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Content that would be a lot of fun if added. (my idea).

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  • Content that would be a lot of fun if added. (my idea).

    So anyway, I was bored one day and I thought of something. SE seems to give Ballista a lot of good things, which I enjoy, because I love ballista a lot. It seems SE biggest focus are end-game content/quest, storyline, and ballista. Why not combine the three? This is my idea, I hope you can read this and enjoy it.

    CoP would be required. Requirments: Ballista License, +50 in level, and have been in a Ballista match before.

    Part 1

    When you fufil the requirments, you must talk to the Ballista team leader of your nation. Invincible Shield, Excenmille, and Mhabi Molkot will give you a cutscene, talking to the right one. The cutscene will explain to you how Ballista has been a big success, then suddenly a mysterious figure appears, whispers something in the selected NPC's ear. The figure is a Hume in a black cloak and the rest adaman cursed armor.

    "Is he... really alive?" they all say at the end of the cutscene.

    You are asked to find the Black Cloak wearing Hume. You must find a "???" in Qufim. When you touch it, it spawns a Kraken type monster named "Larden's Kraken". It has triple En-effects: En-Water, En-Blizzard, and En-Wind. This monster is tough, can require a party of 70~ or an alliance of 60~. After the monster is defeated, touch the "???" again and you get a cutscene:

    "So, are you are following, eh? I saw you when I visited *Ballista team captain's name*. I guess he wanted you to follow me right? Tell them Eitheril is waitting for them, but they must prove themselves and defeat the souls of CONFLICT. Then they must defeat me" The black cloaked man(Warden) appears and says. He begans to walk away, but then stops.

    "What are the souls of CONFLICT you say? Well ask Invicible Shield that. He is the only one who has been around long enough" The cutscene ends.

    Part 2

    You must speak to Invicible Shield.

    "Larden?! You must be lying, pipsqweak! Larden is..."


    Larden, in Bastok Centriunon armor, are charging face to face to an entire squad of Elvaan Royal Knights. He has short, blond hair. He carrys a scythe.

    "Invicible Shield, get out of here!" Larden commands.

    "No way, you are not getting all the glory" Invicible Shield charges with his axe. Larden follows, and pushes Invicble Shield down. Flashback ends.

    "Humes don't live that long, and I am sure I saw him die that day... what the souls of CONFLICT? Are you kidding me? I am old enough stop trying to give me a heart attack! Well, if you must know. The souls of CONFLICT were some of the greatest warriors of Vana'diel. Sadly enough, they all fell. Each one defeated by a man, from Tavnazia. A Galka infact. He was raised by Elvaans and given the an Elvaan name, Eitheril. He was extremely cruel. Cruel, but strong. He was the strongest ballista fighter ever to live. He created the title Platnium BalliStar, above any other below him. All of the souls of CONFLICT died to that man... thats all I know. Now get out of my sight, before I swipe that curious grin off your face" Invicible Shield finishes.

    A Herald appears "Sir there has been a situation, a ghost has attacked a group of ballista fighters during the match"

    The cutscene ends

    Part 3

    Talk to any Herald, in any of the three areas(Pash, Jug, and Meri) to select the path. From this point on, an alliance is needed. This is where the fighting begins. There are three branches, you must do them all to fight the final boss. These branches are very similair to the way you fight the "God NMs" in Tu'lia. The herald tells you, not in cutscene, there seems to be three ghost, in the three areas. He gives you the key item, "Aged Ballista chevon - Green OR Blue OR Yellow". Green: Jug. Blue: Pash. Yellow: Meri. He suggests you collect all three. Once you do(involves a lot of running around), you can start doing the NM fights.

    -From this point on, everyone in the alliance needs to have all three aged chevons-

    There is three NMs in each branch.

    Green's first NM is in Jug. Second is in La Theine. Third is in Davoi.

    Blue NM order is: Pash -> Konschat -> Bead

    Yellow order is: Meri -> Tahrongi -> Castle Oz.

    Part 4-1 Green Branch

    Touch a "???" in Jug, and it will spawn a fomor NPC. The entire alliance will be capped and can not be helped from outside help(think Eco-Warrior). This will be the chase for all other NMs in Part 4. All capped 30 NMs can be spawned once every 12 hours, from anyone in the alliance.

    NM: Soul of Elvaan Gambler.
    Model: Fomor with Traveler's Hat style headgear and full Seer's set.
    Caps Alliance at: 30
    Job: Red Mage.
    2 Hour: Benediction.
    Tactics: He fights with a sword and double attack. He cast Poison III and Dia III on the tank, but thats all he cast other than Cure II and Cure III on himself. At the beginning of battle he uses Protect II on himself. He gets critical attkacs 1/10 of the time.
    When defeated he says: I used to gamble all my money on every match I was in. I gambled my life away, but the Platnuim Ballistar finished it
    Drops: Gambler's Hat | 500-1000 Exp Scoll(always drops) | Crafting materials for low-level clothcrafting and leathercrafting | Bandit's glove(rare item, spawning item)
    Gambler's Hat
    Level 30
    Def: average for the level.
    +2 Dex -2 MND
    In Ballista: +10% Critical Rate.
    Any job can wear.

    Trade the glove to a "???" next to the Water Tombstone in La Theine. Spawns another NM.

    NM: Soul of Elvaan Bandit
    Model: Fomor with full THF AF
    Caps Alliance at: 40
    Job: THF
    2 Hour: Mighty Strikes
    Tactics: He is a simple fight outside 2 abilities. Every minute or so, he uses "Hide" which turns him invisible, and disengages everyone. It also cleans hate. He then SA + Cyclone's the tank, taking invisible off. His other ability is Flee, which he uses and runs around the tank, in which can't be attacked.
    When defeated says: I was a feared bandit lord. I commited murders and thievery, but the Platnuim Ballistar showed me justice
    Drops: Bandit's Dagger | 500-1000 exp scroll | Crown of Elvaan Noble | mid-level leather and cloth materials.
    Bandit's Dagger
    Level 40
    +10 AGL -12 Acc
    DMG: 2 Delay: Quick.
    In Ballista: Hide last 15 seconds longer.

    The "???" shifts around Davoi, at each of the red pools. Trade the crown to it and it will spawn the last NM of the green set of NMs.

    NM: Soul of Elvaan Noble
    Model: Fomor wearing full Noble's set.
    Caps Alliance at: 50
    Job: BLM
    2 Hour: Invicible
    Tactics: He casts level 50 nukes often. Once during the fight he Elemental Seals + Sleepga. The spell can't be interupted. When he 2hrs he spams -ga nukes. 2-3 DRK is pretty much a must. He fights with a sword.
    When defeated says: I was born rich and strong, but, to the Platnium Ballistar, I was just another target
    Drops: Noble's Mailbreaker | 500-1000 exp scroll
    Noble's Mailbreaker
    Level 50
    DMG: average Delay: average
    -2 INT
    In Ballista: +8 MP while resting.

    After "Soul of Elvaan Noble" is defeated, the alliance must touch the "???" and get a cutscene.

    Larden appears and begins talking to you. "Well, well, well. You are a lot stronger than I could have ever thought. Maybe you would be a better fighter than that Excemille. Here give this to him. If you beat him, and prove yourself better than those other two, I'll be waitting at the Qu'Bia Arena". You are given the key item "Green colored note"


  • #2
    Part 4-2 Blue Branch

    Lets get straight to the point, you must find a "???" in Pash.

    NM: Soul of Hume Drinker
    Model: Fomor with (white) leather gloves, the rest in Garish armor.
    Caps Alliance at: 30
    Job: MNK
    2 Hour: Charm
    Tactics: Very simple fight outside one fact. No hate system is involved. Soul of Hume Drinker, attacks everyone and anyone randomly. Half way through the fight, he charms a party member who starts fighting in the same way. He can be slept and bind, but once awake or if binded, does a +500 dmg Chi Blast to the caster. He has very low evasion, but is always moving around.
    When defeated says: Drinking and Ballista was all I had. The Platnuim Ballistar didn't care any
    Drops: Drinker's Gloves | Exp scroll | Hunter's socks | low level black smithing and gold smithing materials
    Drinker's Gloves Rare/Ex
    Level 30
    Def: average
    +4 CHR
    In Ballista: Lose control of character, chase and attack the nearest enemy. +30 Attack +10 STR +10 Dex. Provoked: Stunned and Binded.
    Jobs: Any

    Trade socks to "???" in Konstchat, near Crag.

    NM: Soul of Hume Hunter
    Model: Hume in full RNG AF. He uses a gun.
    Caps Alliance at: 40
    Job: RNG
    2 Hour: Hundred Fist(with range attack)
    Tactics: He never uses Barrage, but he spams Shadowbind. At about 10% HP, he uses 2hr. He has very low defense.
    When defeated says: "I was the greatest hunter in the land. It was my search for the greatest prey, the Platnuim Ballistar, that put me in this grave"
    Drops: Hunter's Rifle | Exp Scroll | Muskeeter's Breastplate | mid-level Black smithing and gold smithing materials.
    Hunter's Rifle Rare
    Level 40
    DMG: average delay: average
    +5 Dark Resistance, -5 Light resistance
    In Ballista: -100 Defense -5% physical dmg resistance. Range attacks can sometimes Bind.
    Jobs: RNG DRK NIN

    Trade to Musketeer's Breastplate a "???" placed next to the first cursing machine you see in Bead.

    NM: Soul of Hume Muskeeter
    Model: Hume in full Lord's armor. He uses a golden great sword.
    Caps Alliance at: 50
    Job: PLD
    2 Hour: Perfect Dodge
    Tactics: His defense is extremely high and so is his magical defense. He cast Protect VI and Shell VI. He also uses Flash a lot. He spams Perfect Dodge as well. He suffers 100 HP a tick.
    When defeated says: I shielded myself from the world in this unbreakable armor. The Platnium Ballista simply crushed me
    Drops: Musketeer's Balmung | Exp scroll
    Musketeer's Balmung rare/ex
    Level 50
    DMG: low delay: high
    +5 VIT +5 Defense
    In Ballista: +35% Physical Damage +25% Magical Dmg +2 VIT. -80 HP a tick.
    Jobs: PLD DRK WAR

    The alliance touched the "???" and gets an almost exact cutscene as the one at end of Green branch.


    • #3
      Part 4-3 Yellow Branch

      Final of the branches. This one slightly tougher, but can be done before or between the other two.

      NM: Soul of Tarutaru Fool
      Model: Tarutaru with lizard leather boots and full set of Noct set.
      Caps Alliance at: 30
      Job: SAM
      2 Hour: Blood Weapon
      Tactics: He spams WSes. He fights with Slow on, and can't be debuffed with it. Everytime he hits someone they get Slow and Gravity effect. He can range attack, with weak dmg peebles, and will give the same effect.
      When defeated says: I thought I could take out an army... but one stinky-winky Galka was the end of me
      Drops: Fool's Boots | Exp Scroll | Fisher's Hat | Low alchemy and bone crafting materials
      Fool's Boots rare/ex
      Level 30
      Def: average
      +2 TP Store, Gravitied
      In Ballista: +50% Slow. En-Gravity on attacks.
      Jobs: Any.

      Trade the Fisher's Hat to the set of bones near the zone of Maze.

      NM: Soul of Mithran Fisher
      Model: Mithra wearing full BRD AF.
      Caps Alliance at: 40
      Job: BRD
      2 Hour: Summons four pugils.
      Tactics: Has high HP. Spams AoE Magical Finale and Horde. Doesn't melee back. DoTs the tank. At half way HP, four pugils of exp mob level 40 spawn. They are very hard to sleep.
      When defeated says: Heh, I finally was able to find fish in this desolated land. Thank you, and please defeat the Platnuim Ballistar
      Drops: Fisher's Combat Fishing Rod | Exp scroll | Reseacher's Slops
      Fisher's Combat Fishing Rod Rare
      Level 40
      Fishes like a Composite Rod, but can't break. +2 STR
      In Ballista: +150 HP. Can't melee.

      This is different than the others. You must trade the Sage's Slops to a "???" in Windurst Walls, on top of the AH. Then the entire alliance must click the "???". You get a cutscene.

      "Huh? You zan see me? Excellent! Maybe I zan ask you for he- Zhat? You want me to fight you? No zay! I gave up fighting a zong time ago, when zhat Platium Ballistar killed me.... hmmm if you zan meet me at the home of the Yaugdo and zring me Treant's Heart, we will battle" the ghost of a tarutaru in full Zenith says and disappears. Everyone in the alliance is given a key item: Tarutaru's Shiney Chevon. You keep this key item, enabling you to always fight this NM, without this cutscene.

      Treant's Heart can be farmed from the Treants in Lufaise Medows.

      Trade the Treant's Heart to a "???" located at the alter straight ahead from Castle Oz's entrance. Trade the Treant's Heart and get into the battle. Everyone with the key item gets capped.

      NM: Soul of Tarutaru Sage
      Model: Tarutaru in full Zenith set of armor, fights with a dagger.
      Caps Alliance at: 50
      Job: SMN
      2 Hour: None.
      Tactics: Tarutaru Sage fights with En-Stun Staff. Quater way throught the fight he will summon Carnbucle. When he hits 50% HP, three more Fomor tarutaru's spawn. Tarutaru Dragoon, Tarutaru Warrior, and Tarutaru Ninja. They are around level 45, and not too much, but can all 2hr. Tarutaru Sage takes almost no damage and stops meleeing, while they are out.
      When defeated says: My zentire research zeam couldn't take you down, impressive. Zhank you for the Treant's Heart. Zow I zan complete my research in the afterlife
      Drops: Sage's Staff | Exp Scroll
      Sage's Staff rare/ex
      Level 50
      DMG: average Delay: average
      +4 INT +2 MND -10 VIT
      +25 MP while a pet is out
      In Ballista: En-Stun
      Jobs: SMN WHM DRG RDM

      Touch the "???" again. This gives you a similiar cutscene.

      By doing 1 of the branches you are able to fight in Part 5. Green branch lets you fight Excemille. Blue branch lets you fight Incivible Shield. Yellow branch lets you fight Mhabi Molkot. All the fights are 60 cap.


      • #4
        mmm I like it, sounds fun ^.^
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Part 5

          In this case, lets say you have all three colored notes. You can only have one, and it would be okay, but all three lets you move on to Part 6.

          Part 5-1 Excenmille

          Talking to Excenmille with the key item and he will teleport you to Bearclaw Pinacal(sorry for misspelling). The BCNM is 18-man. First you are given a cutscene, for the first time you do it:

          "You must be joking me. You really want to fight me? Well, okay. I will not going to go easy on you, as I dislike all adventurers. Be warned now, I have killed hundreds of Beastmen, stronger than you. Good luck"

          NM: Excenmille
          Job: DRG, his Wveryn can not be killed.
          -He uses all Polearm WSes.
          -He uses all his jumps at once at tank. This resets hate.
          -He has an attack called Jump-ga, which for 30 seconds, he can not be targets and jumps on everyone in the BC. Has high damage, but doesn't do it often.
          -His polearm attacks Blinds the target.
          -His wveryn uses breath attacks
          -His wveryn heals him.

          When he is defeated, he warps out. A treasure coffer appears.
          The Treasure Coffer gives various of drops, Mainly the folowing.
          -Dragon Knight's Trophey (always)
          -Materials for Nobles
          -V. Claw.
          -Materials for SAM and WHM JSE.
          -Excenmille's Lance
          -Ballistar Leggins.

          Excenmille's Lance Rare/Ex
          Level 74
          DMG: Very High Delay: average
          +5 STR +5 Acc
          +10% Damage on Jump attacks.
          +7 TP Store

          Ballistar Leggins (Dragon JSE70 pants model) Rare/Ex
          Level 75
          Def: Average
          +2 VIT +10 Acc
          +6 Jump TP gain.

          You recieve a cutscene right after you win the BCNM.

          Excemille is standing in front of you and begins talking. "Incredible. I remember meeting you when you were just a young adventurer, seeking fame in Ballista. Now you've defeated the strongest fighter in the land... or maybe not"

          Larden appears. "Hmm, looks like you wouldn't even stand a chance against me! How could you ever think you can defeat the Platnuim Ballistar"

          Excenmillie: "Is he really alive? How are you alive even... you fought along side Invicible Shield in a war such a long time ago"

          Larden: "Heh... defeat me and I'll explain everything. Qu'Bia Arena, don't keep me waiting too long. Hahaha"

          Excemillie turns to the adventurer. "It seems like you have a better chance than I do. Good luck"

          After cutscene you appear in East Ronfaure, in front of the zone to South San d'Oria.

          You get the title: Ballista Champion of San d'Oria

          Part 5-2 Invicible Shield

          "What?! Pipsqweak you gone and lost it. You don't stand a chance against me. Fine, I'll show you what plus one-hundred years of battle expreince looks like in the shape my axe!"

          You are teleported to Mine Shaft#.

          NM: Invicible Shield
          Job: Warrior
          -80% Critical rate.
          -Double Attack
          -Will use Invicible more than once a battle.
          -When <50% HP, spams AoE WSes.

          Treasure Coffer drops mainly:
          -Champion's Ribbon (always)
          -Archer Ring
          -Materials for PLD and WHM JSE
          -Materials for Vermillion's Cloak
          -Invicible Shield's Axe
          -Ballistar Boots

          Invicble Shield's Axe Rare/Ex
          Level 74
          DMG: Very High Delay: Average
          +6% Double Attack
          +5% Critical Rate
          +5% HP

          Ballistar Boots (Adaman leg model) Rare/Ex
          Level 75
          Def: High
          +4 VIT, +5 Acc
          +10% Physcial Dmg resistance
          +3 TP Store

          Invicible Shield: "...You've gotten strong. Its been so long since I've had this challenge. I must thank you" he stops and spots Larden enter.

          Larden: "Invicible Shield, I see you are still behind me in strength after all this time"

          Invicible Shield: "L-larden?! How!"

          Larden: "I got no time to answer those questions. Adventurer meet me in Qu'Bia Arena" he begins to walk away, but is stopped.

          Invicible Shield: "I'd like to thank you, for saving me, that day so long ago. I've come so far, but that would have ended if you let me die..."

          Larden: "The past is the past. Now I am only here to test if any being in Vana'diel is worthy of the Platnium Ballistar's challenge. I am waitting at Qu'Bia Arena" he disappears.

          Invicible Shield: "I am coming with you. He is a lost soul, but I will free him"

          You are teleported to North Gustaberg, in front of the zone to Port Bastok. You recieve the title "Ballista Champion of Bastok".


          • #6
            Part 5-2 Mhabi Molkot

            "Why arrrren't you out fighting in Ballista? What? You want to fight me? Alright, I'll take you out 1-2-3, then finish the Platnuim Ballistar!"

            You are teleported to Boneyard Gully

            NM: Mhabi Molkot
            Job: Ninja
            -She spams Uteshemi(spelling is off, I know) on herself.
            -She spams Elemental Wheel, doing 150-200 a shot.
            -She uses her 2hr 2-3 times during the fight.
            -She has Haste on her.
            -At 20%, she cast Tonko:Ichi, untargets all people meleeing her and resets hate.
            -At 5%, she dies using her 2hr, but the damage is very high.

            The Treasure Coffer mainly gives:

            (Always) Mercenary Badge. Rare
            Materials for THF and BRD JSE
            V. Claw
            Mhabi Molkot's Kunia
            Mercenary Kotes

            Mhabi Molkot's Kunia Rare/ex
            Level 74
            DMG: High Delay: Very Low
            +15 Parry
            +2 Magical Atk Dmg
            +8% Haste

            Ballistar Kotes (Red kotes model) Rare/ex
            Level 75
            Def: Average
            +2 VIT +4 Acc
            +5% Haste
            +5 Magical DMG resistance
            BST DRK DRG RDM PLD

            Mhabi Molkot: "Wow! Yourrr stronger than I thought. Wanna go again? I am sure I can win this time... What the- you again, the Platnuim Ballistar guy?" Larden appears.

            Larden: "For the top Mithra Mercenary, you weren't much"

            Mhabi Molkot: "What! How darrre you! Take this!" She charges at him, but he phases out. "What in the world?!"

            Larden: "Hahaha! Adventurer, you've proved yourself worthy of my company. I'll be waitting in Qu'Bia arena"

            Mhabi Molkot: "What a creep! You go take care of him. I'll be waitting for a rematch, whenever"

            You are teleported in Sarutaburta, in front of the zone to Windurst Woods.

            You recieve the title "Ballista Champion of Windurst"



            • #7
              Part 6
              Larden (Second last part!)

              Trade the three items to Qu'Bia Arena(you have to walk there) and you will get sent inside. Like the others it is an alliance battle, but uncapped. Only one person needs to trade the items, then everyone in alliance gets access. A cutscene is recieved, but is skipable after first time.

              Larden: "Lets see what you got!"

              Invicible Shield: "Lardon, wait!"

              Lardon: "Hmp! This is between me and adventurer!"

              Invicible Shield: "Lardon, you are a troubled soul, let me free you!"

              Lardon: "Go away!" Lardon uses Empty Seed, and Inivicble Shield is pushed away. The battle begins.

              NM: Lardon
              Job: BST
              -Scythe WSes
              -He also uses a crossbow, if his targets gets out of range.
              -He can use Blood Weapon, Hundred Fist, and Eagle Eye Shot, but at all different times, and once each.
              -Empty Seed, like the monsters in Promy use.
              -At 75% he summons "Lardon's Kraken". While this monster is out, he suffers no damage, and only uses range attacks. Lardon's Kraken has En-Water, En-Blizzard, and En-Wind on it.
              -At 50% he summons "Lardon's Ram" and does the same tactics as above. Lardon's Ram spams Tractor effect and stun AoE
              -At 10% he summons "Lardon's Tiger"(model is a large sized Tiger) but can be hurt and uses his usual attacks. The Tiger has Mighty Strikes on.

              You recieve a cutscene right after Lardon is defeated.

              Lardon: "Impossible..."

              Invincible Shield: "Whats impossible is that you are still alive! Explain..."

              Lardon: "The emptiness is screwing up Vana'diel. It somehow got into the Platuim Ballistar's soul and now he has become one with the mysterious force... he tapped into it to raise the Souls of Ballisa and myself. Now we are only given the temptation to fight, nothing more"

              "Invicible Shield: "The Emptiness... the very reason I re-enlisted myself into the Bastokian armed forces. Its all coming full circle... where is the Platnuim Ballistar now?"

              Lardon: "He is in the ruins of Tavnazia. He waits for battle"

              Invicible Shield: "Tavnazia... Adventurer, looks like its up to you. I can't help you with information, but go fight Eitheril. I wish you luck, he strength was impossible to gauge back in the days of Ballista, now he must be twice as strong"

              The adventurer leaves. Lardon begins to fade away.

              Invicible Shield: "Thank you... Lardon". He places down his axe and walks away.

              Larden's Will (always)
              BRD and DRG/WAR JSE materials.
              Nobles materials.
              Archer Ring.
              Lardon's Scythe
              Ballistar Cloak.

              Lardon's Scythe Rare/Ex
              Level 75
              DMG: High Delay: average
              +8 STR -2 CHR
              +5 Charm
              In Ballista: Summoned pets recieve %10 HP %10 Attack and last 2 minutes longer

              Ballistar Cloak Rare/Ex
              Def: High
              +4 VIT +10 Acc
              +10 vs all Elements
              +2 Charm
              Resistance to Sleep
              Resistance to Stun
              Resistance to Bind
              Resistance to Gravity
              BST DRK DRG RDM PLD

              You recieve the title: Number One Contender.


              • #8
                sounds gay, fanfiction is for faGGOTS


                • #9
                  This sounds really fun Blood Red Poet, I would do this if it where implemented.

                  Could someone please just ban kissboys, all he does is call things gay/fagody and he is really becoming anoying,
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kissboys
                    sounds gay, fanfiction is for faGGOTS
                    grow up, you need too learn some respect. Blood Red Poet is spending time on this, and its very good. I like it alot!! Nice work.
                    Originally posted by Kailea-D
                    yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


                    • #11
                      Kissboys, kiss your account goodbye. You've been banned.
                      RDM 75, BLM 73, WHM 42, SMN 41, RNG 40, NIN 37, DRK 37, THF 25, WAR 20


                      • #12
                        Part 7 (finale)

                        At this point you need to reach CoP Chapter 4 and talk to the Ballista captain you started the quest line in(maybe it would be listed as it own set of missions?).

                        The captain tells you, it will be possible to finally find the Platnuim Ballistar. Also you should look for the origins of this Ballistar.

                        You recieve a cutscene zoning into Tavnazian Stronghold.

                        An aged Elvaan in full Koeign set of armor bumps into you. "Hey be careful! God this place has been full of careless adventurers since Jeuno open trade here... sometimes I wonder if it was better when we were slowly starving to death. What? You are >insert name<? The adventurer who traveled with Prishe? Well, why are you back here? Information, I see. What do you want to know?" he is stunned after he hears you want to know about the Platnuim Ballistar. "Forget that man ever existed. Sir Eitheril is dead..."

                        The cutscene ends, but the Elvaan is a NPC, near the entrance. His name is Resilot. For one game day he tells you to go away. But, after that game day, you get another cutscene.

                        "I was thinking about Eitheril. I guess I am ready to tell you his story. Ballista was very popular but it was banned due to his actions. He was taught that combat only ended in death. I learned all this from my father... but that man... he cursed my bloodline. Thirty years ago, in an illegal fight, I challenge him to the death. I was easily beaten... but he spared me. He was a large Galka, with dark eyes. As I lay on the ground and waitted for my death, he stared at me. He muttered something about honor and forgiving and left... I wanted to train for ten years and fight him again, but I never got my chance. The Marques was attacked. Every soldier slayed, but myself and a few others. I swear to you, a sight to see. The Platnuim Ballistar was the last man standing. He had cut down a line into the Beastmen forces, by himself. Not a wound on his body, but drenched in the blood of his enemies. Suddenly, I saw a flash, and everything was gone. The ground shook and a large boom echoed in the gales. Til this day I wonder what it was... could you do me a favor and meet me at the clift hanging above the ruins of the Marquess? I'll explain more there"

                        The cutscene ends. You head up to a "???" in the high level area of Lufase Medows. Get a cutscene upon touching it.

                        Resilot is sitting down, gazing at the far away ruins.

                        "I was here... when the flash happened... Oh, you're here. This sight... it has a bittersweet beauty don't you agree? We'll anyway, Eitheril, the Platnuim Ballistar, was born in a small town called Cape Rivene. It has suffered some strange mutation, probably due to the rumored dragons flying in the skys. I believe his soul is resting there. Please for me, and the warriors of this world and the next, release the Emptiness from his ghost and set us free. Before he gave charge into the lines of the Beastmen, Etheril handed me this..."

                        The cutscene ends. You get a key item called, Ancient Ballistar Chevon. You longer have to repeat any cutscenes to this point. You can repeat any of the battles as well.

                        Trade Larden's Will to the BCNM and you enter the Monarch Linn BCNM and get a cutscene. Its 18-man like the ones before.

                        "It hurts..." a voice calls.

                        "The pain of all those that have fell in battle. I feel the pain in my vains. The pain that comes along with the title of being the strongest" the voice continue to talk. Finally an old Galka wearing full Barone armor appears. Around him are hundreds of Fomors, but suddenly they disappear.

                        NM: Etheril
                        Job: A mix.
                        -Switches weapons. Polearm, sword, great sword, great axe, great katana, dagger, and club(double-triple attack).
                        -Uses WS of whatever weapon, often.
                        -Uses Provoke, Boost, and Third Eye constanly.
                        -Cast Drain, Aspir, Stun, Flash, Protect VI, Shell VI, Slow, Haste, and Aeroga III.
                        -Can use Invicible, Meikyo (something), and Jump/High Jump/Super Jump(all at once).
                        -<70% he starts using Empty Seed, with a short stun effect.
                        -<50% HP, he summons various level 70~ Empty monsters.
                        -<5% he begins warping around the BCNM, uses Eagle Eye Shot(s) with a bow and Aeroga III with fast cast effect.
                        -<1% he stops attacking, but everyone suffers 300 HP a tick DoT.

                        He drops Dynamis currency when dies, and a chest appears.
                        -Melee's Earring
                        -Caster's Earring
                        -Arch Angel's Helm
                        -Demon Duke's Gauntlets
                        -Elementalist's Robe
                        -Drain Kris
                        -Ballistar Knuckles
                        -Divine Log
                        -Dragon Horn
                        -Regretful Letter
                        -Body Abjurations
                        -Raise III

                        Melee's Earring Rare/ex
                        Def: 5
                        +3 STR +3 DEX +3 VIT +3 AGL -%5 Magic resistance
                        PLD DRK WAR DRG MNK SAM NIN BST

                        Mage's Earring Rare/ex
                        Def: 5
                        +3 INT +3 MND +3 CHR +3 MP while resting -%5 Melee dmg resistance
                        BLM WHM RDM SMN BRD

                        Arch Angel's Helm (DRG AF Helm with golden tints) Rare/ex
                        Def: average
                        +10 Dark +10 Light
                        +10 STR +5 Acc
                        +4% Slow
                        Wvyern: +10% HP, +%45 Magical resistance

                        Demon Duke's Gauntlets (DRK AF gloves with blood-red tints) Rare/ex
                        Def: average
                        +10 Light +10 Dark
                        +10 DEX +5 ATK
                        +4% Slow
                        Drain and Aspir spells become more effective.

                        Elementalist's Robes (Garnish body model with black tints) Rare/ex
                        Def: average
                        -20 Dark -20 Light
                        +5 MND +5 CHR
                        +10 Magical Attack Bonus
                        On Darksday: +10 INT
                        On Lightsday: Silence

                        Drain Kris Rare
                        DMG: 10 Delay: low
                        +20 Dark
                        -10 STR
                        Attacks often have Blood Weapon effect.
                        BLM WHM RDM SMN BRD

                        Ballistar Knuckles Rare/ex
                        DMG: 0 Delay: 0
                        +5 Wind
                        +4 Acc
                        Latent Effect: +25 DMG [When +200 TP]

                        Regretful Letter
                        Eitheril, the Platnuim Ballistar himself, wrote this letter. It contains notes on how he would beg for forgiveness of those he killed in combat. [Gives 4000-5000 exp]

                        You recieve a cutscene after you defeat Eitheril.

                        Eitheril: "That is pretty incredible. You are an amazing warrior. But, make sure that is not what you always are. Being the greatest isn't all that great at all" as he talks it shows clips of the Ballista captains, Larden, and random NPCs such as Ajido-Marujido and Prince Trion "The warriors of the world, who wish to get stronger, as always in pain. For the ones you hurt and the wounds you recieve in battle as far greater than any glory you can grasp. Tears, of salty water or blood, are the horrible ruling down any face. I've caused many... regret eats at my sanity constantly. Please don't let this be you. Be a hero, and save this world from any danger. I'll be watching from Paradise...". The Emptiness is shot from his body, disappearing. He begins to float into the air, then fades away. You are teleported to Lufaise Medows, where the "???" was.

                        You get the title: "Ballistar, No more"

                        Though you can now repeat the process repeadly to get more armor, there is one more cutscene to finish the storyline. You must pass CoP 4-3 to recieve it. Talk to Resilot.

                        Resilot is walking across the bridge at the center of the Stronghold. He looks up, to the dark night. Stars glittering.

                        Resilot: "Eitheril... you are a hero in my book. A man pushed by power to kill those who stand before him, you only seeked glory and fame, like all of Altana's creations. You are no more or less than a being than me... sorry for all these years, for I have thought of you as a curse on me and my families life. If only I was as brave as you. Maybe I could have given my life just as you have for this city, I would be a hero as well... Oh, hello adventurer. I heard you fought and won the battle. You are truely noble, no wonder Prishe would ever travel with you. I must say though, there is far more important things going on then a silly Balllista grudge... but you've made the ten souls happy". A shiney star flashes over the dark sky. "Heh.. eleven it seems".

                        The cutscene ends and you get the title "Shining, Heavenly Ballistar". Resilot will now teleport you, and your alliance who have done this cutscene, to Monarch Linn if you trade Larden's Will to him(of course you still keep it).

                        ~The End~


                        • #13
                          Excellent! Your fanfics rock!!
                          Originally posted by Kailea-D
                          yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


                          • #14
                            Thank you for those who enjoyed it. If you like "The Vana'diel Tragedy", then also compliment Hinatakun of Midgardsormr, who after chapter 6, became the editor.


                            • #15
                              Re: Content that would be a lot of fun if added. (my idea).

                              Wow BRP this would be awesome to have in the game, though the part where i have to get lvl 75 and do a bunch of CoP missions isnt all that appealing XD!

