So anyway, I was bored one day and I thought of something. SE seems to give Ballista a lot of good things, which I enjoy, because I love ballista a lot. It seems SE biggest focus are end-game content/quest, storyline, and ballista. Why not combine the three? This is my idea, I hope you can read this and enjoy it.
CoP would be required. Requirments: Ballista License, +50 in level, and have been in a Ballista match before.
Part 1
When you fufil the requirments, you must talk to the Ballista team leader of your nation. Invincible Shield, Excenmille, and Mhabi Molkot will give you a cutscene, talking to the right one. The cutscene will explain to you how Ballista has been a big success, then suddenly a mysterious figure appears, whispers something in the selected NPC's ear. The figure is a Hume in a black cloak and the rest adaman cursed armor.
"Is he... really alive?" they all say at the end of the cutscene.
You are asked to find the Black Cloak wearing Hume. You must find a "???" in Qufim. When you touch it, it spawns a Kraken type monster named "Larden's Kraken". It has triple En-effects: En-Water, En-Blizzard, and En-Wind. This monster is tough, can require a party of 70~ or an alliance of 60~. After the monster is defeated, touch the "???" again and you get a cutscene:
"So, are you are following, eh? I saw you when I visited *Ballista team captain's name*. I guess he wanted you to follow me right? Tell them Eitheril is waitting for them, but they must prove themselves and defeat the souls of CONFLICT. Then they must defeat me" The black cloaked man(Warden) appears and says. He begans to walk away, but then stops.
"What are the souls of CONFLICT you say? Well ask Invicible Shield that. He is the only one who has been around long enough" The cutscene ends.
Part 2
You must speak to Invicible Shield.
"Larden?! You must be lying, pipsqweak! Larden is..."
Larden, in Bastok Centriunon armor, are charging face to face to an entire squad of Elvaan Royal Knights. He has short, blond hair. He carrys a scythe.
"Invicible Shield, get out of here!" Larden commands.
"No way, you are not getting all the glory" Invicible Shield charges with his axe. Larden follows, and pushes Invicble Shield down. Flashback ends.
"Humes don't live that long, and I am sure I saw him die that day... what the souls of CONFLICT? Are you kidding me? I am old enough stop trying to give me a heart attack! Well, if you must know. The souls of CONFLICT were some of the greatest warriors of Vana'diel. Sadly enough, they all fell. Each one defeated by a man, from Tavnazia. A Galka infact. He was raised by Elvaans and given the an Elvaan name, Eitheril. He was extremely cruel. Cruel, but strong. He was the strongest ballista fighter ever to live. He created the title Platnium BalliStar, above any other below him. All of the souls of CONFLICT died to that man... thats all I know. Now get out of my sight, before I swipe that curious grin off your face" Invicible Shield finishes.
A Herald appears "Sir there has been a situation, a ghost has attacked a group of ballista fighters during the match"
The cutscene ends
Part 3
Talk to any Herald, in any of the three areas(Pash, Jug, and Meri) to select the path. From this point on, an alliance is needed. This is where the fighting begins. There are three branches, you must do them all to fight the final boss. These branches are very similair to the way you fight the "God NMs" in Tu'lia. The herald tells you, not in cutscene, there seems to be three ghost, in the three areas. He gives you the key item, "Aged Ballista chevon - Green OR Blue OR Yellow". Green: Jug. Blue: Pash. Yellow: Meri. He suggests you collect all three. Once you do(involves a lot of running around), you can start doing the NM fights.
-From this point on, everyone in the alliance needs to have all three aged chevons-
There is three NMs in each branch.
Green's first NM is in Jug. Second is in La Theine. Third is in Davoi.
Blue NM order is: Pash -> Konschat -> Bead
Yellow order is: Meri -> Tahrongi -> Castle Oz.
Part 4-1 Green Branch
Touch a "???" in Jug, and it will spawn a fomor NPC. The entire alliance will be capped and can not be helped from outside help(think Eco-Warrior). This will be the chase for all other NMs in Part 4. All capped 30 NMs can be spawned once every 12 hours, from anyone in the alliance.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Gambler.
Model: Fomor with Traveler's Hat style headgear and full Seer's set.
Caps Alliance at: 30
Job: Red Mage.
2 Hour: Benediction.
Tactics: He fights with a sword and double attack. He cast Poison III and Dia III on the tank, but thats all he cast other than Cure II and Cure III on himself. At the beginning of battle he uses Protect II on himself. He gets critical attkacs 1/10 of the time.
When defeated he says: I used to gamble all my money on every match I was in. I gambled my life away, but the Platnuim Ballistar finished it
Drops: Gambler's Hat | 500-1000 Exp Scoll(always drops) | Crafting materials for low-level clothcrafting and leathercrafting | Bandit's glove(rare item, spawning item)
Gambler's Hat
Level 30
Def: average for the level.
+2 Dex -2 MND
In Ballista: +10% Critical Rate.
Any job can wear.
Trade the glove to a "???" next to the Water Tombstone in La Theine. Spawns another NM.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Bandit
Model: Fomor with full THF AF
Caps Alliance at: 40
Job: THF
2 Hour: Mighty Strikes
Tactics: He is a simple fight outside 2 abilities. Every minute or so, he uses "Hide" which turns him invisible, and disengages everyone. It also cleans hate. He then SA + Cyclone's the tank, taking invisible off. His other ability is Flee, which he uses and runs around the tank, in which can't be attacked.
When defeated says: I was a feared bandit lord. I commited murders and thievery, but the Platnuim Ballistar showed me justice
Drops: Bandit's Dagger | 500-1000 exp scroll | Crown of Elvaan Noble | mid-level leather and cloth materials.
Bandit's Dagger
Level 40
+10 AGL -12 Acc
DMG: 2 Delay: Quick.
In Ballista: Hide last 15 seconds longer.
The "???" shifts around Davoi, at each of the red pools. Trade the crown to it and it will spawn the last NM of the green set of NMs.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Noble
Model: Fomor wearing full Noble's set.
Caps Alliance at: 50
Job: BLM
2 Hour: Invicible
Tactics: He casts level 50 nukes often. Once during the fight he Elemental Seals + Sleepga. The spell can't be interupted. When he 2hrs he spams -ga nukes. 2-3 DRK is pretty much a must. He fights with a sword.
When defeated says: I was born rich and strong, but, to the Platnium Ballistar, I was just another target
Drops: Noble's Mailbreaker | 500-1000 exp scroll
Noble's Mailbreaker
Level 50
DMG: average Delay: average
-2 INT
In Ballista: +8 MP while resting.
After "Soul of Elvaan Noble" is defeated, the alliance must touch the "???" and get a cutscene.
Larden appears and begins talking to you. "Well, well, well. You are a lot stronger than I could have ever thought. Maybe you would be a better fighter than that Excemille. Here give this to him. If you beat him, and prove yourself better than those other two, I'll be waitting at the Qu'Bia Arena". You are given the key item "Green colored note"
CoP would be required. Requirments: Ballista License, +50 in level, and have been in a Ballista match before.
Part 1
When you fufil the requirments, you must talk to the Ballista team leader of your nation. Invincible Shield, Excenmille, and Mhabi Molkot will give you a cutscene, talking to the right one. The cutscene will explain to you how Ballista has been a big success, then suddenly a mysterious figure appears, whispers something in the selected NPC's ear. The figure is a Hume in a black cloak and the rest adaman cursed armor.
"Is he... really alive?" they all say at the end of the cutscene.
You are asked to find the Black Cloak wearing Hume. You must find a "???" in Qufim. When you touch it, it spawns a Kraken type monster named "Larden's Kraken". It has triple En-effects: En-Water, En-Blizzard, and En-Wind. This monster is tough, can require a party of 70~ or an alliance of 60~. After the monster is defeated, touch the "???" again and you get a cutscene:
"So, are you are following, eh? I saw you when I visited *Ballista team captain's name*. I guess he wanted you to follow me right? Tell them Eitheril is waitting for them, but they must prove themselves and defeat the souls of CONFLICT. Then they must defeat me" The black cloaked man(Warden) appears and says. He begans to walk away, but then stops.
"What are the souls of CONFLICT you say? Well ask Invicible Shield that. He is the only one who has been around long enough" The cutscene ends.
Part 2
You must speak to Invicible Shield.
"Larden?! You must be lying, pipsqweak! Larden is..."
Larden, in Bastok Centriunon armor, are charging face to face to an entire squad of Elvaan Royal Knights. He has short, blond hair. He carrys a scythe.
"Invicible Shield, get out of here!" Larden commands.
"No way, you are not getting all the glory" Invicible Shield charges with his axe. Larden follows, and pushes Invicble Shield down. Flashback ends.
"Humes don't live that long, and I am sure I saw him die that day... what the souls of CONFLICT? Are you kidding me? I am old enough stop trying to give me a heart attack! Well, if you must know. The souls of CONFLICT were some of the greatest warriors of Vana'diel. Sadly enough, they all fell. Each one defeated by a man, from Tavnazia. A Galka infact. He was raised by Elvaans and given the an Elvaan name, Eitheril. He was extremely cruel. Cruel, but strong. He was the strongest ballista fighter ever to live. He created the title Platnium BalliStar, above any other below him. All of the souls of CONFLICT died to that man... thats all I know. Now get out of my sight, before I swipe that curious grin off your face" Invicible Shield finishes.
A Herald appears "Sir there has been a situation, a ghost has attacked a group of ballista fighters during the match"
The cutscene ends
Part 3
Talk to any Herald, in any of the three areas(Pash, Jug, and Meri) to select the path. From this point on, an alliance is needed. This is where the fighting begins. There are three branches, you must do them all to fight the final boss. These branches are very similair to the way you fight the "God NMs" in Tu'lia. The herald tells you, not in cutscene, there seems to be three ghost, in the three areas. He gives you the key item, "Aged Ballista chevon - Green OR Blue OR Yellow". Green: Jug. Blue: Pash. Yellow: Meri. He suggests you collect all three. Once you do(involves a lot of running around), you can start doing the NM fights.
-From this point on, everyone in the alliance needs to have all three aged chevons-
There is three NMs in each branch.
Green's first NM is in Jug. Second is in La Theine. Third is in Davoi.
Blue NM order is: Pash -> Konschat -> Bead
Yellow order is: Meri -> Tahrongi -> Castle Oz.
Part 4-1 Green Branch
Touch a "???" in Jug, and it will spawn a fomor NPC. The entire alliance will be capped and can not be helped from outside help(think Eco-Warrior). This will be the chase for all other NMs in Part 4. All capped 30 NMs can be spawned once every 12 hours, from anyone in the alliance.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Gambler.
Model: Fomor with Traveler's Hat style headgear and full Seer's set.
Caps Alliance at: 30
Job: Red Mage.
2 Hour: Benediction.
Tactics: He fights with a sword and double attack. He cast Poison III and Dia III on the tank, but thats all he cast other than Cure II and Cure III on himself. At the beginning of battle he uses Protect II on himself. He gets critical attkacs 1/10 of the time.
When defeated he says: I used to gamble all my money on every match I was in. I gambled my life away, but the Platnuim Ballistar finished it
Drops: Gambler's Hat | 500-1000 Exp Scoll(always drops) | Crafting materials for low-level clothcrafting and leathercrafting | Bandit's glove(rare item, spawning item)
Gambler's Hat
Level 30
Def: average for the level.
+2 Dex -2 MND
In Ballista: +10% Critical Rate.
Any job can wear.
Trade the glove to a "???" next to the Water Tombstone in La Theine. Spawns another NM.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Bandit
Model: Fomor with full THF AF
Caps Alliance at: 40
Job: THF
2 Hour: Mighty Strikes
Tactics: He is a simple fight outside 2 abilities. Every minute or so, he uses "Hide" which turns him invisible, and disengages everyone. It also cleans hate. He then SA + Cyclone's the tank, taking invisible off. His other ability is Flee, which he uses and runs around the tank, in which can't be attacked.
When defeated says: I was a feared bandit lord. I commited murders and thievery, but the Platnuim Ballistar showed me justice
Drops: Bandit's Dagger | 500-1000 exp scroll | Crown of Elvaan Noble | mid-level leather and cloth materials.
Bandit's Dagger
Level 40
+10 AGL -12 Acc
DMG: 2 Delay: Quick.
In Ballista: Hide last 15 seconds longer.
The "???" shifts around Davoi, at each of the red pools. Trade the crown to it and it will spawn the last NM of the green set of NMs.
NM: Soul of Elvaan Noble
Model: Fomor wearing full Noble's set.
Caps Alliance at: 50
Job: BLM
2 Hour: Invicible
Tactics: He casts level 50 nukes often. Once during the fight he Elemental Seals + Sleepga. The spell can't be interupted. When he 2hrs he spams -ga nukes. 2-3 DRK is pretty much a must. He fights with a sword.
When defeated says: I was born rich and strong, but, to the Platnium Ballistar, I was just another target
Drops: Noble's Mailbreaker | 500-1000 exp scroll
Noble's Mailbreaker
Level 50
DMG: average Delay: average
-2 INT
In Ballista: +8 MP while resting.
After "Soul of Elvaan Noble" is defeated, the alliance must touch the "???" and get a cutscene.
Larden appears and begins talking to you. "Well, well, well. You are a lot stronger than I could have ever thought. Maybe you would be a better fighter than that Excemille. Here give this to him. If you beat him, and prove yourself better than those other two, I'll be waitting at the Qu'Bia Arena". You are given the key item "Green colored note"