See, everything you described, I would classify as a something shitty players do, and not something that "Skillful" players avoid.
If you are a melee, and can't learn to announce your TP periodically, follow skillchains, and control your hate (when appropriate) then you're a Friggin' goon. If you *can* do those things, you shouldn't expect some reward, or expect people to think you have some innate playing ability that makes you cream of the crop.
Don't bother, everything you list is child's play. Don't make it out to be more than it is. It's EASY to do that stuff.
No, I'm saying he's not a member of the video game generation and yet he learned how to party with a sam perfectly in 2 hours. It's not a rag on someone to COMPLIMENT them on breaking something that is in general considered a generational gap.
I suppose that's the biggest difference then. I spend my whole day racking my brain dealing with routers and switches and group policy, then meet with people that I basically think have the IQ of Stephen Hawking. The challenges I meet at work are real, and the people I'm surrounded with take it very seriously. Challenges in the real world change from one day to the next for me. I log into Vanadiel, and largely nothing is different. Another day, same grind. Another day, different BCNM, but my job in it remains largely the same. You'll never hear "For this BCNM, we found that all the melee's needed a mage sub because..."
I'm not saying I don't enjoy FFXI, or think it's not fun... Or even that there's not a lot to learn. There is. I invest all my free time in experimenting with gear and foods. Doing pick up parties with strangers even though I have a static. Sometimes, when I was leveling to 75 the first time, I would PT and suicide off the exp. Why? Because I was curious about other jobs and party configurations at a certain level but couldn't get ahead of my static.
But bottom line... a bad DRK in good equipment that is willing to take feedback ( "Hey, wait for me to give the signal for soul eater, we're going for chain 5 or 6 this round." ) Is infinitely better for your party than a drk in bad equipment, even if he is the best player in the game, even if he needs no guidance.
I mean, christ, every DRG I know thinks it takes skill to set up fuidama and shake off the hate with super jump. That's like.... 2 macros that you will press 9000 times on your way to 75. I'm not ragging on drgs, it's a very similar style to monk except monks can't shake hate in the same way. But to say that's skill? huh? So what if there are 5 other things JUST LIKE THAT for drgs or mnks to do... they are still SIMPLE TASKS.
Do I think it takes skill to play a sam, mnk, dd war, drg, drk? Not anymore than it takes to learn in a day, if you can introduce a new player to the situations that may arise. I applaud that you parse and discuss, I do the same thing. But there's nothing I've learned from doing that that I couldn't have surmised by previous experience.
There are bad players out there. Most of those simply disapear at level 60 though, and after that you are left with melee's that have good gear, and melee's that have bad gear. Pretty much all know how to perform their job correctly (AKA SKILLFULLY!). The game isn't hard, it's just HUGE. Having a zillion things to learn is the fun part of it, but most of it is useless knowledge, with no practical application in the real world or even in game.
If you are a melee, and can't learn to announce your TP periodically, follow skillchains, and control your hate (when appropriate) then you're a Friggin' goon. If you *can* do those things, you shouldn't expect some reward, or expect people to think you have some innate playing ability that makes you cream of the crop.
I could go on with more if you'd like.
I don't understand. Are you saying he's dumb because he's old?
FFXI is the opposite for me than you. You can do a lot of research for FFXI. Do I choose 5acc or 3str when I use sushi? I parser fights and discuss them with others. Honestly, I use more brain power during FFXI than most other places.
I'm not saying I don't enjoy FFXI, or think it's not fun... Or even that there's not a lot to learn. There is. I invest all my free time in experimenting with gear and foods. Doing pick up parties with strangers even though I have a static. Sometimes, when I was leveling to 75 the first time, I would PT and suicide off the exp. Why? Because I was curious about other jobs and party configurations at a certain level but couldn't get ahead of my static.
But bottom line... a bad DRK in good equipment that is willing to take feedback ( "Hey, wait for me to give the signal for soul eater, we're going for chain 5 or 6 this round." ) Is infinitely better for your party than a drk in bad equipment, even if he is the best player in the game, even if he needs no guidance.
I mean, christ, every DRG I know thinks it takes skill to set up fuidama and shake off the hate with super jump. That's like.... 2 macros that you will press 9000 times on your way to 75. I'm not ragging on drgs, it's a very similar style to monk except monks can't shake hate in the same way. But to say that's skill? huh? So what if there are 5 other things JUST LIKE THAT for drgs or mnks to do... they are still SIMPLE TASKS.
Do I think it takes skill to play a sam, mnk, dd war, drg, drk? Not anymore than it takes to learn in a day, if you can introduce a new player to the situations that may arise. I applaud that you parse and discuss, I do the same thing. But there's nothing I've learned from doing that that I couldn't have surmised by previous experience.
There are bad players out there. Most of those simply disapear at level 60 though, and after that you are left with melee's that have good gear, and melee's that have bad gear. Pretty much all know how to perform their job correctly (AKA SKILLFULLY!). The game isn't hard, it's just HUGE. Having a zillion things to learn is the fun part of it, but most of it is useless knowledge, with no practical application in the real world or even in game.