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Most wanted classes

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  • Most wanted classes

    Just wondering what classes are in major demand, like classes that have no problems finding a party.

  • #2
    Re: Most wanted classes

    Whm, Brd, Rdm seem to suffer the least from lack of invites.


    • #3
      Re: Most wanted classes

      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Re: Most wanted classes

        This is an MMO. Healing classes and tanking classes in particular will always have a home in parties.

        Bard, Red Mage, Corsair all offer MP regen and other party enhancing boosts. They are in very high demand.

        Paladin and Ninja are tanks. Parties need tanks. They are in very high demand.

        White Mage is the one "true" healer in this game. People need to be healed. They are in very high demand.

        Black Mages cast the spells that make the mobs fall down. People like this. They are in very high demand (most of the time).

        Thief has good burst damage, helps with hate control in parties, and increases the drop rate (slightly) for parties. People like that. THF are in pretty good demand.

        Warrior, Samurai, Ranger, Dark Knight, and Monk are melee damge dealers. People need those to kill the mob, so these jobs will be in relatively high demand. Dragoon also falls into this category for most of the game. Blue Mage, one of the newer jobs, also does very well at damage. They are in pretty high demand.

        Most of the time Summoner, Dragoon, Puppetmaster and Beastmaster are in relatively low demand. This is because for the most part the community can be a bit lazy, and unwilling/unable to see the potential in all jobs. Thankfully for Beastmaster, they can solo. Summoner can during certain level stretches as well. Same with Dragoon with the right sub. And Puppetmaster can muddle through (I think).


        • #5
          Re: Most wanted classes

          Generally, RDM and BRD will never have a problem finding a party per-se (I wish to say the same about COR, but unsure). HOWEVER, for RDM it becomes more of a "I was LFP for an hour, take my flag down, go farm with /anon, and then someone asks me for a party" deal.

          Any melee generally does have a problem getting a party. Ninjas have very rarely a problem getting an invite from the looks of it...

          WHM and BLM tend to have no problem finding a party until post-50 (?). For BLM though, cause of recent "nerfs" (people got the idea that BLM's elemental magic isn't as effective anymore) and people enjoying Aht Uhrgan areas (which so far as I know are 'magic resilient' shall I say for lack of better word), their party-rate seems to of declined. Other mage jobs, you'll definitely have to ask others as I've yet to notice.


          • #6
            Re: Most wanted classes

            Originally posted by Chrono21 View Post
            Just wondering what classes are in major demand, like classes that have no problems finding a party.
            The order of these depends upon what level range
            1. Whitemages, Redmages, Summoner (As healers)
            2. Bard, Corsier (Ups pt XP)
            3. Ninja, Paladin, Warriors (Tanks varible on level)
            4. Blackmages
            5. Other damage dealers

            It varies I have seen healers looking for party just not very often. pre-refresh the whitemage gets the best invite rate due to more mana for healing, but after the redmages get Refresh they go to #1 for the invite rate. Of course I'm not entirely sure on the bard rate they may actually surpass both, but it's so rare to see a bard when I'm playing and that I still need a main healer for the pt to function I'm leaning tword the healers being #1 on demand.

            I will caution though that if you find you don't enjoy a given job to switch to another that you enjoy even if the invite rate is a little slower since the real fun is the journey to the higher levels rather than the actual achievement of them.


            • #7
              Re: Most wanted classes

              Originally posted by Chrono21 View Post
              Just wondering what classes are in major demand, like classes that have no problems finding a party.
              Before I start, let me first point out that picking a job just because it's popular or in demand is a tremendously bad idea. If you play a job and hate it, being level 75 is not going to change your opinion about it.


              Tank jobs (Ninja, Paladin), Healers (White Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, Blue Mage), and Support jobs (Red Mage, Corsair, Bard) are always the most in demand.

              The desirability of jobs ebbs and flows based on the abilities and/or spells that each job has at various levels. Bards are commonly known to be very useful in parties, for instance, but their invitation rate suffers a bit between level 41 and 54, when Red Mages clearly outclass them as far as providing MP to a party.



              • #8
                Re: Most wanted classes

                Originally posted by Draco Dagon View Post
                Generally, RDM and BRD will never have a problem finding a party per-se (I wish to say the same about COR, but unsure). HOWEVER, for RDM it becomes more of a "I was LFP for an hour, take my flag down, go farm with /anon, and then someone asks me for a party" deal.
                I haven't seen this to be the case, quite frankly.


                • #9
                  Re: Most wanted classes

                  Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                  Before I start, let me first point out that picking a job just because it's popular or in demand is a tremendously bad idea. If you play a job and hate it, being level 75 is not going to change your opinion about it.
                  Yea, and most parties lack in effectiveness seeing people who leveled for that sole reason. Currently working on red mage when i'm not up for whm or thf exp, invite rate seems the same on all three at times. Bizzarly... most invites i've had was on Nekoai and NOT lfp on her monk(51).....usually 2-3 tells for parties with in an hour of logging on and doing some sort of quest or just staring at AH gear.

                  Thief, one area constant, 1-2 invites a day, area, Heraldic Imp land -.-; I just can't see why people keep trying to exp there and keep parties together when most of the time it's camping spawns... or a certain thf going crazy mid sc when AoE amnesai hits right on the mark -.-;;

                  Red mage, nin tank and i'll say sure main heal, no problem, steady and safe pull/exp per hour, easy to keep up w/ hasting and watch my enfeebles with some on the side nuking if mp/mob hp permits it.

                  Popular jobs, remember lolrng and lolblm?(no offense, i'd take them any day i can.) yea, not many of them i see these days. (sees lots of melee dds on the rise still).
                  Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                  • #10
                    Re: Most wanted classes

                    In no particular order:

                    Red Mage, Bard, White Mage, Corsair

                    And I'm with Icemage. Pick a job because you like it, don't pay any mind to how much it is needed or how many others play it. Pick a job because you want to play it. Better to play the job you like then the job that you don't like, but you get constant invites.

                    HOWEVER, for RDM it becomes more of a "I was LFP for an hour, take my flag down, go farm with /anon, and then someone asks me for a party" deal.
                    That is an unreasonable exaduration (sp?). I never get party invites when I'm anon, even if I was lfp earlier. In fact, I doubt anyone gets an invite to a halfway competent party when they are anon. Yes, I have gotten a lot of invites while my flag wasn't up, but that's not the reason I play the job. I play red mage because I like challenges and constantly being busy. DD jobs tend to bore me because there's not much to them. There are some exceptions, like ninja, however I haven't been able to play that lately because I'm trying to get RDM to 70.

                    Either way, just play the jobs you like. Once you find one you truly enjoy for what it is, how long it takes to get parties will become irrelevant.

                    Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
                    Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
                    Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

                    My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

                    Susan>> Babies are just like people.
                    Susan>> Just smaller.
                    [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
                    [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
                    Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
                    [GM]Dave>> ...
                    [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


                    • #11
                      Re: Most wanted classes

                      Thanks for help guys, i've decided on my job/race, now I just need to pick a server thats right for me. Maybe i'll look around for someone who already plays, since I don't know anyone who plays. ^.^;

                      I bet your dying to know what I picked, right? No? Okay...

                      To find out read every second letter of this sentence:



                      • #12
                        Re: Most wanted classes

                        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                        I haven't seen this to be the case, quite frankly.
                        It at least has for me and various others I play with seem to be the case.

                        Originally posted by Lilani View Post
                        That is an unreasonable exaduration (sp?).
                        Unreasonable? I don't agree. Exaggeration? Yes. Of course no one's going to invite someone when they're /anon unless they know that person's job by now.

                        Hume THF


                        • #13
                          Re: Most wanted classes

                          It just doesn't make any sense. You're essentially saying that RDM won't get invites if they are seeking. That's not true. It may have been something that happened to you once or twice, but that's not normal.


                          • #14
                            Re: Most wanted classes

                            Three essential members of a party:


                            Since RDM overlaps in these two areas, it generally get's a lot of invites. BRD makes for fast xp and no downtime, so it's probably the most popular job. PLD and NIN are essential for a higher-level simply cannot have a party without a tank. Period.
                            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                            • #15
                              Re: Most wanted classes

                              Originally posted by Mog View Post
                              Three essential members of a party:


                              Since RDM overlaps in these two areas, it generally get's a lot of invites. BRD makes for fast xp and no downtime, so it's probably the most popular job. PLD and NIN are essential for a higher-level simply cannot have a party without a tank. Period.
                              IMHO, Damage Dealer is important too. In order to gain exp, the mob has to be killed. The faster the mob dies, the faster the exp rolls in.

                              In a party, each member is important, each role has their value
                              Server: Quetzalcoatl
                              Race: Hume Rank 7
                              75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU

