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Human vs. Evlaan: Red Mage

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  • Human vs. Evlaan: Red Mage

    I know there are nominal discussions about red mage, but how often do you hear about Human vs Elvaan?
    It's easy to pulvarize the human as an elvaan when it comes to more potent spells and a few more MP.
    But lets consider all the food and drinks which could easily boost up the human red mage up to the elvaan red mage lvl.
    Granted, if an elvaan ate the same food and drink they would be MORE powerful than the human once again.
    Lets look beyond drinks, and MP and damage for one second.
    Lets go to looks.
    A red mage is likely to use a sword and shield. Simply because the sword is an amazing tool. But the Elvaan holds the sword, I am sorry to say it, like a complete sissy.
    Humans wield the sword as if it has some real magical power! Trust me, if you're going to take red mage to at least 50, you're going to regret being made fun of for the way you hold the sword.
    but trust me on this one, if you plan to lvl Samurai, go Elvaan. No one holds a samurai sword like an Elvaan, but that is off topic.
    I think in looks, the Human beats the Elvaan at the red mage job. And with the right food and drink, human can be just as good, or better.
    But overall combat and mp usage, Elvaan will win. But lets face it. Elvaan hold the sword and shield quite, uh... well girly.:sweat:
    So therefore, in my opinion, the Human Red Mages have it. Go Humans! You may smell bad and use foul language, but you can sure wield a sword! :spin:
    Attached Files

  • #2
    did you base your opinion of hume RDM VS Elvaan RDM on the way they hold a sword ?


    • #3
      It's easy to pulvarize the human as an elvaan when it comes to more potent spells and a few more MP.
      Wait. Hold on. ... You're under the impression that an elvaan mage has more mp than a hume mage? O.o. That's not the case, the hume will have more mp and less mind.

      Then you're basing it on how you hold a sword? Any decent redmage, post 50 (the level you talk about) will be using elemental staffs to help stick spells, heal mp, and increase cure potency. You won't be hitting the mobs to much with a sword, so that shouldn't be a problem at all.

      Anyhow. You seem quite misinformed.
      Aelith - 75 Whm/ 37 Smn


      • #4
        Originally posted by Aelith
        Anyhow. You seem quite misinformed.


        • #5
          Until mid-70s, when a plethora of HP>MP gear becomes available, Taru RDM are actually the most effective. The handful of MND points is easily adjusted for by gear/food, and Taru RDM don't even have to work at maintaining the 1:1 HP/MP ratio that optimizes Convert, which means Taru RDM have a significant chunk of extra MP to spend every 10 minutes.



          • #6
            Off-Topic: sup Icey :p


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jarigue
              Off-Topic: sup Icey :p
              Nada. Levelling RDM these days, so this topic is close to my heart.



              • #8
                Re: Human vs. Evlaan: Red Mage

                Originally posted by Hidoku
                lets go to looks.
                Full Redmage AF=Pimp

                Galkas with Full Redmage AF=


                • #9
                  hmm I don't quite follow your original post. In terms of MP it goes this way

                  Tarutaru > hume = mithra (?) > elvaan > Galka

                  Elvaan has more STR and MND, Tarutaru has more INT and MP, hume is in the middle.

                  As far as redmage goes, you have to look a little deeper into their primary roles in differeint situation.

                  EXP party, which you will be spending a LOT of your time in...
                  We ARE primary refresher, haster and debuffer. We are secondary healer. Next we are occasionally nuker to help boost the MB from time to time or help finish up the mob. But lastly and probably the most mistaken... we are NOT an attacker who use sword.

                  When you look at it this way. the more MP the merrier. Which gives Hume more advantage than an elvaal *early on* . I mentioned early on because later on you'll gain access to more than enough MP gear. Even if you can't have as much MP as hume, you will still have enough nonthless.

                  Out side of EXP party, your role is very versatile. You can be anything. You can do the same thing you did in EXP party, or you can even become the main tank. This is where you get to use your sword to your death and do everything. In this case, Elvaan higher base STR really comes into your advantage.

                  Redmages, really, unless you choose to play Galka, will be fine MP wise regardless of race. It is more important to *know* your role and not be fooled by the sword in your hand. A Redmage MUST understand that he/she IS a mage. And perform your role accordingly.

                  if you can fulfill your primary role, no one would mind you swinging your sword at all. Just don't let your sword distracts you.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Until mid-70s, when a plethora of HP>MP gear becomes available, Taru RDM are actually the most effective.
                    Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?

                    sorry, couldn't resist ><

                    to at least add something relevant: I think the OP wasn't too concerned about the finer points of race choice and rdm effectiveness.

                    Rdm is probably going to be my next job to 75, but mostly for soloing purposes. Hume/mithra/elv/taru are all pretty equal when it comes to soloing at 75, just need different tweaks.

                    I'm pretty anxious to start trying out rdm/bst in which it seems Hume and Elvaan would have the advantage over taru and mithra because of melee and chr respectively. But even then, I doubt the difference is substantial.

                    I'm 75 bst already, and am counting on the "charm based on bst lvl" theory. If anyone has links to test data or good first hand accounts of this, I'd appreciate it.^^
                    75 bst 75 blm
                    100.0 Bonecraft || 60.0 Leathercraft || 60.0 Alchemy


                    • #11
                      I had a 75rdm friend testing out /37bst. He can charm weak con mobs in about 4-5 tries. And release it to clear the aggro. That's pretty much all he likes about it... to get rid of aggro he's lazy to fight.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Houston
                        Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?

                        sorry, couldn't resist ><

                        to at least add something relevant: I think the OP wasn't too concerned about the finer points of race choice and rdm effectiveness.

                        Rdm is probably going to be my next job to 75, but mostly for soloing purposes. Hume/mithra/elv/taru are all pretty equal when it comes to soloing at 75, just need different tweaks.

                        I'm pretty anxious to start trying out rdm/bst in which it seems Hume and Elvaan would have the advantage over taru and mithra because of melee and chr respectively. But even then, I doubt the difference is substantial.

                        I'm 75 bst already, and am counting on the "charm based on bst lvl" theory. If anyone has links to test data or good first hand accounts of this, I'd appreciate it.^^
                        Dunno if this helps, but I was using RDM/BST in Kuftal killing Recluse Spiders for the Promise Badge quest (and the odd web should they drop ) and I'd say my charm success (BST 63) was about 60%. I rarely failed a charm twice, and got them first try about 60%. Recluse Spiders are 63-66. I had mega trouble with the Sabotender though. Probably took me 10 tries to charm due to their charm resistance.

                        I know for fact that anything level 62 or less I can charm as good as any BST can. When I was messing around in Tormailai for other quests I was charming everything... Stygian Pugils, Starmites, Dire Bats, Cutlass Scorpions (all ranging from 59-67) and had very few failures. Again, I had trouble with the charm resistant mobs (Mousse) and had to sleep them to get a successful charm without dying.

                        To the OP: wow that was insightful. I had no idea Humes had to use food and juice to keep up with elvaans. And while we are on the topic of "looks" why not comment on the stance an Elvaan takes when summoning something? {Elvaan} {summoner} {/poke} {fun}
                        FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                        FFXI: Shiva Server


                        • #13
                          Male elvaan with a dagger = ballet dancer
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                          • #14
                            i would always prefer a Hume over Elvaan redmage
                            im long done with Redmage but when it comes to Nuking the III-line for Light/darkness bursts, there is no way a elvaan or Galka could keep up with dmg a Taru or even a Hume/mithra do.

                            Taru Mithra/hume all have more base MP then Elvaan and can use the MP slots for Stats boost.
                            i know some really good elvaan redmages, but they will never be as good as the other races.
                            race DOES matter if it comes to this job

                            and dont come up with the "when i wear 100mil equip i outdamage every taru" stuff because why shouldnt the taru buy 100mil equip too ?

                            CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                            Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


                            • #15
                              Case in point, if you think the race/gear doesn't matter:

                              Levelling party 41-44 in Western Altepa Desert.

                              PT was NIN RDM RDM BLM RNG THF

                              Me: Taru RDM/BRD HP536/MP533
                              Elvaan RDM/BLM HP high600s/MP low400s

                              Elvaan RDM was *2 levels* above me.

                              Magic Burst damage difference: +33 in my favor, consistently. i.e. 213 damage for me, 180 for the Elvaan. That's a big difference.

                              To be fair, his Paralyze and Slow were more effective than mine (but that's probably due to his higher level too, once I levelled up, my enfeebles got a lot more consistent).


