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Melee job roles, pros and cons

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  • Melee job roles, pros and cons

    Alright I've now been playing for two weeks. I'm monk 20, war 20, thief 10.

    During downtime, between pulls, while waiting for parties I've been reading every guide I can get my hands on, asking all the questions I can think of, and interviewing players in game to find the most up to date, accurate information on how exactly all of these jobs work.

    Planning is what FFXI is about (and patience). If you find half way through the career of your chosen advanced job that you don't like it, you may find yourself leveling not one, but a few new jobs when starting over.

    When I got started here I decided that while I learned the game I would work toward the goal of being drk/war. To that end, I started as a monk, leveled to 18, did the sj quest, then leveled war/mnk in an attempt to get to 30 and begin drk. I took brief interludes to play some monk and thief obviously during my levelign of war.

    Here is a tiny amount of the wealth of information I've accumulated on all the melee jobs:

    Dark Knight - Used for DPS, debuff, and skill chain ending post 66. Requires that you level scythe and greatsword, and leveling both warrior and thief is a plus, as warrior is preferred in parties at lower levels, and thief is preferred 66+.

    Dragoon - Used for DPS with wyvern, jump attacks and powerful WS earlier on than some other jobs. I'm not certain about the skillchains here. There seems to be a wide variety of different subjobs for this job depending on player preference and party needs, but having /war is always a good choice for party DPS with berserk, double attack and warcry. Only need to level one weapon (lance), or one subjob if that's all you want.

    Monk - Used for DPS, which seems to be more useful at higher levels than lower. With the most expensive hand to hand weapons I could find, and grabbing every +str +attack item available at low levels, monk DPS before 50 doesn't seem impressive. However, with progressively faster attacks, double attack at 50, kicks at 51, chi attack to start fights, monk seems to be highly respectable DPS at higher levels. Also can be used to start skillchains and briefly distract from mages in emergencies. Only requires leveling hant to hand, and only requires /war.

    Ninja - I honestly havn't researched this extensively, because I"m not overly interested in tanking. However, with high evasion and Utsusemi (I believe that's the word) ninja are well regarded by most players in terms of tanking. They also seem to have higher DPS with ninjitsu and dual wield than paladins. Although I don't see them tanking quite as well. Only requires leveling katana, and only requires /war.

    Paladin - In my opinion (and apparently many others') the most suitable tank in the game. With what seems to be the lowest DPS for melee job, that's all they seem to be able to do. However, I havn't gone into great depth here either so if I have any misconceptions please correct me. Requires leveling greatsword and sword, but only requires /war as a sub.

    Samurai - Most of the players I've interviewed about melee jobs tell me that samurai is the most fun... I'm still not so sure. Having TP around much more often certainly does look fun, but that seems to be all they really do. Skillchains are great, though, and they have a couple of other little convenient abilities. I'm giving samurai deep consideration based on others' opinions. Levels only great katana, but generally requires /war at low levels and /thf at high levels.

    Thief - DPS? Sneak attack, trick attack and weapon skills to finish skillchains, hate management as well, makes the thief job appealing in its unique role. It seems most high level parties need to invite a thief or an appropriate job with /thf for this reason. Uses the ninja subclass, and generally requires leveling of both dagger and sword.

    Warrior - A well rounded melee job, the warrior seems capable of tanking with /nin or dealing damage, also with /nin and dual wielded axes. It seems like a straight-forward job, with various job abilities to complement both roles. Levels both one hand and two handed axes.

    I want to play the melee DPS role in a party, and I want to solo 3,000 experience per day in between parties. (don't tell me not to, I know I can).

    Also, jobs that only require /war are convenient because obviously I already have that. I was hoping to do that with drk but I seem to be getting some criticism for it.

    Please, add to my knowledge on these jobs with your personal experience/opinions, or suggestions on which I may want to play and why.

    I need to make a concrete decision on which job I am before I get warrior to 30 (probably about a week and a half from now) and begin.

    Thanks again

  • #2
    Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

    Originally posted by Wiseman40

    I want to play the melee DPS role in a party, and I want to solo 3,000 experience per day in between parties. (don't tell me not to, I know I can).

    Also, jobs that only require /war are convenient because obviously I already have that. I was hoping to do that with drk but I seem to be getting some criticism for it.

    Please, add to my knowledge on these jobs with your personal experience/opinions, or suggestions on which I may want to play and why.

    I need to make a concrete decision on which job I am before I get warrior to 30 (probably about a week and a half from now) and begin.

    Thanks again
    with those requirements its a little tricky to pin down any job that would fit. /war is great for pt but for soloing, it isnt the best choice to allow you to get 3000 xp per day. i would say play drg. drg/war is probably the main combo most drgs use throughout their career. /thf is used also but i think most drg still stick with /war. drg is a pretty decent solo class especially after they get their af head piece (i think this is the one that gives wvyren breath effectiveness? correct me if im wrong drgs) with that af piece and a /whm sub, casting dia (7 mp) when you are under 1/3 hp? (iirc) will trigger your wyvrens healing breath which cures you for a nice amount, i think it brings you all the way past 50% hp. soloing with this melee class is pretty decent. ive seen a few drg/whm in gustav solo robber crabs. this is the only part of your requirements that needs a change. you will need /whm, b/c the type of breath your wvyren uses is affected by what subjob you have. /whm is the most typical and effective one.

    regarding drk, it is probably one of the least able solo classes. just by how they are built. if drg doesnt fit your style, thf is a great solo class also. though, they tend to rely on /nin to get the most out of soloing. they have good marksmanship rating so you can use sleep/bloody/acid bolts. as well as the best evasion in the game. dmg output is a bit lower but survivabilty is at its best with flee and perfect dodge.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #3
      Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

      That's good advice. I had considered drg/war and drg/whm.

      However, I don't need to find the most efficient solo combination. I know that with almost any of these I would be able to solo what I need to get 3,000 per day. I'd be using the empress band for it so it's really more like 2,000 and I'm willing to get 15-30 experience per kill.

      I don't do it as a means to actually level. I just do it to relax. It's like taking a walk in the park or something.


      • #4
        Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

        hmm, well i mean efficient because, sometimes ep at higher lvls can KILL you. sometimes ep/dc mobs arent really ep/dc mobs anymore. this isnt so like before 30 or something, but say youre 60, and ep mob can give you a heck of a hard time and it isnt a for sure win. so trying to solo a ep mob as drk/war w/o any healing might be pretty dangerous and/or counter productive if you end up dying after a 5 minute battle.

        i understand that you dont mind at all slowly chipping away with maybe 50xp each time but you dont want to die or be near death every battle do you? also, sitting down to rest 1000 hp can be quite long. you wont get your 2000xp a day that way. :p
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #5
          Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

          For Paladins, Great Swords are more for looks... Paladins 9/10 times will either tank with Sword and Shield or Earth Staff at Lv51 (Pending type of fight.) Great Sword doesnt really do much for Paladins. I however skilled it up so that I could use it for my Dark Knight.


          • #6
            Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

            Originally posted by Omni-Ragnarok
            hmm, well i mean efficient because, sometimes ep at higher lvls can KILL you. sometimes ep/dc mobs arent really ep/dc mobs anymore. this isnt so like before 30 or something, but say youre 60, and ep mob can give you a heck of a hard time and it isnt a for sure win. so trying to solo a ep mob as drk/war w/o any healing might be pretty dangerous and/or counter productive if you end up dying after a 5 minute battle.

            i understand that you dont mind at all slowly chipping away with maybe 50xp each time but you dont want to die or be near death every battle do you? also, sitting down to rest 1000 hp can be quite long. you wont get your 2000xp a day that way. :p

            Hmm.. I didn't know it was THAT bad... After all, if I didn't use last resort or souleater, and only fought easy prey I was under the impression that with bio, drain, aspir, etc there wouldn't be all that much downtime...

            I'll have to give it more thought.

            Anyone have opinions on these other jobs?


            • #7
              Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

              you gotta play drk to know drk. reading all the guides in the world doesn't help until you've experienced it.

              thats my 2cents since i see alot of myself in you couple years ago when i was die hard drk.

              that was until i became a drk and life wasn't as fun as i thought it was. sure i could chop and hack anything in the game for the sacfrice of my defense or hp. but watching your teammates die to a link and you can't provoke it b/c it will kill you faster then you can zone it really hurts.

              the heal time is most def a area of concern. sitting for 1000+ hp isnt fun, you can prob make something to eat in the same time. also, combined with the fact that as you lvl up, the risk to potenitally die to a mob is increased.

              if you have the time to solo 3k, put that time into putting your LFP flag up and watch some tv. you'll make 3k in no time in a exp pt.

              good luck^^!


              • #8
                Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                well actually I have more time to play than it takes to solo the 3k experience. I just do that before I party. After I do that I usually have a couple of good party hours ahead. I guess I could do without it, but I find that it's rewarding to spend a couple hours killing easy prey. It's a nice break from the constant 'miss!' of a party.


                • #9
                  Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                  yes, you will realize that easy prey != an easy to kill mob later in the game. some jobs will have it easier than others, ie: bst, nin, rdm, thf, smn, drg for instance. only because these jobs have ways to mitigate/avoid/cure dmg AND do enough dmg to kill of the mob in a decent amount of time.

                  if you really like solo, you should give bst a try. bst uses 1h axe mainly and has access to all axe ws. great 1h axe rating as well as a pet to help you fight off a mob. no waiting for pt, and better than 3000k a day if you play it right!

                  if you dont like bst idea, drg and thf are i think the most reliable melee solo able jobs.
                  Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                  ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                  • #10
                    Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                    Good advice everyone I'll take it. I'm surprised, though, that monk isn't listed as being able to solo easy prey. You'd think all those hp, avoidance, self heal as well as strong damage would be able to take the easy prey.


                    • #11
                      Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                      I want to play the melee DPS role in a party, and I want to solo 3,000 experience per day in between parties. (don't tell me not to, I know I can).
                      Don't think you are, but be it ^^ popular quote.

                      From your original post you got the basics right. Just want to add a few more aspects.

                      Ninja utsusemi, the reason it is so powerful is because this spell will guarantee you 100% evasion to almost every single attacking moves. Including not only normal attacks but abilities and magics too.
                      Utsusemi 1 alone has a long recast time and dodge 3 hits. With this alone ninja is not overly useful.
                      But with Utsusemi 2 which you learn at 37 nin, it gives you a second spell to use while utsusemi 1 isn't recharged. This spell gives you 4 dodge as main nin, 3 dodges as sub nin.

                      The reason Ninja tanks so well (the skilled one I mean) in exp party is because they rarely gets any hit at all. A good ninja can stay totally clean with 2 utsusemi and evasion. Not being hit is huge.... imaging you having 1500 HP, monster hitting you for 250. You won't last long. But what if 99% of those attacks never hit you? You can see where this leads to right?

                      Utsusemi 2 being level 37 means you will need at least 74 main job if you want to use it from sub nin. And especially if you are into soloing, this is your golden age.

                      I think 74+ mnk/nin is among one of the strongest soloer. Monk's counter attack is god sent. If you can gear yourself up with +counter items (which are expensive for a reason) combinding with 2 utsusemi, nothing can get in yourway.

                      Before utsusemi 2, both mnk and drk kinda share the same weakness... which is defense. Monk has a little more advantage here with their high VIT, HP, guard and counter but that still can't fully make up for the lack of defense. Soloing for exp at higher levels can end up pretty ugly because you will most likely run out of HP before the monsters. They do have the damage, they just don't have the surviveability.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                        Mnk can solo decently, you'll just have a lot more downtime than the other jobs. I personally feel, youd probably like drg, however youd need to level rdm or whm sub for soloing so you can use healing breath.
                        Calin - Ragnarok


                        • #13
                          Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                          As he said, he's not looking into a solo job entirely. It seems to me he's favoring melee in general, but one with a small ability to solo not-so-tough mobs to relax himself. If you were to ask me, I'd highly recommend NIN. Sure, you're a tank, but really only in XP PTs, and even as a tank in XP PTs you can dish some nice damage (with the right gear swaps and skill). NIN is a bit hectic in its playstyle though, but that's what a lot of people find fun about it. Solo-wize, NIN is a clear choice. You're bound to be wanted in PTs as well. Later on, closer to 70+, /WHM will come into play if you really want to look into solo'ing. This way you can avoid damage rather easily (Utsusemi) and cure when your shadows slip up. For the most part, though, you can sub WAR all the way until the end, even solo'ing EP. Word of caution though: NIN are generally expensive to lvl, what with the cost of ninja tools. Not so much if you get good PTs, but bad PTs with horrible players can slam a dent into your stock without benefitting your lvling very much. Check into NIN more and see if it's up your alley
                          Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
                          Current Mission
                          San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
                          Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
                          Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
                          "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


                          • #14
                            Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                            Thanks Dark.

                            It seems to me that the best course of action would be to level war or mnk to 30 and give ninja a try for a while. I'll experiment with a few subs for nin (mnk and war at first).

                            I may level whm to help with soloing at very high levels.

                            Or my wife's rdm could just follow me around to get rid of downtime. *shrug*

                            Thanks for all the help everyone it was very informative.


                            • #15
                              Re: Melee job roles, pros and cons

                              As a DRG/WHM or /RDM you can solo 60+ fairly efficiently. This is from my personal experience as a former 75 DRG. I can't speak for any other job.

