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Best merit PTs setup

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  • Best merit PTs setup

    I'm not going to point out that this setup is the best or that setup is the best. I'll try to gather a lot of information for people who are setting up merit parties. The exp earned does not depend only on the party setup but also, as a major factor, depends on the crowd.

    You can also suggest any merit party that you have experienced. I'm very glad for that.

    My jobs at 75 : NIN, BLU, PLD, BRD, RDM So I know pretty much everything in the area of Support, Pull, Tank, DD, Heal ...

    Mamool Ja Staging Points
    Mamool Ja

    TP Burn Setup

    This setup will be able to pull unlimited chain. I've got 17k exp per hour for this setup. 3 merit points and something after a 2 hours long hunting.

    NIN/WAR : Main tanker, with all +STR, +DEX, +Attack gears.
    DD/NIN : Main attackers, subbing NINs will prevent a lot of damage
    BRD/NIN : Main puller, sings 2x Minuet, Elegy and Lullaby
    BRD/WHM : Main healer, sings 2x Ballad, 2x March, Finale and Lullaby
    SMN/WHM : Healer/attacker, use Hastega and Neither Blast for THF/NIN Mamool

    Caedarva Mire (Azoup Isle)
    Imps & Flies & Jnun

    Arrow/BLU Burn Setup

    Again, unlimited chain for this setup. 15k exp per hour due to lack of mobs.

    NIN/WAR : Main tanker, with all +STR, +DEX, +Attack gears.
    RNG/NIN : Main arrow burners, Slug Shot everything that can fly.
    BLU/NIN : Sub healer and also imp rapers - Healing Breeze are very handy here due to a lot of flies
    RDM/WHM : Main healer, puller .. all you have to do are refresh, cure, gravity, sleep and bind.

    Mount Zhayolm
    Ebony Puddings

    Mana Burn Setup

    Kill Ebony Puddings out there ... kill 3-4 of them and then full rest .. then kill them all to get chain #10-11 then full rest again. 14-16k exp/hour.

    BRD/WHM : Refresher and Sleeper
    COR/BRD : Refresher and Buffer, sing ballad + evoker roll + healer roll for resting and sing ballad + evoker roll + wizard roll for killing
    RDM/WHM : Refresher/Healer/Sub Nuker
    BLM/WHM : Nuker .. use Tier 4 spell to kill each pudding in 1 shot

    Ulleguerand Range
    Demons, Ahrimans, Taurus

    TP Burn Setup

    20-30 chains for demons, eyes and taurus. 12-13k exp / hour

    NIN/WAR : Main tanker, with all +STR, +DEX, +Attack gears.
    2 DD/NIN : Main attackers
    RDM/WHM : Refresher, Healer and throw in Cursna
    WHM/BLM : Healer and Cursna
    BRD/NIN : Puller, Minuet x 2 and Ballad x 2

    Lufaise Meadows

    THF Burns

    10 chains for big birds. Avoid the rams. Use thf SATA among yourselves and do a pair/trio SC. Evis > Sharkbite or Evis > Dance > Evis. Shark Bite can reach 1600ish damage here.

    THF/NIN : Tankers/DDs/Pullers
    WHM/SMN : Healer, Erase, Stona
    BRD/WHM : Link sleeper

    King's R Tomb
    Ghost and Bones

    MNK Burns

    10k exp+ .. Here we don't need RDM so I picked BLM instead. 3 MNKs can pretty much rape any bones but ghost BLM and WHM are the key. Fire 4 and Banish 3 ftw. WHM must have devotion to reduce down time for BLM while BRD with rank 3+ lullaby recast is great for crowd controlling. Both BLM and BRD play vital roles in interrupting ghost's spells by stun and lullaby.

    MNK/NIN : Bone Rapers + Chakra whenever you can plzzzz !!!
    BLM/WHM : Stun, Fire 4, Sub healer
    WHM/SMN : Main Healer, Banish 3, Dia 1 to save mp
    BRD/WHM : 2x Minuet, Puller, Sub healer and Sleeper.
    Last edited by eva00r; 11-30-2006, 10:16 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Best merit PTs setup

    One of the best I had was in Halvung

    MNK/NIN x2, DRG/WHM(RDM) x3, BRD/WHM x1

    We ran pretty well and had almost know downtime. The DRGs handled most of the healing.

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: Best merit PTs setup

      My Best Merit party was a Sky group.

      3 WAR/NINs
      RDM/BLM (Myself.)

      Roamed around the main camp destroying any Weapon that would move. We pulled down 27k EXP in less time than it took for my Glace to wear off. (3hr food.) I ~believe~ we ended right before the 2 and half hour mark. BRD and I would go and grab Weapons to keep the chains going. We never broke Chain #12, but if a Chain was broken we just started a new one. Usually Chain #9 to #12.

      Shortly after ToAU was released, and the everybody in Vana'diel did their mass migrate to the Mire, I had a Lv.71~ish party that pulled down 12k+ an hour. NIN, DRG, SMN, BLM, RDM, WHM. NIN would pull, DRG would Penta Thrust, SMN would Predator Claw, BLM would nuke away, WHM would Curaga and Haste, and I would Refresh/Haste and nuke. So much damage it was sick! 500+ Blade: Jins, 500~1k Pentas, 1100 Predator Claws, 1k+ BLM nukes, and my random 400~600 nukes. With out the crowd, the camps outside of the Mire Staging point are just amazing.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


      • #4
        Re: Best merit PTs setup

        Sky's weapon camps are so-so these days. It's very hard to break chain #20 there due to the large amount of running you have to do.

        It's also possible to manaburn Lufaise Meadows for virtually infinite chain if you do it right since everything is Sleepable. ~10K/hr

        No burn party list is complete without King Ranperre's Tomb: MNK/NINx3, WHM/BLM, BRD/WHM, RDM/WHM on skeletons and ghosts. WHM casts Banish III on the Lemures (ghost-type) to keep chains alive. ~10-13K/hr



        • #5
          Re: Best merit PTs setup

          I had a really awesome MNK burn about a month ago, it was just a tad different from Icemage's though;

          3x MNK/WAR
          1x BRD/NIN
          1x RDM/BLM
          1x WHM/SMN

          We did really good...I know it was more than 10k/hr cause we had partied for an hour and I had managed to get a merit and a half. I personally prefer going all /war...we didn't have really any down time(except when the BRD pulled 3 skele's >_>) and we were able to completely destroy everything there, lol. These parties are super fun, and great exp. :D

          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


          • #6
            Re: Best merit PTs setup

            I adore parties in Ulu Range with people who know what they are doing. Too often though the mages react too slowly to blindna etc...

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #7
              Re: Best merit PTs setup

              Arrow/BLU Burn Setup
              NIN/WAR, 2 RNG/NIN, 2 BLU/NIN, 1 RDM/WHM

              Again, unlimited chain for this setup. 15k exp per hour due to lack of mobs.

              NIN/WAR : Main tanker, with all +STR, +DEX, +Attack gears.
              RNG/NIN : Main arrow burners, Slug Shot everything that can fly.
              BLU/NIN : Sub healer and also imp rapers - Healing Breeze are very handy here due to a lot of flies
              RDM/WHM : Main healer, puller .. all you have to do are refresh, cure, gravity, sleep and bind.
              Might want to fix that early statment.

              Also, a lot of people seem forget there's a staging point on the other side of Mire full or qutrub-type mobs, Jnuns and the rare imp over there. RNG, DRG and SAM destroy these mobs with great ease. I've known people to go over there as DRG/NIN or /WHMx2, RNG/NIN x2, BRD/WHM or /NIN and then WHM or RDM. Hard to get a NIN to go there because they'r afriad of the three-fold attacks qutrub do (which are extremely rare), but these jobs drop them so fast its hardly a concern.


              • #8
                Re: Best merit PTs setup

                Again, unlimited chain for this setup. 15k exp per hour due to lack of mobs.

                It means, you kill a mob under 40 seconds, therefore the chain is unlimited. However, you can gain more exp/hr by killing each mob within 30 seconds but you cannot do that since that are not that many mobs.


                • #9
                  Re: Best merit PTs setup

                  oops my bad sorry lads
                  Last edited by Kurb; 11-30-2006, 05:30 AM.

                  It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                  To those who are about to tank I salute you.


                  • #10
                    Re: Best merit PTs setup

                    Re: Kurb
                    I appreciate the thought, but this discussion is for merit parties (Level 75 only). The game dynamics at 75 are very different than at other levels.



                    • #11
                      Re: Best merit PTs setup

                      Nothing beats a good manaburn. mmmmm

                      5 blms + 1 brd = dead puddings
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Best merit PTs setup

                        You don't need 5 blms. 5 blms + 1 brd is slower than 4 blms + brd + rdm. The key is your mana regeneration rate, not damage. 5 blms would overkill a pudding, 4 blms + 1 brd will yield better exp because it is a 5 men party.


                        • #13
                          Re: Best merit PTs setup

                          I can attest to that. I was in a Manaburn the other day with 5 BLMS and me (RDM/WHM) and I could have really used a BRD rather than one of the BLMs.


                          • #14
                            Re: Best merit PTs setup

                            Originally posted by eva00r View Post
                            Caedarva Mire
                            Imps & Flies & Jnun
                            Arrow/BLU Burn Setup
                            NIN/WAR, 2 RNG/NIN, 2 BLU/NIN, 1 RDM/WHM
                            Again, unlimited chain for this setup. 15k exp per hour due to lack of mobs.
                            NIN/WAR : Main tanker, with all +STR, +DEX, +Attack gears.
                            RNG/NIN : Main arrow burners, Slug Shot everything that can fly.
                            BLU/NIN : Sub healer and also imp rapers - Healing Breeze are very handy here due to a lot of flies
                            RDM/WHM : Main healer, puller .. all you have to do are refresh, cure, gravity, sleep and bind.
                            You were the RDM in this party? Just a hunch, seems like hella lot of stress for pick-up RDMs ("wayaaa I can only refresh 2 people effectively, and if I do it I refuse to do anything else!")
                            "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                            • #15
                              Re: Best merit PTs setup

                              Random RDM won't be able to do it ... I was a BLU/NIN in that party while my friend is RDM/WHM. He's really good RDM. We timed the monster pop time and keep running up and down the hill in a loop starting from the starting point (imp & fly) to the pond (toad & imp) to the far side (imp & fly) and then back to the start point again.

                              Flies - Sleep by RDM, BLU
                              Imp - Silence/Bind by RDM
                              Toad - Sleep by BLU, Bind/Gravity by RDM

