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To All Penny Pinchers

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  • #31
    Re: To All Penny Pinchers

    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
    No - people aren't too cheap to spend money... but damn.. hell will freeze over before people will spend free MP without whining about it. I'm not saying people shouldn't be courteous, or polite or just plain old fashion decent about things, but in all honesty - if I'd just helped someone out.. and said: "Hey.. can you give me a sneak as these things cost a bunch.." and had the reply: "I'm not your Sneak dispensing bitch!!! OK???" Not only would that person be kicked from the party (that fscking second), they'd be blacklisted, and I'd have screenied that conversation and put up on all my LS private forums - as a DO NOT HELP EVER person. Regardless of how much people think we need Refresh.
    Whining about it? Your interpretation is skewed, my friend.

    When it comes to giving people sneak and invisible, I don't mind at all, up to a point. If there's a couple of white mages in the party, each person will be designated a person in the party to sneak and invisible.

    However, I draw the line when 5 people expect a black mage to give them all sneak and invisible consistently for the entire cave.

    You think that's rude? I don't have to take the time I did to aid the people. If they don't want to buy sneak oils and prism powders (which cost all of 50k to buy a stack, ZOMG!), then I won't offer my assistance and they can die without me.


    • #32
      Re: To All Penny Pinchers

      Originally posted by Mog
      Whining about it? Your interpretation is skewed, my friend.

      When it comes to giving people sneak and invisible, I don't mind at all, up to a point. If there's a couple of white mages in the party, each person will be designated a person in the party to sneak and invisible.

      However, I draw the line when 5 people expect a black mage to give them all sneak and invisible consistently for the entire cave.

      You think that's rude? I don't have to take the time I did to aid the people. If they don't want to buy sneak oils and prism powders (which cost all of 50k to buy a stack, ZOMG!), then I won't offer my assistance and they can die without me.
      Tbh, I wouldn't have minded about all those people, as long as they'd have said when they needed sneak/invis~
      But, you're wrong for a: agreeing to sneak/invis people.. and then complaining about it while trying to OT for a sympathy vote.

      Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!


      • #33
        Re: To All Penny Pinchers

        Originally posted by Stockyboy
        Tbh, I wouldn't have minded about all those people, as long as they'd have said when they needed sneak/invis~
        But, you're wrong for a: agreeing to sneak/invis people.. and then complaining about it while trying to OT for a sympathy vote.
        This is coming from a thread that I've made in the past, word for word:

        Since then, my view has changed with the whole sneak/invisible issue.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #34
          Re: To All Penny Pinchers

          Simple solution then - Don't agree to go sneaking/invising people

          Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!


          • #35
            Re: To All Penny Pinchers

            Originally posted by Stockyboy
            Simple solution then - Don't agree to go sneaking/invising people
            Well, I know that NOW. The more people, the more less-inclined I am to sneak and invisible.
            ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


            • #36
              Re: To All Penny Pinchers

              One would hope. ^^

              Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!


              • #37
                Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                Stop hijacking.

                I spoke in some detail about your 'look at me post' (two lines ish)... and the rest - is in reference to the OP Rant.

                Why did you willingly agree to bring 5 people into a zone and sneak them all and... so on.. when you could have much easier taken one. Who should be levelled enough to self cast sneak - if they're going for the Whm scrolls. O_o.


                Why were you giving them invis in an area that only requires sneak, unless you're next to the bombs in which case you can't cast anyways.


                Why did you die so easily to mobs that you have such a clear advantage over level wise. Given the levels that you've given us (assuming you're telling the truth here)... you've got at least 17 levels on the undead, and 19 levels on the fungus...

                Now.. at my last recount... even with an underskilled evasion, and no armour what so ever... it would take around 5 mobs to bring you down without you evading anything...

                Now, you said you were in a hallway... now, the only mobs that are fungus and aggro off sound are the Myconid's there - and to my last recount there weren't that many there either... in fact.. if I check Somepage.. I find there's only 13 in total. Now... if you go one step further... you declared you were in a hallway.. now.. there aren't that many Myconid's down hallways, in fact... there's only one really long hallway place that has them... at least.. to my last recollection of Gusgen as I no longer mine there any more... but I did a bit.

                But... (and this is the killer)...

                There aren't that many undead down there. At least.. not until you get out into the open.

                So... unless somehow, your friend had gotten aggro way back in one of the earlier chambers... in which case, they'd have also had ghosts and myconids from earlier on.

                Something doesn't ring true in my head with your post little Mog. Either you're martyr'ing (exagerrating) yourself for sympathy, or you're outright lying. Not to mention hijacking an OP which to be frank is in poor form.

                People are not too cheap to buy these things... but it would appear that some people would say anything...


                • #38
                  Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                  Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                  Stop hijacking.
                  The irony.

                  I think you're overanalyzing the situation too.
                  Generic Info!


                  • #39
                    Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    I spoke in some detail about your 'look at me post' (two lines ish)... and the rest - is in reference to the OP Rant.
                    If you attack my standpoint, I'm going to retaliate. Start shit, receive it back.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    Why did you willingly agree to bring 5 people into a zone and sneak them all and... so on.. when you could have much easier taken one. Who should be levelled enough to self cast sneak - if they're going for the Whm scrolls. O_o.
                    They were doing it for the cash and I was in a good mood.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift

                    Why were you giving them invis in an area that only requires sneak, unless you're next to the bombs in which case you can't cast anyways.
                    At the time, I never traveled to Gusgen Mines before and didn't know what other mobs there were besides undead and fungar. I played the "better to be safe than sorry" route.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    Why did you die so easily to mobs that you have such a clear advantage over level wise. Given the levels that you've given us (assuming you're telling the truth here)... you've got at least 17 levels on the undead, and 19 levels on the fungus...
                    I was a level 55 blm at the time. I thought Firaga II would kill off undead, but I was wrong. Really the only reason I casted it was an an attempt to kill off all of the mobs that were attacking the party. In no way, shape or form was my gear or elemental skill gimped, so I really don't know why Firaga II didn't kill off othe horde of mobs.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    Now.. at my last recount... even with an underskilled evasion, and no armour what so ever... it would take around 5 mobs to bring you down without you evading anything...

                    Now, you said you were in a hallway... now, the only mobs that are fungus and aggro off sound are the Myconid's there - and to my last recount there weren't that many there either... in fact.. if I check Somepage.. I find there's only 13 in total. Now... if you go one step further... you declared you were in a hallway.. now.. there aren't that many Myconid's down hallways, in fact... there's only one really long hallway place that has them... at least.. to my last recollection of Gusgen as I no longer mine there any more... but I did a bit.

                    But... (and this is the killer)...

                    There aren't that many undead down there. At least.. not until you get out into the open.

                    So... unless somehow, your friend had gotten aggro way back in one of the earlier chambers... in which case, they'd have also had ghosts and myconids from earlier on.
                    The person who aggroed pulled mushrooms and skelletons in the previous chamer through the hallway and wouldn't stop. Then the other party members subsequently attacked random mobs. This isn't anything I could control. But now I do know to warn other people in the party not to attack the mobs and let the one person die, to prevent any confusion.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    Something doesn't ring true in my head with your post little Mog. Either you're martyr'ing (exagerrating) yourself for sympathy, or you're outright lying. Not to mention hijacking an OP which to be frank is in poor form.
                    Believe what you want. I'm talking from experience and you weren't there to see it, so your argument is pretty moot. If all you have are numbers from Somepage compared to someone who's actually been there and dealt with the situation, it's pointless to argue about it. There is no exaggeration involved. I tell it like it is.

                    Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                    People are not too cheap to buy these things... but it would appear that some people would say anything...

                    And no, I'm not hijacking her thread. I'm just reinforcing the fact that people are really cheap and won't buy their own supplies. It turned into a "hijack" when you start questioning what happened. The fact that you analyze every bit and piece of my story has nothing to do with the topic on-hand.
                    Last edited by Mog; 08-06-2006, 03:35 PM.
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #40
                      Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                      People aren't too cheap to buy sneak/prism usually. A lot of people carry multiple stacks (I forgot to pull mine out this evening's exp'ing... however)...

                      You're looking at two different points Mog, one is mid to high level players being stupid, and the other are newbies not knowing any better.

                      Ok.. if they're too low to actually be able to damage level 30 mobs, then they may also be too low to consider being able to chug silent oils to keep themselves safe. While I know some people who had managed to be able to earn a lot of money by 30, I know many more who couldn't. If a newbie doesn't have Silent Oils or Prism Powders... I'll cut them some slack, because high levels did it for me once, and I'm not to proud (or stupid) to not realise I was new once too.

                      It's not an unreasonable point. So, yes - you bit off more than you could chew, and they were inexperienced. Does not make them too cheap to buy things, if they are too newbie to have much understanding of them. I know you won't accept this as a difference, but they are two totally seperate entities. Only thing in common is the person writing them martyring. That's it.

                      You said in your post that you didn't know Gusgen then, and you didn't travel there... well.. I've spent a bit of time mining there. And I'm saying your post is either an exagerration (however you spell it) or an outright lie. Because I do know the spawns and the layouts from having spent a "few" hours there.

                      Now, if you're quite done... you're just validating my points even more. Stop being unreasonable. Stop using biased and twisted examples to validate an even worse opening.

                      I'm not going to disassemble it any more, because I don't honestly believe you. Methinks you doth protest too much. Either you weren't strong enough to handle a handful of mobs that are around 20 levels below you... or... you made mistakes that got you killed, or... I don't know... it doesn't add up though when you think about it... or if you know the zone well (like some miner's might).

                      What I do see, is a mage going - I won't sneak/invis people *sob* they're too cheap to buy meds.. a lot... and then stories saying: Look at me, these people made me cry. Rant rant rant.. yet, these posts are blaming newbies (as yours is by your own flappy) or showing a total lack of courtesy to fellow gamers (ironically - fellow gamers who if they're doing their jobs right... spend more in consumables in a session than some mages earn in a week - just to help people level well).

                      In the OP's case, they were out of line, and in your case Mog - you chose to do what you did (for what little truth there may be in it, you died in Gusgen because you couldn't kill mobs that are TWTBW as a Blm). Pretty cut and dry.

                      People aren't too cheap. The number of times I've seen a group of melee wander into an area and sneak/invis up before the Whm's have gotten their first sneak's off outweigh the number of times I've seen people need them in exp... including myself (as I said - I did forget mine today... as I'd pulled out 3 stacks of Echo's, 12 stack toolbags of Jusatsu, Kododu, Sairui, Shinobi, Shihei, Kaginawa, 4 stacks of Shuriken, a 12 stack of food, 2 hi-pots, various sums of the Ele Wheel Niunjutsu and a hermes quencher, but forgot my sneak oils.

                      Thankfully - the Whm in the party had the good grace to not accuse me of trying to make him my bitch. That was a mistake... heaven forbid I ever get you in a party. Might only be carrying a couple of million gil's worth of tools that I'd be willing to toss away to help others level, and being perfectly damn honest... I could level quite happily without half the stuff I use, to make sure other people's lives are as easy as possible... heaven forbid I ever ask for a sneak when I have oils on me, because - I'd like a break from spending my hard earned cash that I use to make other people's lives easier...


                      Did I just hit on it..?

                      Take a break from spending my hard earned cash to make your life easier.

                      Hmm... so no.. it's not just exp/hr now.. but how little drain I put on you full stop. Is that the sum of this game now?

                      If that's truly where this game is at, then I'm saddened...

                      Let's all go blame newbies for not being able to buy sneak, and ninja's from wanting a break from spending their gil, when it could be done for free.

                      To Tirrock:

                      I'm sorry.. I do sometimes.. topics like this basically get on my nerves.
                      Last edited by Spinnthrift; 08-06-2006, 03:49 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                        Let's all go blame newbies for not being able to buy sneak, and ninja's from wanting a break from spending their gil, when it could be done for free.

                        Heaven forbid we make ninjas buy Shiehei. At least they have Arhat's.

                        Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!


                        • #42
                          Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                          Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                          Now, if you're quite done... you're just validating my points even more. Stop being unreasonable. Stop using biased and twisted examples to validate an even worse opening.

                          I'm not going to disassemble it any more, because I don't honestly believe you. Methinks you doth protest too much. Either you weren't strong enough to handle a handful of mobs that are around 20 levels below you... or... you made mistakes that got you killed, or... I don't know... it doesn't add up though when you think about it... or if you know the zone well (like some miner's might).
                          I could care less if you believed me. I know what happened and you weren't there to witness it. I should've made a video of it

                          I'm only defending my stance. There's no "protesting" about it. Makes me wonder what your definition of exaggerate is. Like I said before, I tell it like it is. I'm sure people here would vouch for me too, if I needed someone to ascribe to my credibility.

                          Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                          In the OP's case, they were out of line, and in your case Mog - you chose to do what you did (for what little truth there may be in it, you died in Gusgen because you couldn't kill mobs that are TWTBW as a Blm). Pretty cut and dry.
                          If this is supposed to be an insult, I would try harder if I were you. Try to cast while 10 odd mobs attack you and I'd like to see how far you'd get.
                          Last edited by Mog; 08-06-2006, 04:18 PM.
                          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                          • #43
                            Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                            Aquaveil 12MP
                            Stoneskin 20MP
                            Getting owned in gusgen mines by mobs 20 levels lower than you, priceless!
                            Just joking

                            But in all fairness, statisticly you should have killed all the mobs, but unexpected problems do occur :/

                            Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!


                            • #44
                              Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                              Originally posted by Stockyboy
                              Aquaveil 12MP
                              Stoneskin 20MP
                              Getting owned in gusgen mines by mobs 20 levels lower than you, priceless!
                              Just joking

                              But in all fairness, statisticly you should have killed all the mobs, but unexpected problems do occur :/
                              In the time that it would take to cast Aquaveil, more than half of the party would be dead. It was a split second thing. If I had a choice of whether to shoot for killing mobs that are TWBW to me or cast Aquaveil in a short span of time, I would choose the former.

                              Moreover, Aquaveil doesn't ensure that you won't get interrupted. If you are getting attacked by 12 different mobs in the same room, you can bet your sweet ass that you will get interrupted, no matter what spells or equipment you're wearing.
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                              • #45
                                Re: To All Penny Pinchers

                                I tend to have the opposite effect, actually, when I farm TWTBW mobs I hardly ever get inturupted, but then again it's prolly cause I have high magic skills from my parties (I liked to keep them all capped - or rather try )

                                As was said could have tried for an ES sleepga, but against undead it's hard even for us Rdms

                                (On a related note, before I go anywhere where I need sneak/invis I cast all my protection buffs incase I do aggro a mob and need to sleep it ^^)

                                Drk62, Rdm58, War39, Blm36, Thf33, Whm26, Nin25 and others~!

