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Please help me decide :(

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  • Please help me decide :(

    I been thinking and thinking for the past 2 days and I can't decide! Please help!
    Nagasaki - Odin - 75 Puppetmaster

  • #2
    Re: Please help me decide

    Puppetmaster is expensive if you want to do it properly. It also has a bad reputation since it was sub-par before recent patches and even now lacks performance at very high level. Your invite rate and accompanying happiness with the job will diminish overtime as MNK, RNG and the other big DD's squeeze you out of the DD invite market as you grow. As a support character, you'll be outclassed by BRD, RDM, WHM, COR, and BLU, and you have no ability to tank.

    Only pick BST if you really love the solo lifestyle because it will be the primary focus of your career since BST has unequivocably the lowest invite rate to PT.

    COR is favored in PT as a puller and buffer. It gets good damage especially once it gets cards and it has the very nice Random Deal as well... I played COR to 15 and enjoyed it thoroughly--haven't touched BST and did a bit of PUP, which is fun, but it doesn't strike me as my favorite.

    Of course, I'd recommend doing all three to 15-20th and then decide which to take up the ladder.


    • #3
      Re: Please help me decide

      Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
      Puppetmaster is expensive if you want to do it properly. It also has a bad reputation since it was sub-par before recent patches and even now lacks performance at very high level. Your invite rate and accompanying happiness with the job will diminish overtime as MNK, RNG and the other big DD's squeeze you out of the DD invite market as you grow. As a support character, you'll be outclassed by BRD, RDM, WHM, COR, and BLU, and you have no ability to tank.

      Only pick BST if you really love the solo lifestyle because it will be the primary focus of your career since BST has unequivocably the lowest invite rate to PT.

      COR is favored in PT as a puller and buffer. It gets good damage especially once it gets cards and it has the very nice Random Deal as well... I played COR to 15 and enjoyed it thoroughly--haven't touched BST and did a bit of PUP, which is fun, but it doesn't strike me as my favorite.

      Of course, I'd recommend doing all three to 15-20th and then decide which to take up the ladder.
      my pup is 25, cor 7, bst 28
      Nagasaki - Odin - 75 Puppetmaster


      • #4
        Re: Please help me decide

        I vote Cor just because it's my favourite job among those 3. I don't really know what you're looking for so can't really give any more comments :O
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5

          Hi everebody
          What are the best countries to go to ?
          Thank you

          Moderator's Edit: Please do not hijack posts. If you want to ask a question on an unrelated topic, please use the Search function on the forum, and if you cannot find your answer that way, then post a new topic. - Icemage
          Last edited by Icemage; 12-10-2006, 06:06 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Please help me decide

            I'd say Puppetmaster because I think more people need to level it and help give it a better reputation. People laughed at it from the very first picture released of it, and ever since it's been shelved by many... This job needs to be given a chance.


            • #7
              Re: Tourism

              Originally posted by jillsandr View Post
              Hi everebody
              What are the best countries to go to ?
              Thank you
              Even though this is off topic I will answer. If you mean which country is the best place to go to then I would have to say all since it is neccesary to go to all of them. If you mean which is the best to start from I would have to say that they are all equal but Windy seems to be first place more often (at least from what I've heard).

              To the OP I would go with Cor. It is your lowest level atm so maybe you don't know if you would really want to persue it just yet.
              You kill one man, your a murderer
              Kill many and your a conquerer
              Kill them all... your a God.


              • #8
                Re: Please help me decide

                If you're talking about where to start from, just go to your races home country so that you get the ring:

                Mithra/Taru - Windurst
                Galka/Hume - Bastok
                Elvaan - San d'Oria


                • #9
                  Re: Please help me decide

                  You guys are responding to the hijacker? lol

                  To the OP, I would suggest BST. It's a pretty powerful job, but it takes a lot of hard work to master it.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Please help me decide

                    Seems it is a tie between COR and PUP. Keep voting.
                    Nagasaki - Odin - 75 Puppetmaster


                    • #11
                      Re: Please help me decide

                      I havnt playeed any of these jobs but from what i read COR sounds the most interesting to appeals to more of my likes then the others...
                      I like seriously.. i do.

                      Das Oldskoolen
                      It's not a pizza. It's a bomb.
                      We didn't order a bomb either.

                      My Fav

                      THF:43 RNG:24 BLU:13 WHM:14 BLM:13 PUP:7 COR:9
                      Windy Rank: 4 <-----Humar ( retired )

                      THF:51 RNG:27 BLU:9 WHM:21 BLM:18 NIN:27 WAR:15
                      Windy Rank: 5 <-----Hucast
                      Clothcraft: 6.8(?) Skills to come: Leathercraft, cooking, goldsmithing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Please help me decide

                        To be honest, I think you should play all the jobs. Every job has it's ups and downs and one thing is definite they are ALL fun to play. I've leveled almost all of the jobs to a decent lvl and I can say for sure that there are times where I hate the job, but most importantly there is a time where I'm having a blast. So don't narrow your vision to just 3, play them all! You won't regret it


                        • #13
                          Re: Please help me decide

                          Just to clerify one thing. PUP CAN tank, but not until 50+ when your automaton will Cure IV you, which is entirely hate free. The only thing really keeping this from taking off is holding hate.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Please help me decide

                            crawl in a hole kokainax....

                            anyways... i'd have to agree with zempten... they are all fun... try them all out and pick from your experiences.


                            • #15
                              Re: Please help me decide

                              It all depends on what you feel like doing. I personally prefer BST since it gives me the freedom to go plenty of places and not have to worry about waiting for a party.

                              PUP is fun if you can get people that don't keep saying "lolpup" whenever you are seeking a party. The automaton is quite good since it pretty much can rack up damage and have none of the hate transfered to you, of course this is sometimes random depending on what frame you use.

                              Can't say anything about COR since I haven't lvled it or PT'd with one yet but I've heard its pretty fun and is like RNG with the ability to buff PT members.
                              75PLD 62BST 45SMN
                              Windurst Rank 10 San d'Oria Rank 6
                              CoP5-1 ZM14 ToAU8

