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TP Bonus weapons

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  • TP Bonus weapons

    Now this new item makes a TP skill seem like 100 TP more than it normally is. So your 200TP Spirits Within is like a 300 TP Spirits Within. It caps at 300TP...but does the bonus stack with itself?

    Would a 100TP skill...assuming you had the Marital Bow in ranged and Marital weapon in like 300TP skill? or would the bow's bonus only apply to its ranged attack.

    By the same fact...would dual weilding the same Martial weapon produce the same effect?
    All spells obtained!
    Homam Gear: 2/5

  • #2
    Are you sure about this? IMO it sounds way too overpowered, I was assuming that TP Bonus was something similar to Store TP, gaining more TP per hit...

    I can't test this out myself, but I'd really appreciate it if someone else could test this out.
    Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


    • #3
      That seems like an extremely obvious exploit; so obvious I'm very sure you can't.

      I'm also pretty sure that having a martial weapon like a bow in your ranged won't pass any TP bonus to your main (if non-martial) weapon, and vice versa. I doubt SE is that stupid.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fuz
        That seems like an extremely obvious exploit; so obvious I'm very sure you can't.

        I'm also pretty sure that having a martial weapon like a bow in your ranged won't pass any TP bonus to your main (if non-martial) weapon, and vice versa. I doubt SE is that stupid.
        Shall we talk about the subligar selling for more than you bought it at?

        I'm not calling SE stupid, but sometimes things are used not as they intended *cough*Utsusemi*cough*. Still it helps to have it fully tested anyway
        All spells obtained!
        Homam Gear: 2/5


        • #5
          I dunno what subligar you're thinking of, but I've never had that happen.

          Utsusemi is a different circumstance as the application is much less direct with plusses and minuses subbing nin vs. other jobs, and very limited at utsusemi:ichi until lvl 37. For martial weapons, TP bonus when you have 100% tp is very up front and it's very obvious in its effects.


          • #6
            Originally posted by fuz
            I dunno what subligar you're thinking of, but I've never had that happen.
            In Tavnazian Safehold, you can buy two subligars. You could technically for a short time buy the subligar, then resell it somewhere else for more gil than you spent buying it. Spend enough time doing runs or sending subligars to mules and such and you could accumulate a decent amount of money.

            Originally posted by fuz
            For martial weapons, TP bonus when you have 100% tp is very up front and it's very obvious in its effects.
            The obvious effects are sometimes seen through different lenses. The Asuran Fists spam before the TP fix. SE didn't see that coming and they corrected it.

            I just want to know if there is a bug with marital weapons
            All spells obtained!
            Homam Gear: 2/5


            • #7
              In Tavnazian Safehold, you can buy two subligars. You could technically for a short time buy the subligar, then resell it somewhere else for more gil than you spent buying it. Spend enough time doing runs or sending subligars to mules and such and you could accumulate a decent amount of money.
              People do this all the time with just about every item. Simple business of supply and demand. I don't see this as an expoit, bug, or even unethical.

              Ashuran fists got fixed really quickly. I don't see or hear anything about the martial weapons having obvious, or any ********.

              *edit* That's wierd, it got censored... :confused:


              • #8
                The subligar was being sold to vendors for more than you could buy it from other vendors, that was the problem.

                Its not the same as buying something on the AH in one town and selling it for more in another.

                It was a "bug" and they fixed it.
                |o('o')=o *powpow*


                • #9
                  What if the martial weapon is dual wielded?

                  WAR and DRK have access to both the 1 handed sword and axe martial weapon.

                  Does this mean that if a WAR/NIN dual wield the Martial Anelace and Martial Axe, he can fire off full power Spirits Within whenever he reaches 100% TP?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ArsDraconis
                    What if the martial weapon is dual wielded?

                    WAR and DRK have access to both the 1 handed sword and axe martial weapon.

                    Does this mean that if a WAR/NIN dual wield the Martial Anelace and Martial Axe, he can fire off full power Spirits Within whenever he reaches 100% TP?
                    Or he can dual weild the Anelace or the Axe twice. The Marital weapons aren't rare so you can dual weild them. So far we've had no answers though on if the effect stacks
                    All spells obtained!
                    Homam Gear: 2/5


                    • #11
                      it's unlikely that the effects stack.
                      the effect probably only works for weaponskills used by that weapon. dunno though.
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                      • #12
                        yea, i would assume the bonus is only on the main weapon. sub probably wouldnt effect it. so using a martial main would give tp boost, martial sub would do nothing since its not involved in ws.


                        • #13
                          The effect dont stack i tested it not workin

                          Main : Sephiro
                          Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                          COP missions = Complated


                          • #14
                            Correct. The "TP Bonus" applies to Weapon Skills, thus only applies to 1 weapon at a time. I have yet to see a Ranged WS that involved the Main Weapon, or a WS that involed both the Main, and the Sub.
                            Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                            >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                            Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                            >> Alauna : yeah...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Alauna
                              or a WS that involed both the Main, and the Sub.
                              When dual weilding, some weapon skills gain an extra hit. Rampage I believe is one of them
                              All spells obtained!
                              Homam Gear: 2/5

