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Why do people hate main healing?

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  • #76
    Re: Why do people hate main healing?

    Originally posted by sevenpointflaw

    Over 60 levels of WHM, and know where my RDM and SMN sit? 6 and 20 respectively. I managed to scrape through the dunes as SMN/BLM because I played mostly with my LS, but I really don't have any plans to take it further now that I'm done with Promy. Red mage? I might try, but I'll stop for the same reason I stopped SMN...

    that's great, that you love main healing, but the OP states after playing whm they don't understand why rdms and smns don't like main healing.

    I have whm up to 31 and i accept main healing while playing a whm. as a rdm try to enfeble, keep everyone refreshed, MB, hasted, Protected/Shelled as /blm, dispel when necessary and main heal. even though the protect/shell is hourly or so, it's a garunteed use of Convert. and melees don't give a crap if you're low on mps, they think the /recast on convert is 5 seconds, even when I'm in a party with a whm, i'm lucky if I get to rest for 1 tick between fights, while the whm gets to sit till somone actually needs healing.

    due to whm just getting to 31, show's it's not quite up to "Erase" and if it was i'd be expected to erase as well, and still Escape at a moments notice.
    Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
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    a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

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    • #77
      Re: Why do people hate main healing?

      Healing is a heavy duty task in iteslf, and is a very heavy burden on WHMs, RDMs, BLM/WHMs, especially when their main priority is to keep the group alive and enfeeble monsters at the same time. God forbid someone pull a monster while their MP is 30/400.

      Me, being a THF, sympathize with WHMs. You might get alot of invites...but you're just a bunch of SLAVES =P RESIST THE MAN, duuuuudes (Just kidding. I love you all. =p)

      Versitle party = Good party. People who get stuck up on "omg. I'm the tank. Why should I pull? (When you have ranged attack and highest level out of a 13-11 group)" or "OMG. I'm a RDM. Why should I heal (............when we have no healer available?)" It's good to know what your job is in a party. But it's even better when you know what other things you're able to do to benefit your party as well.

      Healing your teammates is one of those things. =P

      Suck it up. Picking up the slack for other party members will be something you will certainly have to deal with from time to time. I've tanked for a party before as Galka THF/WAR (I wouldn't recommend it at higher levels though), but if you can keep hate off your mages when the main tank isn't doing so (and, sadly, take less damage in the process), you might want to do so in order to avoid further complications....

      Just makes sense...To me.

      Because they're better useful alive than they are dead (At least, we hope...)
      Last edited by Eauijhkuu; 02-17-2006, 08:00 AM.
      "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"

