, the GEO will receive 2 shadows from Zephyr Cloak, 3 at 48, and 4 at 72 (with capped Geomancy).
Through the 30’s the GEO gets access to elemental enfeebling spells that lower enemy attributes (much like the BLM elemental enfeebles). These enfeebles follow the same rules of application that the BLM enfeebles do in that only certain spells can be stacked on a mob. Additionally, in the 30’s, the GEO gains the ability to enhance his attributes, but only two of these spells can be active at the same time with a bell equipped, much like BRD songs. Also, like BRD songs, only one of these spells can be active if no bell is equiped.
At higher levels, the GEO gets access to Protect/Shell/Phalanx type abilities, additional enhancing magic (Fortify, Accelerate, etc.), and more offensive/enfeebling spells (Spirit Talker).
With regards to GEO as a support job, I see it being capable of enhancing PLD quite a bit. For EXP, PLD typically subs WAR for Provoke; however, with a GEO sub a PLD has access to Enrage at level 20; Earthen Mail, Zephyr Cloak, and Bubble Field from 40-60; and Entrench at 66. Additionally, the PLD can benefit from having more MP since the GEO has natural MP, whereas WAR doesn’t.

Geomancer (GEO)
A hybrid class that harnesses the power of the terrain to enhance, enfeeble foes, and devastate enemies through manipulation of the terrain. Abilities influenced by a particular element are strengthened on the day of the week associated with that particular element. Additionally, weather effects that correspond to the element of an ability affect the strength of that ability.
Job Traits
Ability (Level) : Description
Resist Bind (10) : Increased resistance to Bind
Defense Bonus (25) : Increased defense
Resist Bind II (30) :
Elemental Killer (40) : Occasionally intimidates elementals
Defense Bonus II (50) :
Resist Bind III (55) :
Spirit Talker (65) : Allows the GEO to call forth a spirit of nature to inflict heavy damage associated with the day's element
Defense Bonus III (70) :
Resist Bind IV (75) :
Job Abilities
Ability (Level/Recast/Duration) : Description
Divination (1/2:00:00/2:00) : Greatly enhances all four light/dark attributes depending upon the element of the day (e.g. Windsday boosts Fire/Wind/Thunder/Light attributes : i.e. STR/AGI/DEX/CHR/Attack/Evasion/Accuracy/HP)
Shield Ritual (25/5:00/2:00) : Enhances resistance associated with the element of the day
Elemental Ritual (35/5:00/2:00) : Enhances spells associated with the element of the day
Divine Ritual (45/5:00/1:00) : Enhances light or dark spells depending upon the element of the day
Dowsing Rod (55/5:00/0:30) : Further exposes the weakness of an enemy
Spells are acquired and not purchased, as with BLU. However, spells are not learned from mobs, but are learned from energized crystals. To energize crystals, the GEO must take crystals of the corresponding element and expose them to their respective weather. This works in a similar manner to the Carbuncle's Ruby. Once the GEO has obtained the appropriate level, the energized crystal of the correct element can be used to learn a spell. Note: energized crystals stack and are Exclusive, but not Rare
Spell (Level/MP/Recast) Element-Skill-Type : Description
Obscure (8/6/0:10) Dark-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Blinds an enemy, lowering accuracy
Enrage (10/8/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Generates a large spike in enmity
Numb (12/8/0:10) Ice-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Paralyzes an enemy
Quicksand (14/12/0:10) Earth-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Slows and enemy
Rockfall (16/12/0:10) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals earth damage
Torrent (18/14/0:10) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals water damage
Mistral (20/16/0:11) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals wind damage
Earthen Mail (20/30/0:30) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Absorbs damage from physical attacks. Additional effect: Slow
Blaze (22/18/0:11) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals fire damage
Snowstorm (24/20/0:12) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals ice damage
Zephyr Cloak (24/20/0:40) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Generates 2~4 shadows, each absorbing one hit. Additional effect: Gravity
Blazing Hauberk (25/15/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals fire damage when hit. Additional effect: Blind
Thunderstorm (26/22/0:12) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals lightning damage
Frozen Aegis (27/15/0:30) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals ice damage when hit. Additional effect: Paralyze
Tremblor (28/18/0:20) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT earth damage and lowers accuracy
Bubble Field (28/24/0:30) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Absorbs damage from magical attacks. Additional effect: Regen
Bolt Bracer (29/15/0:30) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals thunder damage when hit. Additional effect: Stun
Current (30/20/0:20) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT water damage and lowers attack
Whirlwind (32/22/0:20) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT wind damage and lowers defense
Entrench (33/30/1:00) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances VIT and defense of the caster
Scorch (34/24/0:20) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT fire damage and lowers magic attack
Draught (35/30/1:00) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances MND and magic defense of the caster
Spring (35/30/0:10) Water-Geomancy-Healing : Heals target
Chill (36/26/0:20) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT ice damage and lowers evasion
Breeze (37/30/1:00) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances AGI and evasion of the caster
Storm (38/28/0:20) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT lightning damage and lowers magic defense
Cooldown (39/30/1:00) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances INT and magic attack of the caster
Syphon (40/30/0:30) Dark-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Steals a target's HP
Jolt (41/30/1:00) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances DEX and accuracy of the caster
Glare (42/32/0:30) Light-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Blinds and enemy, greatly lowering accuracy
Landslide (43/34/0:30) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals earth damage and lowers resistance to thunder
Shine (44/35/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances CHR and HP of the caster
Flashflood (45/36/0:30) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals water damage and lowers resistance to fire
Guardian Angel (46/24/0:20) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Adds to damage mitigation
Typhoon (47/38/0:30) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals wind damage and lowers resistance to earth
Shade (48/39/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances MP and adds a refresh effect for the caster
Inferno (49/40/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals fire damage and lowers resistance to ice
Glacial Shift (51/42/0:30) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals ice damage and lowers resistance to wind
Electrical Storm (53/44/0:30) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals thunder damage and lowers resistance to water
Fortify (54/40/1:00) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases defense, lowering attack
Soften (56/40/1:00) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Breifly negates enmity loss at the cost of no damage
Altana's Shield (55/35/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Mitigates physical damage
Accelerate (58/42/1:00) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases attack speed, lowering accuracy
Frenzy (60/42/1:00) Fire-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases attack, lowering defense
Promathia's Shield (60/38/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Enhancing : Mitigates magical damage
Channel (62/44/1:00) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases magic accuracy, lowering defense
Precision (64/44/1:00) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases accuracy, lowering evasion
Divine Intervention (65/200/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Healing : Fully heals the caster
Spirit Calling (65/100/5:00) Light-Geomancy-Elemental : Calls forth a spirit of nature to inflict heavy damage associated with the current day of the week.
Reinvigoration (70/50/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Healing : Restores 100~150 MP to the target
Skill : Rating
Geomancy : A+
Staff : A
Evasion : B
Hand-to-Hand : B
Great Axe : B-
Axe : C+
Parrying : C
Dagger : C-
Club : D
Throwing : E
Artifact Equipment
Slot (Level) Item : Description
Main (40) Aura Bell : VIT+1 AGI+2 Enhances elemental correlation
Feet (52) Alluvial Cossacks : DEF:14 HP+10 VIT+3 Enhances "Elemental Shield" effect
Hands (54) Torrid Gages : DEF:17 STR+2 Enmity+3 Enhances "Elemental Ritual" effect
Head (56) Dynamic Cap : DEF:22 MP+10 DEX+2 Enmity+3
Legs (58) Irriguous Bells : DEF:34 MND+2 Geomancy skill+5
Body (60) Hiemal Plate : DEF:46 MP+10 VIT+2 INT+2 Enhances "Dowsing Rod" Geomancy skill+5
Ability (Level) : Description
Resist Bind (10) : Increased resistance to Bind
Defense Bonus (25) : Increased defense
Resist Bind II (30) :
Elemental Killer (40) : Occasionally intimidates elementals
Defense Bonus II (50) :
Resist Bind III (55) :
Spirit Talker (65) : Allows the GEO to call forth a spirit of nature to inflict heavy damage associated with the day's element
Defense Bonus III (70) :
Resist Bind IV (75) :
Job Abilities
Ability (Level/Recast/Duration) : Description
Divination (1/2:00:00/2:00) : Greatly enhances all four light/dark attributes depending upon the element of the day (e.g. Windsday boosts Fire/Wind/Thunder/Light attributes : i.e. STR/AGI/DEX/CHR/Attack/Evasion/Accuracy/HP)
Shield Ritual (25/5:00/2:00) : Enhances resistance associated with the element of the day
Elemental Ritual (35/5:00/2:00) : Enhances spells associated with the element of the day
Divine Ritual (45/5:00/1:00) : Enhances light or dark spells depending upon the element of the day
Dowsing Rod (55/5:00/0:30) : Further exposes the weakness of an enemy
Spells are acquired and not purchased, as with BLU. However, spells are not learned from mobs, but are learned from energized crystals. To energize crystals, the GEO must take crystals of the corresponding element and expose them to their respective weather. This works in a similar manner to the Carbuncle's Ruby. Once the GEO has obtained the appropriate level, the energized crystal of the correct element can be used to learn a spell. Note: energized crystals stack and are Exclusive, but not Rare
Spell (Level/MP/Recast) Element-Skill-Type : Description
Obscure (8/6/0:10) Dark-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Blinds an enemy, lowering accuracy
Enrage (10/8/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Generates a large spike in enmity
Numb (12/8/0:10) Ice-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Paralyzes an enemy
Quicksand (14/12/0:10) Earth-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Slows and enemy
Rockfall (16/12/0:10) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals earth damage
Torrent (18/14/0:10) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals water damage
Mistral (20/16/0:11) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals wind damage
Earthen Mail (20/30/0:30) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Absorbs damage from physical attacks. Additional effect: Slow
Blaze (22/18/0:11) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals fire damage
Snowstorm (24/20/0:12) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals ice damage
Zephyr Cloak (24/20/0:40) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Generates 2~4 shadows, each absorbing one hit. Additional effect: Gravity
Blazing Hauberk (25/15/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals fire damage when hit. Additional effect: Blind
Thunderstorm (26/22/0:12) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals lightning damage
Frozen Aegis (27/15/0:30) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals ice damage when hit. Additional effect: Paralyze
Tremblor (28/18/0:20) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT earth damage and lowers accuracy
Bubble Field (28/24/0:30) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Absorbs damage from magical attacks. Additional effect: Regen
Bolt Bracer (29/15/0:30) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Deals thunder damage when hit. Additional effect: Stun
Current (30/20/0:20) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT water damage and lowers attack
Whirlwind (32/22/0:20) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT wind damage and lowers defense
Entrench (33/30/1:00) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances VIT and defense of the caster
Scorch (34/24/0:20) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT fire damage and lowers magic attack
Draught (35/30/1:00) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances MND and magic defense of the caster
Spring (35/30/0:10) Water-Geomancy-Healing : Heals target
Chill (36/26/0:20) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT ice damage and lowers evasion
Breeze (37/30/1:00) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances AGI and evasion of the caster
Storm (38/28/0:20) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals DOT lightning damage and lowers magic defense
Cooldown (39/30/1:00) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances INT and magic attack of the caster
Syphon (40/30/0:30) Dark-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Steals a target's HP
Jolt (41/30/1:00) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances DEX and accuracy of the caster
Glare (42/32/0:30) Light-Geomancy-Enfeeble : Blinds and enemy, greatly lowering accuracy
Landslide (43/34/0:30) Earth-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals earth damage and lowers resistance to thunder
Shine (44/35/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances CHR and HP of the caster
Flashflood (45/36/0:30) Water-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals water damage and lowers resistance to fire
Guardian Angel (46/24/0:20) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Adds to damage mitigation
Typhoon (47/38/0:30) Wind-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals wind damage and lowers resistance to earth
Shade (48/39/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Enhancing : Enhances MP and adds a refresh effect for the caster
Inferno (49/40/0:30) Fire-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals fire damage and lowers resistance to ice
Glacial Shift (51/42/0:30) Ice-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals ice damage and lowers resistance to wind
Electrical Storm (53/44/0:30) Thunder-Geomancy-Elemental : Deals thunder damage and lowers resistance to water
Fortify (54/40/1:00) Earth-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases defense, lowering attack
Soften (56/40/1:00) Water-Geomancy-Enhancing : Breifly negates enmity loss at the cost of no damage
Altana's Shield (55/35/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Enhancing : Mitigates physical damage
Accelerate (58/42/1:00) Wind-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases attack speed, lowering accuracy
Frenzy (60/42/1:00) Fire-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases attack, lowering defense
Promathia's Shield (60/38/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Enhancing : Mitigates magical damage
Channel (62/44/1:00) Ice-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases magic accuracy, lowering defense
Precision (64/44/1:00) Thunder-Geomancy-Enhancing : Greatly increases accuracy, lowering evasion
Divine Intervention (65/200/1:00) Light-Geomancy-Healing : Fully heals the caster
Spirit Calling (65/100/5:00) Light-Geomancy-Elemental : Calls forth a spirit of nature to inflict heavy damage associated with the current day of the week.
Reinvigoration (70/50/1:00) Dark-Geomancy-Healing : Restores 100~150 MP to the target
Skill : Rating
Geomancy : A+
Staff : A
Evasion : B
Hand-to-Hand : B
Great Axe : B-
Axe : C+
Parrying : C
Dagger : C-
Club : D
Throwing : E
Artifact Equipment
Slot (Level) Item : Description
Main (40) Aura Bell : VIT+1 AGI+2 Enhances elemental correlation
Feet (52) Alluvial Cossacks : DEF:14 HP+10 VIT+3 Enhances "Elemental Shield" effect
Hands (54) Torrid Gages : DEF:17 STR+2 Enmity+3 Enhances "Elemental Ritual" effect
Head (56) Dynamic Cap : DEF:22 MP+10 DEX+2 Enmity+3
Legs (58) Irriguous Bells : DEF:34 MND+2 Geomancy skill+5
Body (60) Hiemal Plate : DEF:46 MP+10 VIT+2 INT+2 Enhances "Dowsing Rod" Geomancy skill+5
Traditionally, geomancers were offensive spell casters, focusing on magic DD and enfeebling. Contrary to most mage jobs their spells are governed by the terrain in which they fight in. With respect to FFXI, this would hinder the GEO since only a limited number of spells would be available at a given time. This type of dependence would exile the GEO class from the start and lead to a lolGEO mentality. Another related issue is that in many areas, the mobs you find are strong to the element of the terrain (e.g. leveling on Anticans in Quicksand: Ants are strong to earth, which would predominantly be the element of QC’s terrain).
Due to these limitations, I propose that the GEO have access to all spells in the GEO arsenal. However, spells of a given element are cumulatively enhanced based upon the day’s element and weather effects. Much like BLU, spells are learned instead of purchased; however, unlike BLU, the GEO learns his spells from the terrain/weather.
The procedure by which spells are learned, has some similarities to gaining the effects for Carbuncle’s Ruby. This procedure entails having a bell (GEO only) equipped in the ranged slot, and having a crystal of the desired element you wish to acquire in your inventory. Then, the GEO must travel to a zone where the weather effect associated with the desired element is present, much like the Carby Ruby. The crystal will become “energized†when exposed to the weather effect, and can now be used to obtain a spell. It is important to note that the effect can be gathered at any level, but the energized crystal cannot be used until the GEO is the appropriate level. It is also useful to note that these energized crystals are Exclusive, but not Rare. Therefore, it is possible to collect stacks of energized crystals at one time.
Suppose I’m a level 10 GEO from San d’Oria, but want to go ahead and gather energized water crystals. I can equip my bell and head out to La Thiene, ensuring I have water crystals in my inventory. Now I zone in to La Thiene and wait for rain (water weather), then quickly zone back out and in to obtain an energized water crystal. I, however, have to wait until level 18 before I can use the crystal to learn Torrent.
This class is intended to primarily be a tank with its Defense Bonus traits, enmity generating spells, and damage mitigation spells. In the early levels, the GEO only has virtually no spells, but has a decent rating in Great Axe (B-). Thus, the GEO can use his physical damage to muscle his way through levels 5-10. At level 10, the GEO gains the spell Enrage, which is basically Provoke, but uses MP to cast. Through his teens, the GEO can use Enrage, a Great Axe (much like a WAR), and the various elemental spells (similar to NIN tanks) they learn to maintain hate.
With level 20 comes the first in the line of the GEO’s damage mitigation spells: Earthen Mail. This sort of gives the GEO the effect of Stoneskin, thus negating physical damage for a set amount. Additionally, throughout the 20’s, GEO obtains a Blink/Utsusemi ability (Zephyr Cloak) and another zero damage buff that negates magical damage (Bubble Field). At level 24, the GEO will receive 2 shadows from Zephyr Cloak, 3 at 48, and 4 at 72 (with capped Geomancy).
Through the 30’s the GEO gets access to elemental enfeebling spells that lower enemy attributes (much like the BLM elemental enfeebles). These enfeebles follow the same rules of application that the BLM enfeebles do in that only certain spells can be stacked on a mob. Additionally, in the 30’s, the GEO gains the ability to enhance his attributes, but only two of these spells can be active at the same time with a bell equipped, much like BRD songs. Also, like BRD songs, only one of these spells can be active if no bell is equiped.
At higher levels, the GEO gets access to Protect/Shell/Phalanx type abilities, additional enhancing magic (Fortify, Accelerate, etc.), and more offensive/enfeebling spells (Spirit Talker).
With regards to GEO as a support job, I see it being capable of enhancing PLD quite a bit. For EXP, PLD typically subs WAR for Provoke; however, with a GEO sub a PLD has access to Enrage at level 20; Earthen Mail, Zephyr Cloak, and Bubble Field from 40-60; and Entrench at 66. Additionally, the PLD can benefit from having more MP since the GEO has natural MP, whereas WAR doesn’t.