I know there are nominal discussions about red mage, but how often do you hear about Human vs Elvaan?
It's easy to pulvarize the human as an elvaan when it comes to more potent spells and a few more MP.
But lets consider all the food and drinks which could easily boost up the human red mage up to the elvaan red mage lvl.
Granted, if an elvaan ate the same food and drink they would be MORE powerful than the human once again.
Lets look beyond drinks, and MP and damage for one second.
Lets go to looks.
A red mage is likely to use a sword and shield. Simply because the sword is an amazing tool. But the Elvaan holds the sword, I am sorry to say it, like a complete sissy.
Humans wield the sword as if it has some real magical power! Trust me, if you're going to take red mage to at least 50, you're going to regret being made fun of for the way you hold the sword.
but trust me on this one, if you plan to lvl Samurai, go Elvaan. No one holds a samurai sword like an Elvaan, but that is off topic.
I think in looks, the Human beats the Elvaan at the red mage job. And with the right food and drink, human can be just as good, or better.
But overall combat and mp usage, Elvaan will win. But lets face it. Elvaan hold the sword and shield quite, uh... well girly.:sweat:
So therefore, in my opinion, the Human Red Mages have it. Go Humans! You may smell bad and use foul language, but you can sure wield a sword! :spin:
It's easy to pulvarize the human as an elvaan when it comes to more potent spells and a few more MP.
But lets consider all the food and drinks which could easily boost up the human red mage up to the elvaan red mage lvl.
Granted, if an elvaan ate the same food and drink they would be MORE powerful than the human once again.
Lets look beyond drinks, and MP and damage for one second.
Lets go to looks.
A red mage is likely to use a sword and shield. Simply because the sword is an amazing tool. But the Elvaan holds the sword, I am sorry to say it, like a complete sissy.
Humans wield the sword as if it has some real magical power! Trust me, if you're going to take red mage to at least 50, you're going to regret being made fun of for the way you hold the sword.
but trust me on this one, if you plan to lvl Samurai, go Elvaan. No one holds a samurai sword like an Elvaan, but that is off topic.
I think in looks, the Human beats the Elvaan at the red mage job. And with the right food and drink, human can be just as good, or better.
But overall combat and mp usage, Elvaan will win. But lets face it. Elvaan hold the sword and shield quite, uh... well girly.:sweat:
So therefore, in my opinion, the Human Red Mages have it. Go Humans! You may smell bad and use foul language, but you can sure wield a sword! :spin: