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Some FFXI Questions (Important)

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  • Some FFXI Questions (Important)

    Ok now you can move this I just asnt sure were to post it... Sorry bout that.

    Ok well as you may know I am starting the game next week but i just wanna clear things up. When i create my charachter I pick a race and a job. But what is this im hearing about a sub job? And last night I was reading about the jobs on allahkazam and it said something about keeping two jobs at once if your good enough. So that means I can be a puppet master and a red mage at the same time.?.?

    The houses..... Does every one get one or do u have to buy one?

    A question about the pets. What do they do and do u start out with one?

    Also what job do i have to be to shoot a gun??

    FFXI Info:

    Race: TaruTaru
    Job: RDM/32,BLM/15
    Server: Kujata
    Skills: 86/87

  • #2
    Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

    There's a quest in Selbina/Mhaura to get a few items and turn them in for a subjob. It can only be half your main job's level and is only available once you reach level 18. Example: A 60 Red Mage could be "subbing" a 30 white mage.

    The mog houses are free. . . everyone gets one at the start and that is explanied to you if you choose at the beginning of the game if you choose to view it.

    Only specific jobs get pets such as Beastmaster, Dragoon, and Summoner.

    Thiefs, Rangers, and Corsairs can shoot guns efficiently.
    ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
    PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


    • #3
      Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

      Answer: Search Function

      Located at the Top Right of the Page.

      (Thank you.)
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • #4
        Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

        Mog House

        Beastmasters, Puppetmasters, and, to an extent, Dragoons have pets.



        • #5
          Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

          Okay, about jobs. When you pick your job at the character creation stage, you're picking your starting job. You can change jobs anytime you like. At level 18, you can do one of two quests to gain the ability to add a support job or subjob.

          Once you complete the quest, you have to go back to a town to start using your subjob. Your main job is the only one that gains experience points, and the subjob is capped at half of your main job's level. I always find this easiest to understand by example, so let's say you start as a WAR and level that to 6, get sick of it and level MNK to 18 and unlock your subjob. Then you start leveling THF/MNK, and get that to 12. At this point, your job/subjob options are:


          Let's say you go with THF/MNK. You'd have access to all of THF's abilities up to level 12, and all of MNK's abilities (except for the 2-hour ability) up to level 6, as well as the added stats (STR, DEX, etc.) of a level 6 MNK.

          Everyone has access to a moghouse. You'll hear about rent-a-rooms, which don't cost anything; it's just what you do when you go to a moghouse in a city other than your home city. You have to talk to a guy outside the entrance before you can access your safe in a foreign city.

          There are four jobs that have pets: BST, DRG, SMN, and PUP. Each job's pets do different things. DRG's wyvern just fights with you and reacts to your weaponskills and spells. BST's pets attack the targets you tell them to, as do SMN and PUP's pets. You don't start with a pet, as all the pet jobs are Advanced Jobs that need to be quested to unlock (at level 30). If you don't currently have one of those four jobs as main job, or BST or SMN as subjob (DRG can only call their wyvern when DRG is the main job, I believe PUP is the same), you don't have a pet.

          Ranger and Corsair can equip and use guns. There might be some for Thief, too, though I'm not sure.
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • #6
            Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

            One thing to note about guns, they are expensive to use - I wouldn't recommend them for someone just starting the game. You have enough things to spend your money on without buying bullets...

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #7
              Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

              Unlike other MMORPGs, you're not limited to one job. In fact, you can be all the jobs in the game if you want. All it takes is a click on your own personal moogle (inside your free house) and you can change to any job you've earned access to. It saves each job's level, so you never 'lose' your level, you simply switch to what the new job's level is, and can return at any time.

              You start out having access to 6 jobs. They're called the 'basic' jobs. Warrior (melee/tank hybrid), White Mage (Healer), Black Mage (Attack Mage), Red Mage (Jack of all trades mage), Monk (Melee), and Thief (...thief).

              Once you're level 30, you can begin the quests to unlock the 'advanced' jobs. I know they call them 'advanced' jobs, but think of them as 'extra' jobs, because they're not necessarily better or worse than the basic jobs. As most people will say, each job has its function in a party. Once you gain access to the job, it's yours to change into whenever you like.

              When you just begin, you only have one job at a time. Once you gain level 18, and complete a quest involving the trade of three monster-dropped items, you gain access to a subjob. This means, that if you have another job, you can add some stats, and all the abilities of another job up to 1/2 of your main job's level, rounded down.

              Your subjob will always be at least level 1 (Because you start out at level 1 in every job), but you actually have to level your subjob choice, as a main job, to increase its level for subbing. When you hear of people 'levelling their job to 37 to sub,' they mean they're preparing this job so that they can take the REAL job they want to play up to level 75 (1/2 of 75, rounded down. is 37).

              37 is the maximum level you're allowed to draw from your subjob, though you can level that job higher than 37 of course, should you desire to make it one of your main jobs.

              Like your main job, you can change your sub-job at will, at your moogle. You can essentially be an Anything main, subjob Anything (though some subjobs work better than others for certain classes).

              Once you pick a nation, you get a Moghouse for free. When you visit other nations, you can "Lease" a moghouse. Even though that implies you have to pay, you really don't. They are free as well, you just have to talk to the guard outside the houses to transfer your belongings. You can only have 1 house at a time, though you can switch back at any given time.

              Only 4 jobs have pets accessible to them, these are what they do:

              Dragoon: You can summon a pet dragon once every 20 minutes as a free job ability (only one at a time). They auto-attack with you, and depending on your subjob at the time, they use various breath attacks when you use your TP (Technique Points) to execute a weapon skill. They stay until dead.

              Puppetmaster: You can summon a puppet once every 20 minutes as a free job ability (Only one). You can command them to attack monsters, and depending on the parts you equip on it, it will do different things. You can have a mage, bowman, or sword type puppet at the present time. They stay until dead

              Beastmaster: Beastmasters have an ability called charm to calm most wild monsters (with a few exceptions). The charm is short-lived, and your pets can start attacking you if you can't get charm back on. Your two-hour Super Ability can charm monsters for much longer, and strengthens the monster. Some monster types are more effective against other monster types (Like pokemon kind of), so careful pet selection can lead to victory. Beastmasters can also use various broth items to summon their own pets (We call them jug-pets usually). I don't think you have to keep charming jug pets. I think jug pets stay until killed.

              Summoner: Summoners can learn to summon elementals (little balls of elemental energy) via spell scrolls used to learn spells. The more powerful avatars must be defeated in battle before they can be used. There are 2 ways to do this: You can either fight them solo as a level 20 summoner, or you can use another, high level job to fight them around the 65-70 range, and earn the right to use them on your summoner job. They can be ordered to attack enemies just like the Beastmaster and Puppetmaster can, but Summoners can also order their avatars to perform special magic and physical attacks (called blood pacts). Their two-hour Super Ability, Astral Flow, can be used to unleash an avatar's ultimate, high damaging attack, at the cost of much MP. Avatars and Elementals drain a summoner's MP to remain active, and when the MP runs out, the pet disappears.

              The two jobs that can most effectively make use of guns are Ranger (think all-around Hunter), and Corsair (Pirate). Rangers have the highest natural skill in them, followed by Corsair. Corsairs can use party-enhancing magic dice to make up for their slight lack of skill in firearms. Thief and Ninja also have a small selection of guns available to them, although most Thieves and Ninjas that have ranged weapons at all use Boomerangs and Chakrams (Reusable thrown weapons), and sometimes Shuriken (for Ninja) instead.

              However, as others have said, guns are an expensive habit (The ammo costs a lot). Also, low level gun ammo (the ammo is level-capped, just like the various guns are) is very low damage, making Bows and Crossbows much more desired for levels 1-20 at least.

              If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I know I wanted to know EVERYTHING about the game before I started playing, so I understand where you're coming from. ^^
              Last edited by PTT; 06-23-2006, 06:23 AM.
              Wevrain - Shiva


              • #8
                Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

                Just some fun with nomenclature: (There are some differences between the official terminology and what players tend to name things. There are also some differences between the offical English and Japanese names of many game terms.)

                Official Term // Slang (English) // Meaning
                Standard Jobs // Basic Jobs // The jobs available from the very start of the game.
                Extra Jobs // Advanced Jobs // The jobs which must be unlocked in game via quests.
                Support Job // Subjob // The secondary job which can be "equiped" in conjunction with your current job.

                English // Japanese (lit. translation) // "Real"/old FF name/notes
                Ranger // Hunter // "Hunter"
                Corsair // Corsair // "Gambler"
                Paladin // Knight // "Knight"
                Dark Knight // Dark Cavalier/Knight // (I made up the "Cavalier" translation.)
                Dragoon // Dragon Cavalier/Knight // (See Dark Knight)
                Beastmaster // Beast User
                Puppetmaster // Marionette Controller // (I made up the JP translations from thin air)
                Bard // Troubadour/Minstrel // (Just fancier words for "Bard"--but the JP word is long, so should be fancy)

                English // Auto-translator substitute // Meaning
                Pulling // <Fishing> // Bringing a monster/enemy back to the rest of the party.
                Tank // <Meat> <Shield> // (EN only) Usually means a Paladin or some other player which keeps the attention of monster during battle
                Tank // <Shield> <Job> // (JP only) Same thing, but they don't always mean using a Shield.
                Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                leaving no trace in the water.

                - Mugaku


                • #9
                  Re: Some FFXI Questions (Important)

                  Originally posted by Arcticie
                  Ok now you can move this I just asnt sure were to post it... Sorry bout that.

                  Ok well as you may know I am starting the game next week but i just wanna clear things up. When i create my charachter I pick a race and a job. But what is this im hearing about a sub job? And last night I was reading about the jobs on allahkazam and it said something about keeping two jobs at once if your good enough. So that means I can be a puppet master and a red mage at the same time.?.?

                  The houses..... Does every one get one or do u have to buy one?

                  A question about the pets. What do they do and do u start out with one?

                  Also what job do i have to be to shoot a gun??
                  1. Basically you can start out as 1 of these 6 jobs: Warrior, Monk, Black Mage, White Mage, Red Mage, or Thief. You can only have 1 of these jobs, until you get one to level 18. Then you have to complete a quest to enable yourself to use Sub jobs. Sub jobs are kind of confusing at first, but once you get a hang of them, it's a breeze. Say you have a Red Mage and level it up to 18, you complete the quest and you go back and want to sub Black Mage. If you haven't leveled up Black Mage at all, it would say Red Mage 18/ Black Mage 1. If you level up your Black mage to level 10, then it should say Red Mage 18/ Black mage 9. Even though Black Mage is level 10, your sub job will always be half the level of your main job. This means once you get to level 20 with Red Mage, it should read RDM 20/ BLM 10. If you don't level up BLM anymore after that, when you get to level 22 with RDM, it should say RDM22/BLM10, and so on and so fourth.
                  It's does not necesarily mean you are fully black mage at time. Say you decide to go BLM/WAR. You still wouldn't be able to equip the strong armor Warriors can equip, but you would obtain same traits, combat skill levels, and Job Abilities. If you were to sub BLM/WHM you would be able to use all of the above AND a mix of Black magic and White magic. But remember, magic corresponds with level so don't expect to be able to use raise as a BLM/WHM if you are a 20BLM/10WHM even if you have Raise as a WHM. If you want to sub Red Mage with Puppetmaster, then you will be able to use your puppet AND your magic skills as well. If you wanted to sub Puppetmaster with Red Mage, you would STILL be able to use a sword and cast magic, and ALSO be able to use your puppet.

                  2. Everyone starts out with a Mog House, but it is up to you to decorate and customize it the way you want. Remember putting certain things in your house can enable you to use the "Storage" option.

                  3. When first creating a character, there is no way to start out with a pet, for all the pet jobs are advanced jobs and can be obtained only after upon reaching a minimum level of 30 and completing the corresponding quests. The jobs that have pets are Beastmaster, Puppetmaster, Dragoon, and Summoner. Beastmasters have to "Charm" animals to use them as pets. Remember the Beastmaster can charm many different animals, however they can't charm a pet that is on a much higher level than you are, and things like goblins, yagudos, and quadavs cannot be charmed. There are also other things that can't be charmed, but I do not know all of them off the top of my head. Remember charmed animals can turn against you after a period of time if they don't die, and they will attack. Puppetmaster start out with an "Automaton" or puppet as their pets, and they can customize these automatons with different attachments that do different things. You can pick a name for your automaton from the list given to you right before officially unlocking the job. You can also change it anytime you want for a price a little less than 10k. Players can allso choose to get different frames for their Automaton at levels 10, 20, and 30. These frames are mage frame, ranged frame, and melee frame. You can get all 3, but one at a time after a 10 level gap. Dragoon have a "Wyvern", or a little dragon that fights beside them. Dragoons start out with their Wyverns, and they can pick a name from a list, just like the Puppetmasters with their Automatons. Depending on the subjob of the player, the Wyvern will perform different actions. If you decide to use Dragoon as a sub job, you will NOT have the ability to summon your Wyvern. Summoners have the ability to summon avatars and different elemental spirits. Elemental Pacts can be obtained through either defeating that elemental or purchasing them from the Auction House, located in just about every city. Summoners start out with the avatar, Carbuncle after completing the quest to unlock summoner, but the other avatars can be obtained by fighting and defeating them at either level 20 with summoner and ONLY summoner as the main job and no one else to help you, but carbuncle, or level 65+ with any job and a party. These avatars include Shiva, Garuda, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Fenrir* and Diablos*. I starred Fenrir and Diablos because they can only be obtained from level 65+ fights, not the level 20 fight. Remember, for every Vana 'Diel minute that an avatar is out, mp will be depleted.

                  3. Corsairs, Rangers, and Thieves can use guns. Corsair is probably the best job for this skill because guns are their speciality.

                  Haha I know it's a lot, but I hope it helped!

