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Fleshed-out Job Concepts

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  • #91
    Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

    In FFT Geomancers didn't really learn spells, they had one attack that utilized makeup the ground they were on in an offensive manner. Now obviously this wouldn't work under FFXI's style as the ground can be made of multiple different things and it would end up being a lot of work to recode everything. Though one can argue that the groundwork is there, based on the fact that the sounds of footsteps can change over certain terrains. Also, the fact that a Geomancer is someone who'd work with the earth and ground moreso then the surrounding weather.

    Mog, in FFVI, would learn dances randomly by fighting in a certain area. If they were in a wooded area, he *might* learn a Wood type attack etc. But his attacks weren't so much elemental in nature as they were 'dances' that used a somewhat elemental base. Which is where OMG's original dancer concept came from. In FFVI there were no Dancers or Geos, so Mog was a mix of both.

    Personally, if it were to work similar to Mog, it would mean we'd only get one of the two potential jobs he was based on. And I would prefer it myself if the jobs were built more like their FFV or FFT style concepts.
    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


    • #92
      Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

      Ziero, I finally reread your Geo concept from page 1 (it'd been months, afterall).

      I like most of the spells, and of course you did your home work for some names (props to Hantz for that too, btw). Also, you stated the concept of equipping Bells like BRP did, but instead of consumable, they'd be equipped like BRD instruments.

      This would mean once you get all 8 Bells, you're set. That seems just a bit too easy for my liking, but we'll address that later.

      I think the list of attack spells should fall into one of 2 categories:

      -elemental resist down
      -damage negating.

      your layout would have the status spells also dealing light damage, which is fine. As far as damage negation, you have Shield Bash: the spell and crit rate down which are nice starts. The "Wall" abilities are simply too random. Like we've talked about with the later builds, the Stoneskin effects (if there are any) will need to be readily available yet not the only thing the class relies on.

      I see most of the Wall abilities actually are useful. I was expecting only the Earth one to be any good. But I still think that you should lose the mechanic wherein you get a random buff. Being able to know what your character is about to do is kinda paramount.

      I like contingent upon damage effects as a concept. Hantz and Ziero both did quite a bit of things like that. I'd like the Bio spikes if it actually lowered their attack enough to matter.

      I think with your effects listed, it'd be interesting to base them on a sort of "Self Bard" mechanic. I.e. they can only affect themselves with 2-3 of those at a time. OK, so here comes a confusing implementation of the wall concepts: Geomancy as an umbrella ability or whatever like Corsair's Phantom Roll.

      So they all adhere to this timer -- let's say it's 15 second reuse. All abilities within, once used, cannot be used again for 1 minute. So you could use 4 Geomancies/minute, but never the same one twice in that minute. Further, they'd all have durations of 45 seconds. You're always just about to put up a 4th ability when you lose the first.

      You get the idea, the times were just pulled out of me arse. Ideally, they'd be a bit more drawn out than that, with a Ninja-sized Spell list to use in between.

      The elemental Debuffs should have long recast times but very long durations. Or anything else to discourage them from "spinning the wheel" for hate like NINs. that's not their purpose. Instead, they use the element that a SC/MB will be keyed to in the start of a fight and never come back to it. Maybe this should be an instant ability, making it a sort of Quick Draw of Threnodies.

      Oh yeah: bells. Each bell carries 2-3 elements on it, but they also have modifiers. A sample Bell could be:

      Waterspout Chime
      Carries Water and Wind elements
      Wind -2
      In Water regions: Water Geomancy +3

      so while it allows you to cast Wind spells w/out wind terrain, they'd be slightly weaker. Meanwhile, using the bell in a zone that already has Water element grants you a bonus.
      "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


      • #93
        Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        I think that would work, yes.
        Well, why don't we flesh this out a bit more then.

        Say, a lot of people then posted about having Geomancer's abilities tied to the weather.


        Problem is, certain zones have a fixed set of weather and as much as you would like it, it definitely will NEVER snow in Altepa.


        Also, how would weather impact dungeons? I certainly would not think weather should affect performance 500 ft underground in CN. We're really bending lore and game-physics for this to work...

        As well as BCs. LOL ... an alternate dimension with NO WEATHER. Think about that...

        So, no, weather should not and will never impact a Geomancer's ability the way it might and could for a BLM or SMN.

        However, the elemental day of the week ought to have some say over a Geomancer's effect and should play some role determining the success and failure of those abilities.

        Developing a bonus system for using the "correct" terrain with the abilities should be a good step in the right direction. Let's also develop a system of "penalties" for using abilties on the "wrong" terrain as well (but not to severe)

        Lastly, without breaking game balance, let us also develop GEOs to be quite formidable. Have them equipped with spells that, while you can have a party without, would almost certainly be so desired that they will be in demand. Subtlely focus the bonus on certain abilities with certain terrain affinity in areas where people do not or would not otherwise set exp camp up. This will then create ... exp diversity.

        I hope those were positive contributions...


        • #94
          Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
          Yes it was.

          = ????

          And Yellow Mage, RDM isn't mystic knight. The two jobs have always existed separately. IMO SE just got lazy and decided to do a lame tribute to them by giving RDM enspells. I would have much rather seen RDM get their classic double cast ability, but that got changed into fast cast since it's no longer turn based combat (well, it still is but different)
          Doublecast could very easily be fit into this game: activate Doublecast, choose a spell and target, choose another spell and target, and after the second spell is chossing, the Red Mage starts casting. When the casting is completed, both spells go off simultaniously (if order is needed, the first one, obviously, technically goes first). The only real problem with this is how S-E is going to balance the casting time. Maybe use the average casting time of the two spells chosen?

          As Armando sugested (pretty sure it was him) the spellblade model for nukes would provide an elemental damage bonus that gets added along with base weapon damage (based on spell tier) to determine the final outcome.

          The biggest problem lies in balancing the damage output. I just had an idea on that though; 1 of either 2 of these (both would be really harsh) could be done to keep the job in line at least for end game.

          1) Since it's still a spell, the same rules for dealing magic damage to NMs apply. This means that constant swinging of a spell will jack up a monster's resistance, which is not good.

          2) Because it's also a melee attack, level based penalties could factor in. You'd still be doing more damage than other melee jobs, but still can't match the spike damage of a BLM due to the level penalties.
          OR we could change change Enspells to fit this model. It's not that hard: like you said, the only real problem is determining how much of the spell's power ends up in the Sword. I think that was the very problem that made Enspells so gimped in the first place: S-E didn't want it to be overpowered.

          Even if Mystic Knight were to be put into the game, they'd just run into the exact same problem, unless Enspells are actually given a considerable amount of the original spell's power.

          That's all I can think of at this hour for balancing the job. Really, I'd rather leave it up to SE. I'd be happier than a pig in shit if they just put it into the game.

          ME LIKEY SPELLBLADE! > - > (Family Guy on the brain... "Me likey bread sticks! Me likey bread sticks!")
          How about this: we follow the Enspell improvement model stated earlier, and give Red Mages a couple more tiers of Enspells, but also give Mystic Knight the same spells, but at earlier levels, with a Two-Hour Ability called "Spellblade," which temporarily adds the full power of the spell on to your attacks (ispo ergo, your Fire IV every four seconds) for the Enspell cast. Lasts for the duration of one Enspell, or one minute if no enspell is cast.

          And, by the way, "Family Guy" sucks.

          Given that the basis for enspells and the job that used it came out in 1992 I'd have to say no to that statement. Enspells IMO were a mistake on SE's part. Yeah, I know that's going to tick off a lot of you RDM lovers, but it's not something the job did originally.

          I'm not trying to bash RDM here either, it's one of my favorite FF classes ever. I just don't like the direction SE has given the job in 11. I much prefer the FF1/5 versions to be honest.

          What RDM could use are some honest melee traits (and really why don't they have any? RDM is the model hybrid job) and some better gear selection for it. Obviously not Haub, but maybe something decent (that isn't impossible to obtain >. >)

          A- sword skill to match BLU would be a good start too.
          You know what? I think we can actually reach on agreement on this whole thing.

          If Mystic Knight were released on the terms stated earlier, though, thier spell selection would be fairly limited, since they can only cast on thier swords. Maybe some Shield casting spells, also? Though I don't know how that will work out.

          Basically, what I can get from this is you basically want a Black Mage who uses his spells through his Sword. This could work, but please, give some consideration to Red Mage's current and potential Enspells first. However, this still would solve the problem of Red Mage's Group II Merits . . .

          What I see as a spell list:

          Enstone: Red Mage level 18, Mystic Knight level 1; aids your attacks with "Stone."

          Enpoison: Red Mage level 19, Mystic Knight level 3; aids your attacks with "Poison."

          Enwater: Red Mage level 27, Mystic Knight level 4; aids your attacks with "Water."

          Enaero: Red Mage level 20, Mystic Knight level 9; aids your attacks with "Aero."

          Endrain: Red Mage level 30, Mysic Knight level 12; aids your attacks with "Drain."

          Enfire: Red Mage level 24, Mystic Knight level 13; aids your attacks with "Fire."

          Enblizzard: Red Mage level 22, Mystic Knight level 17; aids your attacks by making lame games (just kidding, but you all get the idea by now, I hope).

          Ensleep: Red Mage level 28, Mystic Knight level 20; aids your attacks with "Sleep." (Even though you'll still be doing damage, if the Sleep effect procs, the enemy will still go right back to sleep. However, considering the nature of these spells, the Sleep won't proc that often, unless under the 2hr "Spellblade" . . .)

          Enthunder: Red Mage level 16, Mystic Knight level 21. (The only spell Red Mage gets first.)

          Enaspir: Red Mage level 60, Mystic Knight level 25; aids your attacks with "Aspir." (PLEASE give this to Red Mages! That and Endrain!)

          Enstone II: Red Mage level 48, Mystic Knight level 26; aids your attacks with "Stone II."

          Enwater II: Red Mage level 57, Mystic Knight level 30.

          Enaero II: Red Mage level 50, Mystic Knight level 34.

          Enfire II: Red Mage 54, Mystic Knight 38.

          Ensleep II: Red Mage 58, Mystic Knight 41.

          Enblizzard II: Red Mage 52, Mystic Knight 42.

          Enpoison II: Red Mage 49, Mystic Knight 43.

          Enstun: Mystic Knight 45; aids your attacks with "Stun." (Mystic Knight's first exclusive spell mentioned here, which is really a more offensive version of "Shock Spikes." )

          Enthunder II: Red Mage 46, Mystic Knight 46. (Only spell where Mystic Knight ties Red Mage.)

          Enstone III: Red Mage 71, Mystic Knight 51.

          Enwater III: Red Mage 68, Mystic Knight 55.

          Enaero III: Red Mage 70, Mystic Knight 59.

          Enfire III: Red Mage 68, Mystic Knight 62.

          Enblizzard III: Red Mage 69, Mystic Knight 64.

          Enthunder III: Red Mage 71, Mystic Knight 66.

          Enstone IV: Mystic Knight 68. (Mystic Knight's other exclusives come up here.)

          Enwater IV: Mystic Knight 70.

          Enaero IV: Mystic Knight 72.

          Enfire IV: Mystic Knight 73.

          Enblizzard IV: Mystic Knight 74.

          Enthunder IV: Mystic Knight 75.

          Enelements V as the six Merit Group II spells.

          This is only a relatively minor selection, basically gleaned from the Black Mage spell list. I know White Magic have other spells that can be used (stuff like "Ensilence" for Red Mages and Mystic Knights, and "Enholy" as a Mystic Knight exclusive), and, technically, Enspells are White Magic Spells.

          But, I think this is the best way for Mystic Knight to be implemented without stepping on anybody's toes: Red Mages get better Enspells in the long run, the spells still aren't anywhere near the nuking potential of a Black Mage (excluding the 2 Hour, which goes, blatantly, above and beyond), the En-Enfeebles won't be either as potent or proc as often as the real enfeebles (again, excluding the 2 Hour), but, they provide reasonable alternatives for the Mageknights.
          Originally posted by Armando
          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
          Originally posted by Armando
          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
          Originally posted by Taskmage



          Originally posted by Taskmage
          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
          Matthew 16:15


          • #95
            Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

            There's issues with all our suggestions when it comes to Geomancer.

            Places like Sky, Sea, Promyvion, Zvahl, and other places don't exactly have elemental terrain or even weather. Perhaps the material Castle Zvahl is made out of could be attributed to Earth and Dark, but the Emptiness is just that. Casting traditional Geomancer spells here would seem really out of place.


            • #96
              Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

              Sky has Wind(and Light and Double Light) and Zvahl has Dark and Double Dark. Sea and Sky could easily be considered Light, as Promy and Zvhal Dark. However, there is always the chance Geomancer won't have use or access to Dark or Light spells.
              Read my blog.
              Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
              Entry 32: Death to Castro


              • #97
                Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
                Sky has Wind(and Light and Double Light) and Zvahl has Dark and Double Dark. Sea and Sky could easily be considered Light, as Promy and Zvhal Dark. However, there is always the chance Geomancer won't have use or access to Dark or Light spells.
                They would have to pair Light and Dark with other elements, or somehow derive spells from them.


                • #98
                  Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                  The problem with enspells is it's something RDM shouldn't have gotten in the first place though, and that's entirely SE's fault.

                  It's that (along with slow 2 as a merit spell) that really drive me nuts. Someone has to take the gun away from SE so they can stop shooting themselves in the foot.

                  I'd much rather RDM get better gear selction and some melee traits rather than higher tier enspells, which rightly belong to Mystic Knight (if the job ever gets added). They can't really do both like you sugested. If RDM were to get higher tier enspells then more and more people would start screaming that RDM is too broken... and really, the job has a lot of spells as it is.

                  They didn't need enspells. They needed better gear selection like the Red Wizard had in FF1 along with some decent melee abilities. Double Cast could have been a merit JA for them (along with Enfeebling Seal) and would have been really cool.

                  It could allow RDM to break "the rule" on spell casting. I'm talking of course about recasts. Wouldn't it be awesome if RDM could hit "Double Cast" and be able to cast the same spell twice in a row? Refreshing or Hasting two people in one shot would really be sweet.

                  EDIT: Balancing Spellblade is a lot easier than I'd previously thought (barring insane gear like Ridil)

                  For the elemental nukes they would all have the same damage modifier. That way there's no dmg discrepancy between Spellblade: Stone and Spellblade: Thunder like there is for BLM.

                  Simply change your melee attack into a magical one, while factoring weapon damage damage as the base + a spell modifier that increases with each tier.

                  Keep in mind that when a BLM casts thunder IV, it has a pretty high base damage rating and can be boosted with merits and MAB. The Mystic Knight would require a fairly high damage sword, and even then it still wouldn't match the full power of the spell (this was not the case in FFV, but this is an MMO so balance has to be taken into account).

                  So while a Mystic Knight would beat a BLM in Dot with magic, it still would not be able to generate the levels of spike damage that a BLM can, especially since Spellblade can't magic burst. SE could even go so far as to include a damage penalty for dual-wielding so as not to abuse it (half damage per swing since the spell is divided between two weapons?)

                  The only other thing would be to make it subjected to both the Magic damageand melee equations. The only issue is this would really hurt it against HNMs and the like.

                  That's all for now, off to see the simpsons movie!
                  Last edited by Malacite; 07-27-2007, 05:49 PM.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #99
                    Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                    There's issues with all our suggestions when it comes to Geomancer.

                    Places like Sky, Sea, Promyvion, Zvahl, and other places don't exactly have elemental terrain or even weather. Perhaps the material Castle Zvahl is made out of could be attributed to Earth and Dark, but the Emptiness is just that. Casting traditional Geomancer spells here would seem really out of place.
                    For dungeons, there will be no terrain bonus given, unless SE changes the terrain to reflect this (Or add in a common de facto for certain features, like Delkfutt = urban)

                    But seriously, weather should not have an effect. In BCs, you do not find weather in there ... neither terrain, but again, SE can change that by adding terrain features to BCs, which depends on the type of BCs (or where it's located)


                    • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                      Fei Yin terrain is Cermet, and the three Travel Abroad BC terrains seem to be similar to Castle Zvahl's.


                      • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                        Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                        But seriously, weather should not have an effect. In BCs, you do not find weather in there ... neither terrain, but again, SE can change that by adding terrain features to BCs, which depends on the type of BCs (or where it's located)
                        I don't think anyone wants it to be essential to be standing on plant matter in order to cast Hell Ivy. If anything, it'd just boost the effect.

                        Let's look at black and white magic for a moment. Day of the week adds to the potency of things like cures and nukes. It's like a chance to gain 10% bonus, I think? Actually, I wanna say it's like 3%. I dunno. Anywho, Geo would basically be like that. I think weather bonus/penalty would be 100% with them, and if they can implement terrain then I think it should function the same. That way you could stand in umm shallow water along a coastline, on waters day, in rainy weather, and get 3x boosts to a water effect. Whereas a BLM in said situation would only get 2x boosts. Nothing huge, but something to try for.
                        "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                        • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                          The problem with enspells is it's something RDM shouldn't have gotten in the first place though, and that's entirely SE's fault.
                          Well, they have it, might as well build upon it. Mystic Knight will -still- get the better versions of it, what, through Job Traits and whatnot, but, you said yourself that Red Mage took the idea from the Mystic Knight . . . in retrospect, how is that any different that Red Mage taking the ideals of the White Mage, Black Mage, the Paladin and the Thief, and mixing them all together in practice, at one? Mystic Knight could easily be another part of that mix.

                          Red Mages are jacks-of-all-trades, but only masters of Enfeebling.

                          It's that (along with slow 2 as a merit spell) that really drive me nuts. Someone has to take the gun away from SE so they can stop shooting themselves in the foot.

                          I'd much rather RDM get better gear selction and some melee traits rather than higher tier enspells, which rightly belong to Mystic Knight (if the job ever gets added). They can't really do both like you sugested. If RDM were to get higher tier enspells then more and more people would start screaming that RDM is too broken... and really, the job has a lot of spells as it is.
                          At least give Red Mages Enelements II, Endrain, and Enaspir. Most importantly Enaspir. I don't care if it's Meritable or something absurd like that, I want it!

                          But, yeah, you're right. Except I don't see what's the big deal about making higher-tiered Enspells for both Jobs (when they'll obviously somehow be more effective on the Mystic Knight, anyways).

                          They didn't need enspells. They needed better gear selection like the Red Wizard had in FF1 along with some decent melee abilities. Double Cast could have been a merit JA for them (along with Enfeebling Seal) and would have been really cool.

                          It could allow RDM to break "the rule" on spell casting. I'm talking of course about recasts. Wouldn't it be awesome if RDM could hit "Double Cast" and be able to cast the same spell twice in a row? Refreshing or Hasting two people in one shot would really be sweet.
                          Double Cast as a Merit? Actually, I've had an idea floating around in my head for some time about exclusive "20 Minute" abilities, obviously inspired by the change made to "Call Wyvern." For each Job, they'd have a 20 Minute Ability which isn't anything major, but is exclusive for the Main Job only (not subable). First thing I thought of was Doublecast for Red Mages, but I have nowhere near a full list of Jobs for this.

                          I doubt it will happen, though.

                          As for Enspells versus better gear and Melee Abilities, well, of course I'd take better gear and Melee Abilities, but Red Mages have Enspells now, so why take them away? They're also an obvious potential boon to a Mageknight who wants to fight exploiting a potential elemental advantage. If they weren't so pathetic, especially at higher levels.

                          With Red Mage, you have to make sure there's a balance between both they're Magic side and thier Melee side, preferably working in harmony, if at all possible. Enspells are the closest we have to that, which is why I want them kept and improved.

                          EDIT: Balancing Spellblade is a lot easier than I'd previously thought (barring insane gear like Ridil)

                          For the elemental nukes they would all have the same damage modifier. That way there's no dmg discrepancy between Spellblade: Stone and Spellblade: Thunder like there is for BLM.

                          Simply change your melee attack into a magical one, while factoring weapon damage damage as the base + a spell modifier that increases with each tier.

                          Keep in mind that when a BLM casts thunder IV, it has a pretty high base damage rating and can be boosted with merits and MAB. The Mystic Knight would require a fairly high damage sword, and even then it still wouldn't match the full power of the spell (this was not the case in FFV, but this is an MMO so balance has to be taken into account).

                          So while a Mystic Knight would beat a BLM in Dot with magic, it still would not be able to generate the levels of spike damage that a BLM can, especially since Spellblade can't magic burst. SE could even go so far as to include a damage penalty for dual-wielding so as not to abuse it (half damage per swing since the spell is divided between two weapons?)

                          The only other thing would be to make it subjected to both the Magic damage and melee equations. The only issue is this would really hurt it against HNMs and the like.
                          Again, fundamentally, how is this all that different from the Enspell concept? Improve Enspells, give powerful ones to the Mystic Knight, as well as Enspell-boosting Traits and Abilities, and base it all around the Enspell concept. Two-Hour Spellblade to get the full power of the spell with each swing.

                          Voila, Mystic Knight.

                          That's all for now, off to see the simpsons movie!
                          I don't want to hear a single other comment about a pig until I actually go and see that thing myself. Seriously.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                            fyi, weather is very commonly placed in Battlefields. Weather is absent from the low-level beastmen strongholds, so weather is absent from the Battlefields located there.
                            Read my blog.
                            Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                            Entry 32: Death to Castro


                            • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                              Off topic, but the Simpsons Movie is one of the funniest movies of all time. Go and see it ASAP!

                              Back on topic, while giving higher tier enspells would be cool, it's just not the same thing. I really want to stay true to the job mechanically and flavorfully because it's my favorite job ever in the FF series (used to be RDM until SE made it the way it is in 11. RDM was never as weak with melee as it is in 11 and that pisses me off)

                              I really, really like spellblade. I'll admit outright that I'm biased towards it, and there's not a whole you can that'll convince me otherwise. In FFV, the job was only really broken at about the mid game and towards the end of the game, but only if you mastered it and used spellblade in conjunction with the Freelancer class's ability to learn innate skills.

                              To that end, I'm hoping SE can put it into the game without it being completely abused by /NIN. As I said before, it'd be freaking sweet if it could benefit from /NIN, but also from /WAR and /BLM. Name one melee job in the game that can sub BLM for practical use.

                              NIN is the only one in terms of performance, but the costs of NIN/BLM are frightening (literally millions upon millions of gil in elemental tools)

                              If nothing else, do it for the sake of doing something different. In this case, subbing BLM for more MP and MAB to boost spellblade. Plus it would be the first real magical DoT job. BLM is spike, MSK would be DoT. Not having worry about attack at all as front line job would be a nice change too.

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • Re: Fleshed-out Job Concepts

                                Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
                                Also, you stated the concept of equipping Bells like BRP did, but instead of consumable, they'd be equipped like BRD instruments.
                                This would mean once you get all 8 Bells, you're set. That seems just a bit too easy for my liking, but we'll address that later.
                                Each bell carries 2-3 elements on it, but they also have modifiers. A
                                sample Bell could be:
                                Waterspout Chime
                                Carries Water and Wind elements
                                Wind -2
                                In Water regions: Water Geomancy +3
                                so while it allows you to cast Wind spells w/out wind terrain, they'd be slightly weaker. Meanwhile, using the bell in a zone that already has Water element grants you a bonus.
                                Pretty much, that was my thoughts on the concept as well. Low lvl bells would allow weak influence of one weather type, but higher lvl ones would allow stronger influences or multiple influences so you'd need numerous bells for numerous locations. And I decided they should be used like Brd instruments because they, at their most basic concept, are instruments.

                                stuff about self buffs
                                I see what you're saying there, which is why I decided to include the JA which forced a stronger version of one of the wall buffs. Perhaps a shorter recast, or as you stated a possible sequential recast type JA would be more effective in active tanking with the JT wall skill acting as a backup. Maybe a 30-60 second recast JA that would let you choose one buff from your current influence list, which would be affected by gear(bells and such) as well as weather. The basic concept of the JT wall trait would be that as one got higher, it would fire off more often, but I can see the benefits of having a more direct control over buffing yourself to protect from attacks.

                                As for the unique wall effects, as of my concept 3 negate/reduce Dmg (earth/wind/water), 3 return Dmg (Fire, Ice, Dark) one prevents attacks (thunder) and one heals (light), giving a somewhat variety of defensive traits. Though this idea was created before Dread Spikes was added, so maybe using something like that would be better then the Bio spikes.

                                The elemental Debuffs should have long recast times but very long durations. Or anything else to discourage them from "spinning the wheel" for hate like NINs. that's not their purpose. Instead, they use the element that a SC/MB will be keyed to in the start of a fight and never come back to it. Maybe this should be an instant ability, making it a sort of Quick Draw of Threnodies.
                                I didn't really make this clear, upon re-reading it, but I agree that there would be limits to the amount of debuffs a Geo could stack on a mob. Similar to how blm enfeebles stack based on the ele circle, Geo debuffs would too. So although a Geo *could* cycle through the spells, but it would in effect erase the debuffs that don't stack with that element being counter productive. As I see it, a Geo would spam the two/three spells a mob would be weakest too to get maximum effect on their spells.

                                As for the 'some zones don't have weather' thing, it's actually very few in game like that. And it would be a simple matter of adding the influence without adding the actual graphics. I.E. Gustaberg, a zone with 'no'(it's technically considered clear weather) weather, could have hidden fire/earth weathers that never trigger the graphics but influence a Geo regardless. It would be similar to running through tunnels, which are immune to the graphical images of weather effects, but are still subject to their mathmatical influences.

                                As for Mystic Knight vs Redmage...again...seeing as Spellblade and En-spells can be seen as two different types of spells, they shouldn't interfere with each other. A rdm will still have their En-spells if Malacite's MSK is added, and they would still be the only job with them. It's similar to complaining that Drk get soul eater (a ja that ups Att at the cost of Def) to spite War's Berserk(another JA that ups Att at the cost of Def). They're similar ideas, but will be executed differently, creating two unique lines of spells. Seriously, nothing about those two jobs would have to overwrite or compete with each other, both jobs would use their spells for different purposes.
                                "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

