I've got a whm main getting into the high levels, and I've become irrationally obsessed with getting her a nobles tunic (whm is my favorite job, so I want to have all the best stuff with it).
I've been thinking about takeing one of my other jobs to a high level first, just to get the nobles tunic (and raise 3/other stuff I'll be needing).
Any suggestions on what jobs are most sought after for these types of HNM fights besides whm? I've sort of been thinking about leveling bard for sometime - would that be a viable choice (or are they not really used for HNMing?) What about RDM? I've heard red mage is better for parties than HNMs though.
Any other jobs? Preferably one that could make use of a whm or blm sub, if at all possible (Levling one job I sort of like to get nobles tunic is ok, but I don't want to deal with leveling a whole new sj up to 37 as well, and then leveling the main job to 70ish).
Thanks for the advice ^_^.
I've been thinking about takeing one of my other jobs to a high level first, just to get the nobles tunic (and raise 3/other stuff I'll be needing).
Any suggestions on what jobs are most sought after for these types of HNM fights besides whm? I've sort of been thinking about leveling bard for sometime - would that be a viable choice (or are they not really used for HNMing?) What about RDM? I've heard red mage is better for parties than HNMs though.
Any other jobs? Preferably one that could make use of a whm or blm sub, if at all possible (Levling one job I sort of like to get nobles tunic is ok, but I don't want to deal with leveling a whole new sj up to 37 as well, and then leveling the main job to 70ish).
Thanks for the advice ^_^.