Why do people hate main healing? Why do people insist on playing nuker instead of healing? There isn't any disgrace or whatever being the main heal... Not like it's a tough job anyway, I played a WHM, and it was all fun main healing, enfeebling and throwing in random spells for fun.
Everytime I /sea, there has to be a RDM or SMN that have a comment saying "NO MAIN HEAL", SMN, I can understand, 90% of the SMN out there are leeches, so it's acceptable
but for RDM, I'd gladly be main heal, because my cure look better than my 10 damage MB nuke...
So, why do people hate main healing?
Everytime I /sea, there has to be a RDM or SMN that have a comment saying "NO MAIN HEAL", SMN, I can understand, 90% of the SMN out there are leeches, so it's acceptable

So, why do people hate main healing?