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Lvling THF for drops

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  • Lvling THF for drops

    Recently have been doing a lot of farming for drops of key items (kazam keys) and for money.

    Having our LS PL THF help seems to increase drops quite a lot, and I was wondering if it were worth me spending a week lvling THF myself to at least 15 for Trasure Hunter...Currently havernt done THF at all.

    Thing is, THF doesmt fit in as a sub for any of my main jobs (well, main JOB) as RDM. I prefer the mage route, and will be going for BLU when I can.

    Worth it you tink?

    ALso, side note:

    How useful is Drain? I have seen a possible 100k Profit maker here on Bahamut. Drain is questable by fame 3 in San Doria. It needs beastmen blood which is farmable or buyable for 10K at AH. Drain sells for 110K average on I could make 100K even if I bought the quest item!!

    But then I dont wanna sell it to regret it later.

  • #2
    Re: Lvling THF for drops

    I'd say definitely level THF to 15 for Treasure Hunter, plus you may end up liking the job more than you orignally thought...that's what happened with me at least.

    And as far as Drain goes, as a RDM, you're going to want it, it may not be a spell you use all that often, but it's a handy spell to have, and you'll regret it if you have to buy it in the future, unless of course it goes down in price.

    Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


    • #3
      Re: Lvling THF for drops

      If you're going to level THF for drops, you may as well try to take it for 25 to at least get Flee. It'll help farming over time if you need to get somewhere fast. What level is your RDM main? If you're going for BLU, I've heard that THF sub works great for BLU because of Sneak Attack + a Blue mage Spell.
      Soloed to 75

      [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

      all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
      .:|The Prototype BST|:.
      Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


      • #4
        Re: Lvling THF for drops

        Im RDM25 so 5 more lvls to unlock advanced jobs.

        I was thinking SMN or BLU, as the jobs sound cool and I belive u get massive MP boosts?

        But yeah Farming sucks, and Im trying to think about a way to make it more successful even in the long run! Though reading the THF forum posts it sounds like there is a lot that goes into THF, Im not sure I am ready to take that as my Main yet. Im enjoying RDM too much and I wanna lvl it high, then I can concentrate lvling or trying other jobs.



        • #5
          Re: Lvling THF for drops

          If farming is your one of your source of income in long run, level up THF. Your LS PL THF's help increase of drops is the actual proof of Treasure Hunter. For farming, there is nothing wrong with RDM/THF.
          Server: Quetzalcoatl
          Race: Hume Rank 7
          75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


          • #6
            Re: Lvling THF for drops

            Originally posted by hongman View Post
            How useful is Drain? I have seen a possible 100k Profit maker here on Bahamut. Drain is questable by fame 3 in San Doria. It needs beastmen blood which is farmable or buyable for 10K at AH. Drain sells for 110K average on I could make 100K even if I bought the quest item!!
            But then I dont wanna sell it to regret it later.
            You will regret it. Drain is a spell for both BLM and DRK, a damn handy one at that. Eventually, if you stick with RDM you probably will level both of them so eventually you will need to buy it again. Drain and Aspir make leveling your Dark Magic skill much easier, though leveling DRK or BLM make it easier still.

            Im enjoying RDM too much and I wanna lvl it high, then I can concentrate lvling or trying other jobs.
            RDM pretty much has at the very least, both BLM and WHM available as subjobs so you're going to have to stop to level other jobs eventually anyway. You could get THF up to 20 in a week if you have a decent amount of play time, but
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #7
              Re: Lvling THF for drops

              Hmm that Drain thing is so tempting....But I will hold out on it for now. According to somepage it is only questable or via a BCNM.

              I think I will, sometime soon, stop other activities for a week and lvl THF to 15, then maybe higher as I go past lvl30 myself. I still have to do WHM yet! Then BLU...


              • #8
                Re: Lvling THF for drops

                I took THF to 37 recently, and it helps so much for things like farming, especially with the 100% hit on Spirit Taker (WS damage > MP). The drop rate on TH1 isn't *that* much of a difference, but every little helps.
                It's definitely worth having, though.
                Likibiki ~ Crusher of Dreams
                75 Summoner
                58 White Mage
                Pandemonium Server


                • #9
                  Re: Lvling THF for drops

                  You should never sell questable scrolls on the AH because there will come a time when you need them back, and it's 100% guaranteed that the price will have increased since you sold yours. I sold Aspir two years ago for 10k, and had to buy it back for 40k. That's getting off lightly these days - maybe you should have a word with the people who thought it was a good idea to sell Utsusemi: Ichi or Sleepga II and now want to level Ninja or BLM ...


                  • #10
                    Re: Lvling THF for drops


                    Yeah I am going to keep it, just wondering now if its worth faming bat wings or something to get my mule to sandy fame 3 then sell that scroll instead :p


                    • #11
                      Re: Lvling THF for drops

                      Originally posted by hongman View Post
                      Yeah I am going to keep it, just wondering now if its worth faming bat wings or something to get my mule to sandy fame 3 then sell that scroll instead :p
                      If you stick with RDM, you will want your BLM and DRK to have Drain.

                      Now, while it is true that you can get it from a BCNM20, do you really want to in order to use the item. First, the drop is not guaranteed from the BCNM so you probably will end up using more then 20 Beastmen seals to get it. Secondly, what a waste of seals for something you could have got without them and used your seals to get you more gil later on when you really do need lots of gil. When you need them, seals are damn hard to get a hold of.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


