Not looking for flame here; not talking about which nationality pwnz which, as I, myself, is neutral in this, there are equal numbers of craps I hate from both side; if you are in the group of 'Elitist-wannabe' I am talking/ranting about, please don't take any offense. I will apologize for any displeasure caused by my stupid rant. Sorry orz
Now, for the topic: What elitism am I referring to?
-<insert race> should be <insert job>, <insert job> cannot be played by <insert race>.
-At <insert level>, you must have <insert the most expensive HQ gear in the world, regardless if it actually does a lot of help or not here>
I will start off with a little, sorta interesting conversation my LS had this one day(not exact quotes): My LS is a mix of JP and NA, as I was invited by my JP friends met in iRO, and they joined up with the NA friends we had/met in iRO, plus a few new members from FFXI; this happend shortly after the new gears arrived;
Everyone checking the AH for the new equips, drolling on their glow(for some of the new gears anyway)...
NA member A: Holy S***, now I have to farm more to get enough for the gears before I can level!!
JP member: ....?
NA member B: yeah, damn SE putting in so much good gears...
JP member: why do you have to get them?
NA member A: because we have to, or we won't get party.
JP member: .....
*NA group goes on about how the farming would sux*
JP member: ... lucky I don't have to do that...
What I want to say is... despite the elitism the JP has against us: the JP onry, but it could also be for various other reasons such as languages, or cultural problem, but let's not go into that, as I am not talking about this; JP never had this idea of 'at lv xx, you must get xxxx item, or no party'... but hell, they still do just as good as we do(well, some of them do crap too, I had a JP NIN and PLD unable to tank me for some reason =_=), but they don't always have the godly gears that we demand from the world... I remember when I was just passing brown belt level(40?), and I was whining about how my gears are crap, my JP friend came and checked me, then said 'no, your gears are good'... does the gears really matter that much?
Everyone uses the phrase: 'Player's skill > Equip > Race'... then sometimes you see the same person using that quote, but saying certain race cannot be that, or certain impossible-to-get-equip-at-given-level must be obtained before they go look for party... isn't it time to actually understand this phrase as you quote it? If player's skill > all, then accept people with crap gears, no more 'wrong race', 'bad gears', etc please?
Of course, I don't mean I would accept some melee at level 50, wearing beginner racial gears, or mages wearing underlvl gear, when they can get better at a reasonable price. But not picky enough as to say 'You don't have haubergeon, and you are not the best race for the job *kicks*'...and for the job combo, I am open to accept any new idea, such as DRG/RDM, whatever, I would love to see some new idea that work...
JP managed to play the game this far, without having all this elitism, why can't us? If we are always saying we are just as good as they are? Or is our skill so poor, we have to use gears to make up for it? Enjoy the game for what it is, not creating stupid rules over nothing...
I am not saying this because I want to skip some equips, I am using the top gears recommended by people, or most of it already, at my level... minus the CoP rare/ex, as I haven't completed any of my PM yet
;;;;;; but I am just a little annoyed when I found out JP actually don't care about gears, and still played just as good, and enjoying the game still... feeling like an idiot for spending my days, and weeks, and months farming for the 'required' gears sometimes 
Ranting complete... we need a rant forum :spin:
Please don't flame, if you don't agree with me, post something civilized to prove me wrong, not 'you f***ing stupid b****, you suck'... or simply not reply and let this flush to the bottom.
Sorry, and thank you for your time.
Now, for the topic: What elitism am I referring to?
-<insert race> should be <insert job>, <insert job> cannot be played by <insert race>.
-At <insert level>, you must have <insert the most expensive HQ gear in the world, regardless if it actually does a lot of help or not here>
I will start off with a little, sorta interesting conversation my LS had this one day(not exact quotes): My LS is a mix of JP and NA, as I was invited by my JP friends met in iRO, and they joined up with the NA friends we had/met in iRO, plus a few new members from FFXI; this happend shortly after the new gears arrived;
Everyone checking the AH for the new equips, drolling on their glow(for some of the new gears anyway)...
NA member A: Holy S***, now I have to farm more to get enough for the gears before I can level!!
JP member: ....?
NA member B: yeah, damn SE putting in so much good gears...
JP member: why do you have to get them?
NA member A: because we have to, or we won't get party.
JP member: .....
*NA group goes on about how the farming would sux*
JP member: ... lucky I don't have to do that...
What I want to say is... despite the elitism the JP has against us: the JP onry, but it could also be for various other reasons such as languages, or cultural problem, but let's not go into that, as I am not talking about this; JP never had this idea of 'at lv xx, you must get xxxx item, or no party'... but hell, they still do just as good as we do(well, some of them do crap too, I had a JP NIN and PLD unable to tank me for some reason =_=), but they don't always have the godly gears that we demand from the world... I remember when I was just passing brown belt level(40?), and I was whining about how my gears are crap, my JP friend came and checked me, then said 'no, your gears are good'... does the gears really matter that much?
Everyone uses the phrase: 'Player's skill > Equip > Race'... then sometimes you see the same person using that quote, but saying certain race cannot be that, or certain impossible-to-get-equip-at-given-level must be obtained before they go look for party... isn't it time to actually understand this phrase as you quote it? If player's skill > all, then accept people with crap gears, no more 'wrong race', 'bad gears', etc please?
Of course, I don't mean I would accept some melee at level 50, wearing beginner racial gears, or mages wearing underlvl gear, when they can get better at a reasonable price. But not picky enough as to say 'You don't have haubergeon, and you are not the best race for the job *kicks*'...and for the job combo, I am open to accept any new idea, such as DRG/RDM, whatever, I would love to see some new idea that work...
JP managed to play the game this far, without having all this elitism, why can't us? If we are always saying we are just as good as they are? Or is our skill so poor, we have to use gears to make up for it? Enjoy the game for what it is, not creating stupid rules over nothing...
I am not saying this because I want to skip some equips, I am using the top gears recommended by people, or most of it already, at my level... minus the CoP rare/ex, as I haven't completed any of my PM yet

Ranting complete... we need a rant forum :spin:
Please don't flame, if you don't agree with me, post something civilized to prove me wrong, not 'you f***ing stupid b****, you suck'... or simply not reply and let this flush to the bottom.
Sorry, and thank you for your time.